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How can I prevent player from getting stuck at these areas? I use Boom format.

One simple way that I tried, was to draw smooth impassable linedefs near that middletexture, but it felt a bit odd and didn't work too well.

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Lore said:

How can I prevent player from getting stuck at these areas? I use Boom format.

With a self-referencing sector. Self-referencing sectors are invisible, but the player can interact with them physically. First, create a thin sector in front of the railing, not touching anything, thus:

       /                        /
      /  +------------------+  /
     /  /                  /  /
    /  +------------------+  /
   /                        /
  /                        /
 /                        /
Raise the sector's floor to match the height of the railing (looks like 32 units), to act as a barrier. Make sure that no linedefs (not even the railing itself) are impassible - there's no need for impassible linedefs with this new barrier in place. Make a note of the sector number of this raised sector. Now, select each linedef of the new sector, go into sidedef properties, and set the sector numbers of both sidedefs to the inner (raised) sector.

The sector should be invisible in the game, and prevent the player from crossing the railing from the lower sector, but can be jumped over (or on to) from above.

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An alternative is to use action 242 (Create Fake Ceiling & Floor).


You have your rail (R's), sandwiched by two very thin sectors (actually, since your rail is on a ledge, you only need one, on the upper area) that are 32 map-units higher than the surrounding ground (don't worry about giving them textures). Tag the thin sectors n. Create a dummy sector outside the map and give it the floor and ceiling height of the surrounding ground and sky. Apply action 242 to any of the lines of the dummy sector and give it tag n, and the raised sector around the rail will be drawn at the ground sector's height in-game, making it invisible. Leave the rail passable ofc.

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Cool tricks, thanks! However with first way I can't shoot through railing anymore and with second trick, projectiles disappear when they hit that fake ceiling thing.

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Make the linedef with the railing orthogonal (vertical or horizontal in top-down view). Only non-orthogonal impassable midtextures make the player stuck (in ports that don't improve collision detection, like ZDoom does). Orthogonal impassable lines should be mostly fine when collided with.

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This black shadow enemy looks fine in software renderer, but GZdoom displays the sprites as white stencil instead. (I also use actors rendered as stencils of other colors and they all share the same issue)


Actor Depression 20008
  Health 75
  Radius 32
  Height 56
  Mass 100
  Speed 30
  PainChance 0
  SeeSound "grunt/sight"
  PainSound "grunt/pain"
  DeathSound "grunt/death"
  ActiveSound "grunt/active"
  MeleeSound "grunt/stop"
  RenderStyle Stencil
  StencilColor "Black"
  Alpha 0.2
  Obituary "You've been sliced into small depressed pieces."
    RIFL A 10 A_Look
    RIFL B 3 A_Chase
	RIFL B 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
	RIFL C 3 A_Chase
	RIFL C 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
	RIFL D 3 A_Chase
	RIFL D 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
	RIFL E 3 A_Chase
	RIFL E 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    RIFL F 10 A_FaceTarget
	RIFL F 0 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    RIFL G 10 Bright A_CustomMissile("CombatRazor",32,8)
	RIFL F 0 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    RIFL F 10 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    Goto See
    RIFL H 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    RIFL H 3 A_Pain
    Goto See
    RIFL I 5 A_Scream
    RIFL J 5 A_NoBlocking
    TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
    TNT1 A 0

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Can I make a door that can be shot through when closed, and if so, how? I want to implement MGS2-esque lockers in my deathmatch maps to allow players to hide in, but don't protect them from gunfire. I could just use a middle texture on both sides, but I would like to have players have to actually open them to see inside if possible.

