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7 hours ago, A.H. Sankhatayan said:

I'm making a Boom map, and I want block a player teleport destination for a some time. I tried to lower the ceiling and have it raise later, but it teleports you anyway. Is there actually any way to block it? 

You can't block destination for the player. You'll have to block the teleporting line instead.

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7 hours ago, A.H. Sankhatayan said:

I'm making a Boom map, and I want block a player teleport destination for a some time. I tried to lower the ceiling and have it raise later, but it teleports you anyway. Is there actually any way to block it? 


In Boom it's not possible to block the destination with either sector height or things. However, if you're willing to do some DeHacked stuff, here's an article which might help you out. Basically you'd create a teleport destination that can be pushed off the sector it's in, therefore altering the teleporting behavior. For your case, I'd assume you can have the teleport be on the sector next to the actual location, and when desired you'd just push the destination on the tagged sector and it should work (haven't tried this myself, but I don't see why it wouldn't work :P)

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9 minutes ago, A2Rob said:

Does PrBoom not display obituaries?

Indeed, it doesn't! Obits are not a feature of the original game; it's something extra that was added by ports mostly for deathmatch and then generalized to PVE.

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Hey everyone: What's the best "Vanilla" format for a Doom 2 map?


I'm making an 8-wad episode to replace the first eight levels of Doom II and i want to use just stock textures and features. I'm going with UDMF GZDoom for Doom II, is that good? What would you recommend?

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If you want vanilla, the way it is usually understood around here, you need to stick with the Doom format for Doom. UDMF GZDoom adds plenty of additional mapping features which allow you to stray very far from vanilla...

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4 hours ago, PeterMoro said:

Hey everyone: What's the best "Vanilla" format for a Doom 2 map?


I'm making an 8-wad episode to replace the first eight levels of Doom II and i want to use just stock textures and features. I'm going with UDMF GZDoom for Doom II, is that good? What would you recommend?

I'd love to see you make something in Boom format, myself.

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4 hours ago, Gez said:

If you want vanilla, the way it is usually understood around here, you need to stick with the Doom format for Doom. UDMF GZDoom adds plenty of additional mapping features which allow you to stray very far from vanilla...

Right. That makes sense I suppose. Hmmm guess I'll mke the maps in Doom: Doom II format.

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1 hour ago, VanaheimRanger said:

I'd love to see you make something in Boom format, myself.

Thanks for the vote of confidence :) I'll look into Boom formnat - never tried it myself. It might be the way to go. 

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Boom is a comfy middleground. It's vanilla-like but has a lot more features, makes transitioning backwards from UDMF -> Vanilla a little easier, to be honest.

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I am going to ask this again because I never got a answer. Using GZDoom as a source launcher.


1.  How can I add a item or script from said item that increases the characters maximum health by 10 without giving him full health?


2.  Are there issues with using art assets from other games like Duke Nukem/Hexen/Doom64 ect?  I see a lot of these in other wads and I am not sure if that is a big nono.  Follow up; does recoloring them free you from this?  I sworn i have seen other game assets in the official doom mods on console.


3.  How big of a WAD is too big in terms of performance.  I added over 50 different monsters with no issues or slowdowns.  Is there a soft cap to this?  I do have a single WAD that uses EVERY texture and monster from Realm667 and it crawls.



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1 hour ago, Zemini said:

1.  How can I add a item or script from said item that increases the characters maximum health by 10 without giving him full health?

Maybe save the current health in a variable and then set the player's health back to it after increasing maximum health?

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1. See above

2. You're distributing copyrighted files so it is loosely frowned upon, yet everyone does it so go ahead I guess - just be sure to very clearly state the sources of the files used in your .txt file.

3. no caps or limits. HOWEVER, a wad with 50 different monsters sounds like an incohesive mess and might not make for an appealing wad to play. In addition to this some may be turned away by the bloated file size, or have a worse computer than yourself. It's generally a "do what you want" situation though.

