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Mutiny [Community Project]

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Here's some (very) WIP screenshots of some stuff I'm working on:

MAP01: Surface, with Fonze, and Jimmy

MAP05: Warzone with joe-Ilya

MAP15: The Brain with nxGangrel

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Cool stuff, 40oz! The first screenshot of MAP15 really stands out to me, I can tell that's going to be a difficult one.

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AD_79 said:

Cool stuff, 40oz! The first screenshot of MAP15 really stands out to me, I can tell that's going to be a difficult one.

I'm thinking of making it PLUTONIA hard.

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SuperCupcakeTactics said:

Partners pls respond


Anyone else wanna help?

ERG. I have so many maps to work on but I'd love to help... I've never been so busy. Damn it.

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esselfortium said:

Have you glanced at any of the pictures or information in the thread?

Well I did. It was mostly after I posted that, but what I really meant to do was mention this other Mutiny mod and be curious if there's any inspiration from it, or just name and theme coincidence. Yes, no?

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Nice screens 40oz, particularly like the moodiness in the Ilya collaboration. I wouldn't throw light sources in for the same of it. Depends who large that area extends to and what the player needs to do down there.

Supercupcaketactics, your first 2 screens have too much texture mixing for my taste but the blue area is pretty cool

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well, it looks like I kinda jumped the gun a bit. as soon as I started joining up with SCT life-related things have gotten in the way, and naturally this has completely destroyed my free time. I'm still free to test but I think I will have to pull out of mapping for this project, as I have other projects I'm focusing on right now that I want to dedicate my little free time too :( anybody else want to join up with SCT since I don't think his other buddy has been free either? his map is really unique.

once again I'm very sorry, I have a curse when it comes to mapping projects apparently lol

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The Mutiny Meeting starts in roughly 14 hours from the time of this post. Please join the IRC channel chat room at that time, and/or during the meeting on Friday (details on previous page and linked in the OP). I want to be able to talk to everyone about the progress on their maps and how they feel about how they're doing so far so I can get a clearer idea of what's going on and update the work in progress section of the OP accordingly.

If you cannot make the meeting today or tomorrow, please let me know. If you don't let me know after Friday and do not attend the meeting, ill be taking it as an official resignation from the project!!

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I'm going to try and get in on today's meeting, but failing that ill definitely be able to make a couple of hours of tomorrow's meet.

Just as far as progress goes- 'Breaching the unknown' (believe to be map12) has had multiplayer content added and just needs to be sent to Kev for his approval

Noneellama- map10 is coming along nicely- got a good couple of rooms/battle scenarios added and I have about 3 more stuck in my head that I've not been able to add yet. Do you mind if I keep hold of the map until I've got these down? I should have them in by Monday night- then ill pass it back

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I won't be able to make today's meeting as I am busy around five. I might be able to make tomorrow but I'll let you know if I can't.

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I'm at work, but I'll be on IRC. Of course I won't be able to do any on the spot playtesting or anything, but I can be there for moral support.

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dt_ said:

Noneellama- map10 is coming along nicely- got a good couple of rooms/battle scenarios added and I have about 3 more stuck in my head that I've not been able to add yet. Do you mind if I keep hold of the map until I've got these down? I should have them in by Monday night- then ill pass it back

Sure, I don't mind.

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Thank you everyone who attended the meeting! We had pretty solid attendance from just about everyone save for the people who told me they couldn't make it. I'll arrange some more meetings in the future at more convenient times for those who couldn't make it.

Anyway, after trying peoples WIPs I had thought of an idea which could benefit more coordination with this project, so mappers have a single location to view all the project resources and lumps.

I'm talking about creating an email address and file sharing account on mediafire or dropbox or another file sharing website (whichever is more preferred) and everyone on the team can share the password so that all the maps can be stored collectively in one easily accessible location. This would make of easier for me to oversee people's progress and keep the team in the loop of what's going on.

