ipecacodemon Posted December 7, 2022 (edited) Well I'm already back here with a completely unrelated but certainly doomier question: Do Boom and MBF handle/implement A_CheckReload differently than vanilla? I was messing around with DeHacked trying to make a silly pistol that would shoot lots of times per cycle without going to negative ammo by calling CheckReload in between FirePistol frames, but it wasn't working as expected. Then I decided to look it up and landed on a bunch of different posts by SciFista including this one and decided to download his patch, try it out and see what he did differently from me. Except that one doesn't work either if playing with cl 9 or 11. It does work fine with cl 2, and so I went back to what I had done and found that mine also worked with cl 2. I'm aware the whole issue can be bypassed by tweaking ammo drops accordingly, but it seems kinda weird that this is the case. Does anyone know what's up? +EDIT: all testing with PrBoom+ Edited December 7, 2022 by ipecacodemon clarification 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Edward850 Posted December 7, 2022 Indeed it did change in Boom: https://github.com/superna9999/prboom-plus/blob/537a9b81357cfff3750aba8c8af765c673b2b7f6/src/p_pspr.c#L402 void A_CheckReload(player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp) { CHECK_WEAPON_CODEPOINTER("A_CheckReload", player); if (!P_CheckAmmo(player) && compatibility_level >= prboom_4_compatibility) { /* cph 2002/08/08 - In old Doom, P_CheckAmmo would start the weapon lowering * immediately. This was lost in Boom when the weapon switching logic was * rewritten. But we must tell Doom that we don't need to complete the * reload frames for the weapon here. G_BuildTiccmd will set ->pendingweapon * for us later on. */ P_SetPsprite(player,ps_weapon,weaponinfo[player->readyweapon].downstate); } } 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ipecacodemon Posted December 7, 2022 I take it the only two options are stick to cl2 or manage it from ammo pickups and total instead? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted December 7, 2022 Are there alternatives to A_Chase in Dehacked and MBF21? Or this is the only way monsters will ever move? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
poisonhead Posted December 8, 2022 (edited) I'm struggling with a few pictures I'm trying to make into textures and came up with this stupid question that I'm ashamed of: is it possible to somehow kinda like compress the light levels of a image? I mean, I got this picture but due to less than perfect camera and lighting conditions one side is darker than the other. (now I realize I got zillion pics like that) What I'd like to do is to somehow make the light levels match, a bit like flatten the picture or something? I'm very unfamiliar with terms due to being stupid foreigner who hasn't studied english and arts enough. I'm using PSP 7.00 but open to suggestions if there's better (and free! I'm very poor) software for this function? Or ways to do it in PSP? I'm self taught and don't really know how to use everything. Also, is there any software that would try to make two different pictures' light (maybe color levels too) match? Currently have a nice set of stone pics but the color and light levels differ more than I'd like. Whatabout is it possible to have some software help when hoping to fuse two pictures together? I know there are programs to help make repeating textures but what if I'd like texture A to continue into texture B? It's just so much manual work that little help wouldn't kill. Will practically all common source ports support textures which aren't sized like 64x128, 128x128 etc? (without tutti frutti) A few are just hard to make into it. I'm ATM doing a few 90x128 stone textures. How many linedefs and sidedefs can you have when mapping for Boom in UDB without running into problems? I had to start to tear my work-in-progress map into pieces because all functions ceased to work. Now I'm making much smaller map but already for one reason or another at least some of the walking triggers don't do anything and also I had trouble with some sidedefs working at all. Whatabout texture wad, mine's over 30MB and that's strictly vanilla compatible stuff with the exception of the size of a few textures. How big can it get when doing stuff for vanilla? Howabout Boom? And the question I should've asked when I begun...is there a way to put the textures (and maybe flats too?) to categories? I also already once asked without result that also is there a way to not-see Doom II default textures and flats? (when browsing in UDB) Currently it's a MESS and I could do better texture selections if I didn't have to browse through thousands textures. I think some wad (for ZDoom or some port) had "/category" style entries, would that approach work without killing vanilla compatibility? I've seen _so_ much trouble with palette and resolution restrictions that I wanna try to keep my resource wad vanilla friendly. I might even release it someday if I could get it sorted. Sorry for being really friggin' tired, hungry and stoned besides a foreigner so that's why this post is a mess... Edited December 8, 2022 by poisonhead 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted December 8, 2022 (edited) On 12/7/2022 at 6:42 PM, ViolentBeetle said: Are there alternatives to A_Chase in Dehacked and MBF21? Or this is the only way monsters will ever move? Expand Technically there's A_VileChase, and its genericized MBF21 variant A_HealChase. But using those will result in monsters getting resurrected, so that's not necessarily helpful. Oh, and there's A_SkullAttack, too. Again, probably not helpful. Edited December 8, 2022 by Gez 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted December 8, 2022 On 12/8/2022 at 1:41 PM, poisonhead said: I'm struggling with a few pictures I'm trying to make into textures and came up with this stupid question that I'm ashamed of: is it possible to somehow kinda like compress the light levels of a image? I mean, I got this picture but due to less than perfect camera and lighting conditions one side is darker than the other. (now I realize I got zillion pics like that) What I'd like to do is to somehow make the light levels match, a bit like flatten the picture or something? I'm