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Slade and Quake wads?

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I can open a Quake WAD2 file, can save it, and it stays as WAD2. I can rename lumps and I can copy/paste lumps and they stay as Quake Gfx.

How do I convert an image to "Quake Gfx" or "Quake Texture" with Slade? Is it possible?

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I guess yes you can, do it the same way you convert any DOOM Gfx .
I Dunno if Quake is available in the palette list though .

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There is no code to write images in Quake's formats, so no you cannot at the moment convert images to these formats.

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Aww, I hope it's going to change. All the Quake wad editors are so outdated, that pretty much none of them can load multiple files at once, mousewheel isn't working, open file dialogs are small and unresizable. So annoying to load new graphics into a wad, all one by one. "F2" to rename file isn't there, "Delete" to delete a lump isn't there. Impossible to select multiple lumps (for delete, etc) isn't there.

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Quake Wads are basically packages that contain a set of textures for the mapper to use in a certian editor that supports quake (I.E Jackhammer, Trenchbroom GTK Radiant).

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XWE is unable to load new lumps into a WAD2. The menu options are greyed.

Well, I took a look at the Quake Gfx and Doom Gfx with hex editor and they're both like RAW images with some stuff in the beginning saying how big the image is. Quake Gfx are exactly like this. Doom Gfx have some more stuff at the beginning and the image color data look kind of weird.

Don't which is faster, to use hex editor on RAW images, then load with Slade, or to use crappy Quake wad editors. Too bad Paint Shop Pro can't save anything meaningful into the RAW image header, if it could, I could save the images directly into the right format.

Breezeep: they also have the HUD graphics. Wally could load the level textures ok, but it can't do anything with the other Gfx.

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I used Wally to convert image lists into Quake textures to be shipped into wads. Look for Wally.

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Breezeep said:

Quake Wads are basically packages that contain a set of textures for the mapper to use in a certian editor that supports quake .

Glad you noticed .

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