RaphaelMode said:

This black shadow enemy looks fine in software renderer, but GZdoom displays the sprites as white stencil instead. (I also use actors rendered as stencils of other colors and they all share the same issue)


Actor Depression 20008
  Health 75
  Radius 32
  Height 56
  Mass 100
  Speed 30
  PainChance 0
  SeeSound "grunt/sight"
  PainSound "grunt/pain"
  DeathSound "grunt/death"
  ActiveSound "grunt/active"
  MeleeSound "grunt/stop"
  RenderStyle Stencil
  StencilColor "Black"
  Alpha 0.2
  Obituary "You've been sliced into small depressed pieces."
    RIFL A 10 A_Look
    RIFL B 3 A_Chase
	RIFL B 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
	RIFL C 3 A_Chase
	RIFL C 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
	RIFL D 3 A_Chase
	RIFL D 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
	RIFL E 3 A_Chase
	RIFL E 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    RIFL F 10 A_FaceTarget
	RIFL F 0 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    RIFL G 10 Bright A_CustomMissile("CombatRazor",32,8)
	RIFL F 0 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    RIFL F 10 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    Goto See
    RIFL H 3 A_SpawnItem("DepressionTrail")
    RIFL H 3 A_Pain
    Goto See
    RIFL I 5 A_Scream
    RIFL J 5 A_NoBlocking
    TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
	TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("DepressionTrail",0,0,0,Random(-8,8),Random(-8,8),Random(0,16))
    TNT1 A 0

It might not be an issue with your DECORATE monster. In GZDoom, go through your Display Options, OpenGL Options, Preferences and try playing with 'Fuzz Style'

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LanHikariDS said:

Can I make a door that can be shot through when closed, and if so, how? I want to implement MGS2-esque lockers in my deathmatch maps to allow players to hide in, but don't protect them from gunfire. I could just use a middle texture on both sides, but I would like to have players have to actually open them to see inside if possible.

It might not be an issue with your DECORATE monster. In GZDoom, go through your Display Options, OpenGL Options, Preferences and try playing with 'Fuzz Style'

Assuming you're using ZDoom, then yes. You could write a script that makes use of SetLineBlocking to prevent the player/monsters walking through, and scroll the texture(s) vertically. It would be a bit fiddly but certainly possible. Oh, and don't forget to play the door sound.

The only issue I can see with this method would be that projectiles can pass through, but this could be prevented by making a DECORATE object that is activatable / deactivatable by ACS which blocks the path (similar to a tree object) - hitscans go through, projectiles do not.

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Or wouldn't it we better and less fiddy to just use 3d Middle Texture flag and make the ceiling rise by the amount equaling the texture height and delay and go back down by the same amount? Even easier option, make it a lift instead, join it with a control sector that lets the lift lower to the correct level and you don't even need ACS.

This could even work in vanilla, if the ceiling is low enough. Make it a self-referencing sector but make it only raised just a bit more than 56 units above ceiling. Player can pass but not shoot. Here, I'm a genius.

LanHikariDS said:

It might not be an issue with your DECORATE monster. In GZDoom, go through your Display Options, OpenGL Options, Preferences and try playing with 'Fuzz Style'

I use "stencil" render, so "fuzz" has nothing to do with it and the issue remains unsolved.

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Cyberdemon531 said:

Anyone know of any good image editors for recoloring? I'm trying to make a icy version of WFALL.

Try SLADE3's "Graphic -> Color Remap", which is ideal for working with paletted graphics, or "Colourise / Tint", which suffice for basic work with truecolor graphics.

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RaphaelMode said:

Or wouldn't it we better and less fiddy to just use 3d Middle Texture flag and make the ceiling rise by the amount equaling the texture height and delay and go back down by the same amount?

That seems a better solution, yes.

RaphaelMode said:

Even easier option, make it a lift instead, join it with a control sector that lets the lift lower to the correct level and you don't even need ACS.

This doesn't seem as good of a solution unless I've gotten confused, as this would prevent the player shooting through? I may be misunderstanding though.

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Dragonfly said:

This doesn't seem as good of a solution unless I've gotten confused, as this would prevent the player shooting through? I may be misunderstanding though.

A is the lower unpegged middle texture.

B is the self-referencing sector.

One character = 8 units, so the closet is 64 units in ths example and the lift sector is only 16 units above ground. 64-16=48 so player cannot pass but can shoot. The lift is in a hole so both blocking sector & middle texture will go down.

If no one knows what can cause my problem is I think i'm just gonna ditch all stencils and replace them with separate images. An image may speak more than a thousand words but not when the average word is 6 characters long and the image is 8 bit and no bigger than 72x72 in dimensions.

