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Mutiny [Community Project]

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Angry Saint said:

I have to say I prefer the old M_DOOM. It really gives a feel of dirt, old, cyberpunk.

The new one is so... post-cyberpunk, too clean.

I would say the same for the INTERPIC.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Ill be honest I preferred the original artwork too, that interpic reminds me of the sky texture and overall dark theme of the maps so far. Map10 is with Noneellama now who is just finishing things off and adding skill modes. There have been a few extra areas added and progression has been revised slightly. Ill help out with map02 if you like

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40oz said:

MAp31: I haven't seen any version of this yet, so I hope something is going on behind the scenes.

Don't worry, I'm plugging away at it. AD dropped his role from the mapslot, so I'm in need of a new co-author but nobody in particular has sprung to mind for me to ask yet Marcaek is helping me get things in order and we should have a map in yr hands sooner or later. Also, a screenshot:

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working on the title pic, let me know what ya'll think.(I'm tired and being retarted edit4 I think were good )

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It reminds me the tecnodroids from Nathan Never.

If you give him/her/whatever some "biomechanical" feature I think it comes out really nice.

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Nice work, mrglide, that looks awesome! :D
I like the tubes coming off his head, and the metal mask on the left side of his face

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ya it's just concept so far, I'd like to know what people like and don't like about it, before I go into finer details like the neck and shoulders (I want to do his neck with lots of cords). I'm wondering if we should lose the fang look and I'm not sold on the little eyes on the left. Or if ya'll like it as is let me know, I'll continue this later on today.

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Great job, Joe! This came out really well! I died a few times already, I think the health might be a little low, but I haven't found all the secrets yet. I'm gonna give it a few more tries.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the map Tarnsman! It's good to see this map finally getting an update! I'll give it a shot this evening.

Just so everyone knows I've been implementing Deathmatch and Cooperative settings into all the maps, and as of now the project is VERY close to finished and we should be seeing an official release candidate for public testing in the next week or two.

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Dang I wish you would have talked to me if you wanted new textures. I don't even know how to run this. Also there's some boom linedef actions in here. This is a limit removing mapset :O

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Mutiny Resource Pack v19a

MAP02: Shipyard

I made an edited version of this map that is in the correct compatibility in case anyone was having the same trouble running it as I was. I updated the resource pack to include the new textures used. Since some of the included textures exceed 128 units high I had to do some hanky 1px wide sectors and floating middle texture stuff to reproduce the look of the map to the best of my ability.

I think the map is a little merciless with the chaingunner usage, I also think it's a little too frantic in the beginning and calms down much later, which I think should be the opposite. I think it could benefit a lot from being very quiet and tame in the beginning so the player has a chance to explore the layout, then hit the player hard with some suburbs-style mobs to flood the main area after the player starts accomplishing goals like collecting keycards and pressing switches. One big fight at the end after the player his that final switch that unlocks the exit will be really fun.

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Christ, I keep forgetting about this.

I'm currently still working on The Brain, however I'm yet again without a partner. I'm gonna pester a couple folks to see if they can help me out - if I don't find anybody by this time tomorrow then I'm gonna ask if anyone here can pair up with me instead. I have some cool ideas for this map and I want to get it done!!

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Fda for Shipyard, Prboom+ cl2. Cool looking and pretty intense. There are a couple of juicy homs when the platform lowers to exit the level. 40oz alreay noted that it has some Boom stuff, which should be converted for limit removing. The secret is impossible to reach because of that. The floating crate with the revenant has some homs but I think that it could be done with some self referecing sectors tricks without using a fake ceiling and floor. Combats were allright for me but some teleporting hitscanners were a bit cheap and could be toned down a little.

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Demo for that map, is an FDA from after the first fight, which I played the other day.

Action seems to slow down a bit after the start, but the 'zerk trap and the Pinchyr trap were cool. RK chaingunner warp-in is pretty mean. I was lucky that basically none of them opened fire immediately. Ending is quite tame compared to the rest of the designed encounters. I was expecting an AV or some PEs with all those rockets. The gray stairs back to the 32-high central ledges could use a texture that is bordered on top; as is they blend in really well with the ledges and it took me a while to notice I could get back up.

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What do you say rdwpa? Maybe pop some extra mancubi in front of the exit at the end to make use of those rockets? Maybe a revenant or two? I felt the steps were a little tough to spot too. I'm sure changing the floor flat to a lighter gray would help a lot.

Great map otherwise. Nice work Tarnsman and Pinchy :)

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The last fight is one of those warp-ins that feels a bit naked because it uses only two (or three, if you count the manc) vectors in such an open space. Compare this to the opening scenario, where there are monsters basically everywhere and on everything. Cinematic caco clusters are often used in warp-ins like this, but I say cinematic, because they aren't threatening at all.

So I think that fight could use more threats (no distant revenants or anything, though):

1) Mixed clusters of low-tiers: hitscanners w/ imps and pinkies.
2) Additional revs, maybe on the crates that are laying around (good way to tie in the scenery with the action).
3) An extra manc or two hanging around the exit (but not necessarily fixed in place to block it).
4) An archvile, if there's a place to introduce it fairly (like not somewhere on the ground where it's very possible to be caught without cover if you don't know it's out there).

I did enjoy the map. The start clusterfuck is my favorite, reminds me of a much lighter version of the beginning of AA's map26 actually.

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I really like it too.

I think an archvile or pain elemental may be a little early for MAP02, I like the idea of hordes of lower tier enemies idea that the player will need to pave through with the rocket launcher to get to the exit, which is followed by a couple extra mancubi. That sounds fun and light for an early map.

Thanks rdwpa

is it okay if I add that in there, Tarnsman?

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry for my english, i'm spanish...

Your monsters are awesome, and I'm making a monster randomizer, and I want insert your monsters to my wad, can I?

Obviouly I will give credits


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  • 2 months later...

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