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- 5 tiny maps, borderline pointless
- complevel 9
- meant to be pistol started
- UV is not fun or balanced, play on HMP

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FDAs for all your maps, none of which I had the persistence to actually finish. It really got old for me fighting monsters in cramped quarters with no ammo, personally I feel like there could have been a lot less of that.

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Noice! It took me like 10 deaths on MAP04 before spotting the ammo boxes on green flats and textures. Due to some voodoo magic I died meanwhile I picked the berserk but I was still "alive" with 0 health, I could just move but not use or change weapon, and the monsters kept chasing me.

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Here's my first exit/uvmax demos for all five maps. I really need to get into the habit of doing proper fdas instead of mashing quit reflexively when I get killed and walking away from the keyboard. Needless to say these maps took a few attempts to beat, Map 01 taking the most time by far.

Vague thoughts:
- Map01 was by far the hardest for me. It took quite a while before I figured out how to survive the vile trap without getting cornered or accidently unleashing the second. The trigger for the secret here helped me figure out the one for map04 quickly.
- Not quite sure where the arch vile was on MAP02 and how it kept blasting me. Assuming it was behind a wall keeping the mancubus alive until some switch was hit. Got nailed by infinite height cybie splash a fair few times.
- On MAP03 I think I jumped to the BFG slightly early. Didn't seem to make much of a difference though. It also took me quite a while to find the very narrow staircase/ladder to the yellow skull. On the other hand, I accidently backed into the secret area almost immediately.
-Really loved the idea behind MAP04. Got zombified a few times. Also kept failing the strafe jump to yellow for some reason!
-MAP05 felt surprisingly tame and empty when compared to the others. Expected an ambush at the very end that never came. Having the BFG at the start acted as a talisman made me feel secure at all times.

Overall I thought it was an excellent set of levels. I'm a big fan of claustrophobic maps with very limited resources and overwhelming resistance. It felt a bit like swift death in that regard.

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koren said:

I'm a big fan of claustrophobic maps with very limited resources and overwhelming resistance. It felt a bit like swift death in that regard.

that makes two of us! These maps are based on ideas from a very old wad of mine, I made a good amount of stuff like this back before I was really cognizant about doom communities (and thus didn't give a shit about anyone playing maps except myself :p)

I made some uv-max demos too, though yours are better for the most part :D.

On a side note, it's a shame the voodoo behavior is so finnicky and weird. the doll gimmick is a cool way to make RL splash and enemy crossfire hazardous, but feels downright buggy when they die and the player is zombified (is that a complevel specific behavior?)

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I just did a HMP playthrough and I love it. I'm a huge fan of these style of maps: challenging but brief. they are good fun and are also a good way to push one's skill and get better at doom.

I'll probably grind through UV at some point in the future too.

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Ho ho, never thought that I'll actually live to see JibQuest 2, I still remember that music from map01 like if it was yesterday... *shudders*
FDAs for all maps, quite a few deaths overall, but all of them beaten despite me sucking horribly. Don't mind long pauses after deaths on 01, it was just me laughing and trying to calm down before restarting. On subsequent maps I finally managed to get over it.

Not my style, but still interesting in a sense that it lets us understand Ribbiks' modus operandi better when it comes to his vile traps, and also - I admit that - a good training that'd possibly allow to treat this sort of gameplay with more confidence. Liked 05 the most, as it felt the most "normal" of all, and 04 was fun too, I liked the idea (even though open appearance of voodoo dolls has been bugging me ever since Eternal Doom, looks really weird in a bad way, but oh well). So overall - worth checking out to improve survivability in cramped as hell environments with tough as hell dwellers. Thanks for the opportunity!

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Ribbiks said:

(is that a complevel specific behavior?)

Not as far as i know, perhaps it varies between different ports. Fairly interesting insight on your early works. Usualy i don't really appreciate such kinda "fighting in a nutshell" like set-ups but nevertheless 2 & 3 were actually my favorites. Thanks for sharing.

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