very unfamiliar with terms due to being stupid foreigner who hasn't studied english and arts enough. I'm using PSP 7.00 but open to suggestions if there's better (and free! I'm very poor) software for this function? Or ways to do it in PSP? I'm self taught and don't really know how to use everything. Also, is there any software that would try to make two different pictures' light (maybe color levels too) match? Currently have a nice set of stone pics but the color and light levels differ more than I'd like. Whatabout is it possible to have some software help when hoping to fuse two pictures together? I know there are programs to help make repeating textures but what if I'd like texture A to continue into texture B? It's just so much manual work that little help wouldn't kill. Expand I had the same problem and I used Paint.NET (Also free) to put different parts on different layers and adjust darker part's brightness IIRC. There may be an easier way. On 12/8/2022 at 1:41 PM, poisonhead said: Will practically all common source ports support textures which aren't sized like 64x128, 128x128 etc? (without tutti frutti) A few are just hard to make into it. I'm ATM doing a few 90x128 stone textures. Expand Pretty much most of them can handle height different from 128, but most renderers require width to be a power 2 (8, 16, 32, 64 etc). gzDoom won't be a problem, others would. On 12/8/2022 at 1:41 PM, poisonhead said: How many linedefs and sidedefs can you have when mapping for Boom in UDB without running into problems? I had to start to tear my work-in-progress map into pieces because all functions ceased to work. Now I'm making much smaller map but already for one reason or another at least some of the walking triggers don't do anything and also I had trouble with some sidedefs working at all. Expand I think it will cap at 32768 but I'm not sure. I don't know about file size limits, probably shouldn't be a problem. There's a way to make and import a config file in UDB to categorize textures by name. I was told it's easier now but I can't find it right now. Someone else please help. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
erkyp3rky Posted December 10, 2022 how would i go about creating a platform/elevator with multiple differing floor heights? im using UDMF and im aware of the "lower/raise by value" command, but the issue with that command is it is easily abused by multi-use switches. so say i have an elevator with crates of varying heights on it. i use the "lower by value" command on the switch on the bottom floor so you can call the elevator. it has to be multi use because if the player finds their way down there again theyll be trapped. except... if the player uses the switch twice in a row, itll break the geometry by lowering the elevator lower into the floor. lets say i use "lower to nearest/lowest floor" instead. now the switch cant be abused, but the crates on my elevator will lower into the floor. now what? im very poor at wording things so if anything needs to be explained or if you want diagrams let me know : D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted December 10, 2022 On 12/10/2022 at 11:30 AM, erkyp3rky said: how would i go about creating a platform/elevator with multiple differing floor heights? im using UDMF and im aware of the "lower/raise by value" command, but the issue with that command is it is easily abused by multi-use switches. so say i have an elevator with crates of varying heights on it. i use the "lower by value" command on the switch on the bottom floor so you can call the elevator. it has to be multi use because if the player finds their way down there again theyll be trapped. except... if the player uses the switch twice in a row, itll break the geometry by lowering the elevator lower into the floor. lets say i use "lower to nearest/lowest floor" instead. now the switch cant be abused, but the crates on my elevator will lower into the floor. now what? im very poor at wording things so if anything needs to be explained or if you want diagrams let me know : D Expand The best for this kind of things is to use a script so you can apply conditions. Something like: if (GetSectorFloorZ(tag, 0, 0) > 128) { Floor_LowerByValue(tag, 128, 8); } else { PlaySound(tid, "computer/fail"); } (The sound part is just to give feedback to the player that the switch does nothing. It's not a sound name that exists by default, though.) https://zdoom.org/wiki/ACS_Execute https://zdoom.org/wiki/Floor_LowerByValue https://zdoom.org/wiki/PlaySound 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheHambourgeois Posted December 11, 2022 ZDoom question, but am I interpreting correctly that Thing_Raise requires a raise state to be defined? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted December 11, 2022 On 12/11/2022 at 1:26 PM, TheHambourgeois said: ZDoom question, but am I interpreting correctly that Thing_Raise requires a raise state to be defined? Expand Yes. "Resurrects the specified thing like an archvile does." "The Archvile can only resurrect an actor if they have a Raise state in their actor definition." 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheHambourgeois Posted December 14, 2022 another quick question. Hexen frost shards spawn mostly in this shape: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + am I correct in interpreting the wiki that this is, from first to last, the spawn order?: 4 4 3 4 2 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 2 4 3 4 4 this is not that important, I am not trying to fully replicate it I just want to see if I understand it and simulate the pattern on a custom enemy 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted December 14, 2022 Yes, that fits the description on the wiki and a cursory glance at the code in Hexen (they had... interesting... variable names in those functions) also matches this behavior. There are three generations of projectiles that spawn from the first, those that are spawned to the left or to the right will only spawn further in the same direction, while those that are spawned to the top or the bottom will alternate between spawning only in their same direction and spawning also to the sides. