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Sunlust + Summer of '69 demos [-complevel 9]

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Hey, guys. Just joined.


Here's the very first demo I ever recorded. It's of Sunlust map 32 UV max in 3:03.


Could have been better, but I mainly wanted to show off a consistent strat for the archie horde. I bungle it a bit, but the rest turned out fairly standard. The loop is as follows: switch, right wall, when archie wall almost lowered ball into wall, move as cloesely to archies as possible to tracer them, ball and tracers into horde, back off behind right wall b4 zapped, prophylactic shot parallel to opening where archies come from, ball into wall, tracers into horde, ball and tracers into horde etc etc.


Often times there's a bit of improv, but the gist is to be as aggressive as you can and once you get the hang of it you'll get pretty close to 100 % consistency. Plust the strat is fairly generous towards mistakes and meme occurences as the demo shows.


Cheers :)




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On 7/15/2022 at 6:48 AM, MrZebub said:

Hey, FYi, if you want this demo on DSDA, please add a txt with following info:

PWAD: something.wad
PWAD Name: Name
Map: ##
Skill: 4
Category: UV-Max
Exe: DSDA-Doom #.##.# complevel ##
Recorded on: Date
Time: #:##
Author: player_name


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