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RaphaelMode said:

If no one knows what can cause my problem is I think i'm just gonna ditch all stencils and replace them with separate images. An image may speak more than a thousand words but not when the average word is 6 characters long and the image is 8 bit and no bigger than 72x72 in dimensions.

Seems to me like something is wrong on your machine or version of GZDoom, because when I try it works fine.

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Using GZDoomBuilder in UDMF format.

When using slopes there are walls classified as non textured and the map Analysis mode has a fuss, suggesting it is an issue. In game it all works out as planned and the lack of texture is only shown when toggling 3D mode off within the Editor.

My question is Other than causing Map Analysis mode to be more tedious, should I be concerned of any issues? I suspect I will have a fair number of Slopes by the time I've completed with the wad.

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Lacking a texture isn't going to make your map explode. GZDoom also tends to do this thing where it fills the sector's slope over any of its lines that lack textures, meaning if you have a slope that just barely doesn't match up to the floor by a tiny bit its better to leave the sidedef untextured so it looks fine ingame.

But having perfectly okay sectors being flagged like that is pretty annoying, so I guess you'd be well off to head over to the Zdoom thread and complain to MaxED about it.

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riki2321 said:

why do doom uses bmp pictures and why do png files bloat the filesize so much :/

Because Doom is an old game. Because PNGs are lossless and support alpha transparencies, although at larger sizes they are far smaller than bitmaps. Best get PNGCrush and PNGOut for Slade 3 to use to optimize them. If you really want to have a large image without any transparent bits and you're using something like Zdoom you can just convert them to JPEG and they'd be smaller still.

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riki2321 said:

why do doom uses bmp pictures

Doom doesn't use BMP. In a funny twist (although very intentionally), no major source-port adds support for BMP either.

riki2321 said:

why do png files bloat the filesize so much :/

PNG is a compressed lossless format. Perfect for images that cannot be properly compensated for by lossy compression algorithms either due to size or just otherwise jarring differences in pixels. It'll always be bigger than JPEG which only stores a rough approximation of the image, which is close enough for photos but pretty bad for pixel art.

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How to make the kill item secret counters display as specific numbers (Heretic) instaed of percentages?! Nowhere I saw documented what it depends on in ZDoom.

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RaphaelMode said:

How to make the kill item secret counters display as specific numbers (Heretic) instaed of percentages?! Nowhere I saw documented what it depends on in ZDoom.

It's the wi_percents CVAR.

It's not an editing feature, you cannot set wi_percents from a mod.

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Can't get WXE working on my PC. TOo many error codes to described such as out of bounds?

What is the best replacement? I need too..

1. Add monsters from Realm667
2. Add in sky textures from Doom 1 into my Doom 2 file to use for my levels.

EDIT: I just ran it in XP mode, seems to work "better" still isn't doing what I want it too. Not sure if I am doing things right

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does prboom can run MP3 files?????

scifista42 said:

Forget about outdated and critically buggy XWE and use SLADE3 instead.



off-topic, i found this while searching slade3

its on idgames lmao

anyways i use slade3 totally recommend it

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riki2321 said:

does prboom can run MP3 files?????

It's supposed to, though I haven't got it working on my end. OGG files work, though. They're also smaller in file size!

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AD_79 said:

It's supposed to, though I haven't got it working on my end. OGG files work, though. They're also smaller in file size!

Thanks. Other question, How to make invisible bridges in PrBoom?

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Hello everyone,

Just a quick (hopefully) question. How does one go about replacing the graphics for the punching and the face on the status bar?

I'm using Slade if it helps.

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Put your replacement graphics into your wad and give them the same names as the respective graphics in the IWAD (so that your graphics will override the IWAD ones). The fist weapon graphics (PUNG*) are actually sprites, so they need to be placed between sprite markers - put an empty S_END lump behind them (and optionally SS_START before them), that should do the trick. The status bar face graphics (STF*) are not sprites, but just hud graphics, so they shouldn't be between any special markers.

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