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted December 19, 2022 I'm modding my own monsters and I'd like to know what angle do mancubus fireballs fly at? I can't find a reliable answer and I can't read the code either. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomy__Doom Posted December 19, 2022 On 12/19/2022 at 8:45 PM, ViolentBeetle said: I'm modding my own monsters and I'd like to know what angle do mancubus fireballs fly at? I can't find a reliable answer and I can't read the code either. Expand 12:09, in case timestamp didn't work 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kain D. Posted December 20, 2022 On 12/7/2022 at 3:06 PM, ipecacodemon said: I take it the only two options are stick to cl2 or manage it from ammo pickups and total instead? Expand You can also put somewhere FireCGun state. AFAIK it requires 0 lenght duration to work properly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hans Grosse Posted December 23, 2022 What is the type of sprite you see when holding a weapon called 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kyka Posted December 24, 2022 random question - not exactly editing, but something that has intrigued me for quite some time. If you type in IDC;EV into GZDoom, it lowers the camera view in first person. Type it again, and it restores the original camera height. Can anyone tell me why that is? (I discovered this by accident, when I would type 'idclev' but with a typo, and it took me a long time to work out which permutation of letters gave me the lowered camera result.) Thank you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomy__Doom Posted December 24, 2022 On 12/24/2022 at 3:08 PM, Kyka said: If you type in IDC;EV into GZDoom, it lowers the camera view in first person. Type it again, and it restores the original camera height. Expand I guess that ; is bound to "Toggle Crouch". 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kyka Posted December 24, 2022 (edited) On 12/24/2022 at 3:23 PM, Doomy__Doom said: I guess that ; is bound to "Toggle Crouch". Expand Definitely a good suggestion. The camera only lowers upon completing the entire phrase "IDC;EV" though, so upon rechecking, "V" is bound to crouch. I had assumed that IEC;EV was some weird console command or something, but in fact it turns out to be much more mundane. Ok now I feel silly. Well done. I'll see myself out. Edited December 24, 2022 by Kyka 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted December 24, 2022 On 12/23/2022 at 9:54 PM, Hans Grosse said: What is the type of sprite you see when holding a weapon called Expand In general? Terms like "HUD sprite" or "view sprite". Technically they are called "psprites" in the code. I'm not sure whether the p stands for "player" or for "perspective" or even for something else. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheHambourgeois Posted December 29, 2022 if you have a 1024px wide sky texture, broken up into 256px quadrants, where do the cardinal and oridinal directions fall? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |-----|-----|-----|-----| 0 256 512 768 1024 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted December 29, 2022 On 12/29/2022 at 2:04 PM, TheHambourgeois said: if you have a 1024px wide sky texture, broken up into 256px quadrants, where do the cardinal and oridinal directions fall? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |-----|-----|-----|-----| 0 256 512 768 1024 Expand Either true east or true west, I'm not 100% sure. I think East. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheHambourgeois Posted December 29, 2022 (edited) On 12/29/2022 at 2:19 PM, ViolentBeetle said: Either true east or true west, I'm not 100% sure. I think East. Expand As in the 1024/0 border is true east? Edited December 29, 2022 by TheHambourgeois 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted December 29, 2022 (edited) On 12/29/2022 at 3:48 PM, TheHambourgeois said: As in the 1024/0 border is true east? Expand Actually I checked wiki and it says North. I should've checked the first time. But yes, this should be the border. Edited December 29, 2022 by ViolentBeetle 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted December 29, 2022 I just tested it in-game using a terrible sky texture scribbled just to check this out quickly: (You were warned, it is terrible.) And the outcome is that the sky is mirrored (so all numbers appear backward) and the blue/red border line is East, then the numbers are displayed this way: 1 in North-East, 2 in North-West, 3 in South-West, and 4 in South-East. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kyka Posted January 4, 2023 (edited) So I have a question. This texture: BRNSB832 (which in spite of the way it looks is a single 1024x128 patch; the bookcase is only there to make up the 1024 length,) causes no issues in Vanilla Doom. But... This texture: BRNSB83R which is identical in every regard to the previous texture except that it is horizontally flipped, causes horrendous tutti frutti in vanilla. I have tried positive, zero or negative alignments, and I can't see any reason why one works and the other does not. Thoughts? Happy to provide the wad upon request. Edited January 4, 2023 by Kyka 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kappes Buur Posted January 4, 2023 (edited) On 1/4/2023 at 4:02 AM, Kyka said: So I have a question. This texture: .... Expand No problem in editor nor GZDoom just to mention, this also works in Crispy. MAP01c.zip Edited January 4, 2023 by Kappes Buur 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Edward850 Posted January 4, 2023 (edited) Neither the map editor nor GZDoom is relevant. They are asking about a Tutti-frutti issue, which is vanilla. @Kyka You'll need to post the wad for it to be diagnosed properly, otherwise we'll be here a long time go through variables. Though make sure you've checked everything covered by that article and the Medusa effect. Edited January 4, 2023 by Edward850 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
SilverMiner Posted January 4, 2023 On 12/7/2022 at 6:42 PM, ViolentBeetle said: Are there alternatives to A_Chase in Dehacked and MBF21? Or this is the only way monsters will ever move? Expand If mbf21 has hexen pointers, try A_FastChase maybe 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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