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3 hours ago, Albertoni said:

Maybe save the current health in a variable and then set the player's health back to it after increasing maximum health?


That is what I am trying to do but it is not working.  I wish I knew how to script better.

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15 hours ago, Zemini said:

That is what I am trying to do but it is not working.

Be more helpful if you showed what you're trying to do, I'd use a CustomInventory item to run a script to store current player health in a variable and give player a Health Upgrade item then set player health back to the one stored in that variable.

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16 hours ago, Zemini said:


That is what I am trying to do but it is not working.  I wish I knew how to script better.

Send us what code you got even if it doesn't work, and someone can look at it and figure out what's wrong

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7 hours ago, sluggard said:

Be more helpful if you showed what you're trying to do, I'd use a CustomInventory item to run a script to store current player health in a variable and give player a Health Upgrade item then set player health back to the one stored in that variable.


Do I run the script within the decorate file itself?  Do you know the language well enough to give me a start on it?  I would appreciate, thanks.

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Yeah, but in vanilla, a secret exit on another level than MAP15 or MAP31 gives funky results such as looping back to the level you just quitted.

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Somewhere in the future I will need to change "You need a blue skull to open this door" message, which seems to be covered in DeHackEd, but gzDoom seems to have "You need a blue skull to activate this object" message in the same situation. What should I look into to change that as well.

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The "open this door" messages are for local doors (DR/D1), the "activate this object" ones are for remote doors (SR/S1). Both are covered by DeHackEd.

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12 minutes ago, Gez said:

The "open this door" messages are for local doors (DR/D1), the "activate this object" ones are for remote doors (SR/S1). Both are covered by DeHackEd.

In this particular instance, gzDoom seems to think keyed walkable line is a switch (Makes sense) while Boom thinks it's a door. I didn't find "You need Blue Skull to activate this object" in DeHackEd listing so I'm assuming Boom considers all custom locked door actions that discriminate between card and skull to be doors.

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Seems like that's indeed a ZDoom extension to Boom's extension.


The BEX-style mnemonics for that message is PD_BLUESO.

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I came across something I've never seen up until now when making a map. I simply created a hole in the floor, but when you get close to the textured walls, they started wobbling strangely and when you hug the wall and move your mouse, this happens.



The map is in Boom format, and the same thing happens both in PrBoom+ and Gzdoom.

Any idea what is going on?

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I can think of a few possible causes, @A.H. Sankhatayan. Could you post the map, no matter how many missing textures and whatever it has, so we can at least see the geometry? That'd help a lot, instead of trying to make you fix bugs that might not exist.

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7 hours ago, Albertoni said:

I can think of a few possible causes, @A.H. Sankhatayan. Could you post the map, no matter how many missing textures and whatever it has, so we can at least see the geometry? That'd help a lot, instead of trying to make you fix bugs that might not exist.

Here. I put the start right where it happens in the map. But it seem to happen to all walls created after a certain point. 

weird map bug i dunno.7z

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5 hours ago, A.H. Sankhatayan said:

Here. I put the start right where it happens in the map. But it seem to happen to all walls created after a certain point. 

weird map bug i dunno.7z

Oh dear, that stumped me. I have absolutely no idea why your walls aren't properly blocking you from getting too close to them. Considering it happens on two very different ports, my guess would be that the node compiler is doing something wrong. You should create a new thread to get more attention, because this bug you have is very very weird.


One thing I can tell you though, break those very long walls into smaller pieces because of this:


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Since i have been out of the level building scene, is GZDoom Builder still the best level builder?  I have heard of Ultimate Doom Builder.  What is the best in your opinion?

Edited by Zemini

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UDB is the continuation of GZDB-Bugfix, which is the continuation of GZDB. That said, UDB moved from DirectX to OpenGL so there are some low-end computers that can't run it, in which case you're better off staying with GZDB-BF.

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