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People Still Use Boom?

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I Thought People Moved On To Stuff Like Zdoom And Stuff.

I For One Mostly Use Zandronum, As It Has Lots Of Compatibility.

Yes I Know, It's Glitched To The Max And All, But Gotta Give It Credit For Being An All In One Source Port.

Anyways, Do You Still Use Boom?

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Enderkevin13 said:

I Thought People Moved On To Stuff Like Zdoom And Stuff.

It's not like ZDoom is inherently better than Doom, just different. Some people like to play the game as it was built without radical changes to the underlying systems.

Enderkevin13 said:

I For One Mostly Use Zandronum, As It Has Lots Of Compatibility.

Yes I Know, It's Glitched To The Max And All, But Gotta Give It Credit For Being An All In One Source Port.

Heh, compatibility and Zandronum in the same sentence? It's far behind (G)ZDoom, and has a whole host of its own compatibility issues on top of (G)ZDoom's compatibility issues.

Not to mention it eats up my CPU time by absurd amounts, and I'm using an i7 @ 3.7Mhz. What the hell is it doing? It does that even in local games, and I can't imagine it actually needing that much for anything, even networking.

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I mainly use it for testing out my classic maps with custom textures and for wads that uses outdated DeHacked patches.

Well, GLBoom + that is

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I only use Boom and MBF when I need to test exact port compatibility. Otherwise their sound quality on DOSBox (which I guess is close to original DOS on SoundBlaster) is too bad to be enjoyable. Otherwise I just use the Eternity engine which contains them all (except for some corner cases).

I generally don't use pure ZDoom; I prefer GZDoom thanks to its 3D graphics engine allowing more features and being slightly more stable graphically.

Most people seem to just use vanilla Doom / Doom+ / Chocolate-Doom, which is alright since they are the real Doom. I use Doom+ since I don't want visplane overflows in untested vanilla PWADs. It's too bad that Chocolate-Doom keeps those limits. The major advantage of the DOS executables is that they're easily portable across all systems that run DOSBox. I can just keep their .EXE files in my dropbox, so I have the same Doom at any computer.

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Not the original DOS Boom, but PrBoom-plus is a great modern port with flexible compatibility levels and demo recording support, faithful to vanilla / Boom / MBF behaviour.

I also use Zandronum for casual playthroughs, but I tend to make maps with vanilla or Boom compatibility in mind, and I test them in the proper intended ports for sure.

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I stopped using BOOM a long time ago when it started to become difficult to run under certain environments (I think that would have been before DOSBox was a thing - or as widely known about). By that time, I'd moved on to Windows based ports for most of my playing anyway. How easy is it to get BOOM working these days? Does it work well enough under DOSBox?

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Sodaholic said:

Heh, compatibility and Zandronum in the same sentence? It's far behind (G)ZDoom, and has a whole host of its own compatibility issues on top of (G)ZDoom's compatibility issues.

Not to mention it eats up my CPU time by absurd amounts, and I'm using an i7 @ 3.7Mhz. What the hell is it doing? It does that even in local games, and I can't imagine it actually needing that much for anything, even networking.

I Mean Like You You Can Run Skulltag Maps On It And Stuff.

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The original Boom works perfectly for me in DOSBox, it's fun to see how things have changed.

I don't multiplayer much any more so Zandronum is worthless to me. It also came about under unusual circumstances and gutted most of the content I actually liked from Skulltag. ZDoom and GZDoom work nicely if a wad depends on them but I prefer the simpler ports or the original/original+ .exes.

Also You Don't Need To Capitalise Every Letter It Looks Stupid.

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I'm using prboom-plus because it's in the Debian repositories and because it's "Just Doom" with a few more editing options.

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I find PrBoom+ useful for testing and demo recording, and GlBoom+ has one of the fastest renderers which is useful for certain maps, but I generally play stuff in ZDoom or GZDoom.

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WeLl YoU nEeD tHe SkUlLtAg FiLeS tO sEe AnY sKuLlTaG cOnTeNt BuT tHeY aRe OnLy ViTaL If ThErE aRe CuStOm DeCoRaTe AcToRs ThAt InHeRiT fRoM OrIgInAl sKuLlTaG-sPeCiFiC dEfEnItIoNs.

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Boom202 is my main port at the moment mostly because I was testing/demoing all the freedoom maps. My main complaint was the mouse control until I figured out a perfect setup. In Boom202 I turn the sensitivity all the way up, then adjust the mouse in dosbox conf. This makes the mouse handle as good or better than other ports.

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I have a modified build of boom for recording multiplayer demos of boom maps, though the only difference is adding some code from crispy doom. PrBoom+ to this day still doesn't have decent netcode.

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BaronOfStuff said:

WeLl YoU nEeD tHe SkUlLtAg FiLeS tO sEe AnY sKuLlTaG cOnTeNt BuT tHeY aRe OnLy ViTaL If ThErE aRe CuStOm DeCoRaTe AcToRs ThAt InHeRiT fRoM OrIgInAl sKuLlTaG-sPeCiFiC dEfEnItIoNs.

SavageCorona said:


Thank You Guys For Also Noticing His Capitalization. I Am Weirded Out By It.

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The biggest userbase for Legacy are probably those Sonic Robo Blast guys.

I don't actually mean that, but it's not really funny enough to be a joke so whatever.

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