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Full body armor sucks


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It looks like something from Halo again. Doom marines armor should be just a vest, helmet, heavy boots and kneepads with everything else being made from cloth. I know they probably make this some kind of an exoskeleton that gives Doomguy superhuman abilities but still IMO full body armor is for sissies.

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Yeah, full body armor sucks, because Doomguy with THESE abilities to rip heads off looks like superhuman. Radiation bla-bla-bla...c'mon! It's Doom!

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I can live with this aesthetic choice as long as the game's good. The old design would look a bit silly for a modern game but on the other hand the old design was more recognizable.

So I guess personally I think the new design looks cooler, but also... more generic. I doubt people will be able to look at the new design and say "that's the Doomguy!" about 10-15 years from now.

At least I think so. We haven't seen a full body shot yet, just arms and the helmet. But I won't lose sleep over the design nonetheless.

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There's only so many ways to make a battle spacesuit, really. Unless you go totally batshit like with some of the really early Doom 3 designs that looked more like tiny mechs.

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Jaxxoon R said:

There's only so many ways to make a battle spacesuit, really. Unless you go totally batshit like with some of the really early Doom 3 designs that looked more like tiny mechs.

...I have actually not seen those, care to share? :O

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I agree, a space marine armor should basically be a khaki bikini with an aviator helmet.

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Orchid87 said:

Maybe this one?

Holy shit, that's pretty awesome and certainly cooler than that lame-ass black-haired nobody you played as Doom 3.

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Orchid87 said:

It looks like something from Halo again. Doom marines armor should be just a vest, helmet, heavy boots and kneepads with everything else being made from cloth. I know they probably make this some kind of an exoskeleton that gives Doomguy superhuman abilities but still IMO full body armor is for sissies.

We don't even know what the character model looks like. Only thing we got to go on is the MP models, and even then I can barely get a grasp on it because too much shits movin around.

Yet another case of commenting on things we haven't seen yet. It's just like people complaining about the level designs being linear. How the hell would you know? You never played it yet!

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Xaero_Four said:

We don't even know what the character model looks like. Only thing we got to go on is the MP models, and even then I can barely get a grasp on it because too much shits movin around.

Yet another case of commenting on things we haven't seen yet. It's just like people complaining about the level designs being linear. How the hell would you know? You never played it yet!

I would advice everyone who thinks the maps are gonna be linear, take a look on my thread since i analyzed the scale of the early shown UAC map.

It is lacking because at the time i didn't know it is possible to jump catwalks but now we know. I may update the drawing a bit now sometime.


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We're going by the first person view of him putting on his helmet?

I can say, this topic wouldn't have come to mind for me. In Doom you pick up generic pieces of armor constantly, it barely makes sense. And that's okay. What the guy looks like isn't a big factor for me either.

He has hands and he holds the guns, that works for me.

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Clonehunter said:

Doomguy should just be naked and should slap demons with his thirteen inch cock of doom.

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Gez said:

I agree, a space marine armor should basically be a khaki bikini with an aviator helmet.

That's genius.

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I prefer full body armour. The other game with marines is Starcraft, and those soldiers do have full body armours, so I wouldn't mind if something like it would be given to Doomguy too. It's appropriate considering the alien climate.

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GoatLord said:

How can you possibly avoid being generic when no one's come up with anything (aesthetically) new in the FPS genre for years?

Eh, they could at least be faithful to their own source material rather than apparently ripping off Crysis or Halo or whatever it is. It just doesn't feel as much like DOOM without the bare forearms and gloves.

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I like the full body armor look a lot more than the half body armor look, it looks a million times better and actually makes you look even more badass.

Also, it looks as though it could actually prevent death.

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I'd prefer the Doom games to be unapollogetically brutal and badass, not Halo ripoffs.

They should be like a 90s action flick in space, not like a wannabe realistic scifi story-driven shooter.

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