Before I go ahead and do this? There is a little bit of risk of someone off the team getting a hold of the password and infiltrating the account by uploading their own junk, deleting or tampering with the stuff, or something else pretty dangerous, so unless some other security measures are taken, the files would have to be backed up frequently.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas about how to safely coordinate something like this?

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Only give out the password in pm's. That should be all that's necessary. Those of us who are working on these maps actively will not destroy our own progress (to destroy the whole thing will be to fire yourself and everyone else, just like ole Milton in Office Space burning down the building, except in real life everyone loses their job).

I wouldn't worry about back-ups, each team should have their own back-ups that should never be deleted til this is finished, at least. Never mind that the drop box file is based off a "real" file in someone's computer, so as long as people don't upload then delete their own version, which is borderline insanity, we should never completely lose anything using this method.

Worst case scenario we'll all change our names to Ethan Hunt and go on a troll hunt ;p

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Right, I've finally done something constructive (well, other than play testing the night before last) for this project and emailed TraceofSpades. The ball may be rolling.

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I don't know if you noticed my absense and remembered to sign me off the project, but I'm going to tell you that you can sign me off all mapping collaborations. I'm so unable of doing serious mapping in whole recent years that I don't think I could really help the project. My mapping partners have done practically 100% of work on each "collaboration" I was supposed to participate in - which means that they can easily follow up without me, at least. I'm strangely burnt out of creativity (and maybe motivation) in long term, I just can't be relied upon to work on anything big.

Anyway, to compensate my failure, I'm offering to apply for a playtester. I would operate like that you send me a map and I would write feedback via PM or this thread, no other way than one of these. If you accept me, point me to the maps that need to be reviewed, please.

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This is really great! Can I make music for this project? (exclusively for the project =P)

I think I can do some tracks that fit very well with this kind of atmosphere, and make them consistent as a whole. I can show some examples very soon.

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Looks awesome Angry Saint! Are those screenshots shown with -nomonsters on or are you adding monsters in later?


I'm free from work tomorrow and the next day so I'll probably be updating some things in this project, such as the resource pack. If you've got any texture requests or take issue with the looks of existing textures you want to use (i.e. strange dimensions, coloring, or misalignments or whatever), describe them to me in a Private Message and I'll quick whip them up before I update the resource pack tomorrow.

Also I'm going to get started on creating a Mutiny Dropbox account that will store all the project files in one centralized location. There will be one Mutiny Project account that I will have access to, and a Mutiny Guest account that will have access to the account under certain conditions. This guest account is for people who are part of the project but do not have a dropbox account and aren't interested in making one OR if you have a personal one and aren't interested in associating it with the project. Send me a PM and I'll send you the password so you can access the dropbox guest account to upload your files or download other team members files, or observe other things going on with the project. This will help me oversee the project and keep tabs on peoples' map updates.

If you are interested in mapping for Mutiny, and you like the look of the project, there is plenty room to help with the project! Some mappers are looking for some extra help and guidance, and some members have since dropped out and could use a replacement. Please post in this thread and/or meet up in the Mutiny IRC chatroom (details in the OP) and I'll see how I can get you situated!

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40oz said:

Looks awesome Angry Saint! Are those screenshots shown with -nomonsters on or are you adding monsters in later?

I am adding monsters right now.

Usually I first map and then add monsters, and Corsair seems to do the same.

BTW, Corsair is very busy in this period and is not able to contribute any more to the map. I will try to have a alpha version finished within this week, and then I will ask someone else here to work on it, as I would like to unplug from this map for some time.

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Right, after tomorrow I'm going to effectively be AFK until 15th September, so I'll have to try and contribute further then, as it doesn't look like I'll have anything done before. This is just a not-so-helpful update!

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Vorpal said:

I'm in the market for a partner, either to start a new map or assist with an in-progress one.

scifista and I were supposed to work on map 13 but since he left I need a partner for the level. Would you like to join in?

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