SupremeBioVizier Posted November 17, 2023 (edited) Spoiler PROBLEM FIXED Edited November 19, 2023 by SupremeBioVizier I found out how to edit issue 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gregor Posted November 18, 2023 5 hours ago, LoatharMDPhD said: // thanks beetle! she works like a hot damn. my final question for today is, should i use endcast = true or endgame = true for a Boom or GZDOOM port with DOOM2.IWAD <1.9 ? If you just want the standard Doom II cast sequence like you'd normally get after MAP30, then endcast = true is correct. This will use BOSSBACK as its background and play D_EVIL as the music. You will have to set a custom intermission text through intertext = "text" - GZDoom will simply skip the endcast and drop you back to the title screen otherwise. If you use endgame = true that gives you the ending with no cast call - like at the end of a Doom I episode. (Again, you need to set a custom intermission text through intertext = "something, something." or GZDoom won't be happy) It will play D_READ_M for Doom II (and D_VICTOR for Doom I) and display the default ending screen of the episode if you're using Doom I and the shareware notice screen if you use Doom II (you don't want that). To specify a custom background for the ending screen use endpic = "nameographic" instead - does the same thing as endgame plus setting a custom background graphic, so no need to use endgame and endpic together. Using endpic or endgame also allows you to set a custom music track by combining it with intermusic = "D_MUSICNAME". This will then play over both the intermission text screen and the end screen, playing on over the transition. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Finnisher Posted November 18, 2023 9 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said: You must not have sector height to be zero. If there's at least 1 units of height between floor and ceiling, the geometry behind it will not be culled and the space behind it will drawn. Zero height will cause hall of mirror. The flat will also bleed over the sides if you can actually see the flat, so make sure your eye level is never high enough. You can briefly see the problem as the sector lowers. Self-referencing sectors is a more advanced technique you can look up, but it's inconvenient to use. Thanks! I did see that in TNT map 9's case floor is 1 mp below ceiling but wasn't sure if that's the thing as I wasn't able to cause a HOM bug there by setting the height to zero (or the change didn't save). Does it matter whether you use a lowered ceiling or a raised floor btw? In case I cannot say prevent player being higher than the floor of invisible wall, could I use a lowered ceiling there instead? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted November 18, 2023 3 hours ago, Finnisher said: Does it matter whether you use a lowered ceiling or a raised floor btw? In case I cannot say prevent player being higher than the floor of invisible wall, could I use a lowered ceiling there instead? It's not going to help you either way because at some point the sector will cross the middle of the screen. Either keep the window out of sight while it's moving or have it move instantly (The latter is done by sending it to raise to a destination that is lower or vice versa) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ar_e_en Posted November 18, 2023 Question about the TextureX vertical patch offsets: If a texture patch has a negative vertical offset - it will be reset to 0 in the actual game. I understand this, however - in @Gothic's Patched Up texture wad (which creates new textures using pre-existing vanilla patches) - there are some textures that have negative vertical offsets, but they are not reset to 0 for some reason. Why are the vertical offsets nullified sometimes, but not other times? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
boris Posted November 18, 2023 12 minutes ago, Ar_e_en said: Question about the TextureX vertical patch offsets: If a texture patch has a negative vertical offset - it will be reset to 0 in the actual game. I understand this, however - in @Gothic's Patched Up texture wad (which creates new textures using pre-existing vanilla patches) - there are some textures that have negative vertical offsets, but they are not reset to 0 for some reason. Why are the vertical offsets nullified sometimes, but not other times? I ran into that behavior when I added support for this quirk for UDB. From my tests the negative offset is only ignored if there's not other patch in the column. See how this texture is defined and how it looks in-game: Interestingly the order of the patches does not seem to matter. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ar_e_en Posted November 18, 2023 1 hour ago, boris said: I ran into that behavior when I added support for this quirk for UDB. From my tests the negative offset is only ignored if there's not other patch in the column. See how this texture is defined and how it looks in-game: Interestingly the order of the patches does not seem to matter. I still don't understand. What you depicted there is what I expect from the "ignore negative offset" thing, and I understand that, but what causes it to accept the negative offsets? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
magicsofa Posted November 18, 2023 5 hours ago, Ar_e_en said: I still don't understand. What you depicted there is what I expect from the "ignore negative offset" thing, and I understand that, but what causes it to accept the negative offsets? Looks like the bricks are being tiled vertically instead of just being reset (otherwise you would see the ICKWALL part extend to the ceiling?) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
boris Posted November 19, 2023 I must have remembered incorrectly. It still seems to ignore the negative y offset. But it also seems to stop drawing the patch with the negative offset if another patch is encountered. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ar_e_en Posted November 19, 2023 There is one particular texture from the Patched Up texture pack (this texture basically caused me to ask about the offset problem in the first place) that has negative offsets - the "HOLOGRAM" texture. It's made from one of the door textures being repeatedly stacked unto each other with negative offset of -8, -16, -24, etc. I've been trying to figure out what this texture does that allows it to keep its negative offsets. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Raith138 Posted November 24, 2023 I made the stupid mistake of trying to work on a map while it is in a zip folder. I know it didn't save and I tried this and it did not work. I don't want to open the editor because the temp files will disappear, what do I do? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shove82 Posted November 25, 2023 I can't get texture packs to work in dsda-doom. The textures work in UDB (mapping for Boom Doom2 format) but when I try the map in dsda it's just a complete disaster and HOM. But it works just fine with Doom2 textures, but when I add, for example 32in24-15_tex_v2, then it won't work. Also, dsda-doom won't start from UDB when testing the map. GZdoom works fine, but with dsda it says 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kappes Buur Posted November 26, 2023 (edited) On 11/25/2023 at 2:26 AM, Shove82 said: I can't get texture packs to work in dsda-doom. The textures work in UDB (mapping for Boom Doom2 format) but when I try the map in dsda it's just a complete disaster and HOM. But it works just fine with Doom2 textures, but when I add, for example 32in24-15_tex_v2, then it won't work. Also, dsda-doom won't start from UDB when testing the map. GZdoom works fine, but with dsda it says Three things: 1 If you map for DSDA-Doom you can now use the UDMF configuration Quote R4128 | cf35ea23 | biwa | 10/26/2023, 11:15 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added game configuration for DSDADoom UDMF (provided by kraflab) This does not mean that you have to avail yourself to all the features, you can still make maps to the lowest denominator such as DOOM format or Boom format. 2 To include resources in the edotor, such as just means that the resources are available for editong the map. However, when saving the map in a pwad, such resources are not automatically added with the map, just the names of the resources. Therefore you have two options when playing the pwad: a.) to also add the resource pwad separately b.) copy/paste the resources into your map with SLADE3 or with DOOMTOOLS 3 UDB is now at r4135. Update the Testing configuration, for example Edited November 27, 2023 by Kappes Buur 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Stabbey Posted November 27, 2023 On 11/25/2023 at 5:26 AM, Shove82 said: I can't get texture packs to work in dsda-doom. The textures work in UDB (mapping for Boom Doom2 format) but when I try the map in dsda it's just a complete disaster and HOM. But it works just fine with Doom2 textures, but when I add, for example 32in24-15_tex_v2, then it won't work. Also, dsda-doom won't start from UDB when testing the map. GZdoom works fine, but with dsda it says There appears to be a forward slash at the end of your address at the end. I don't think that's a valid character for a directory name, which is likely why you can't open that directory. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LoatharMDPhD Posted December 1, 2023 (edited) // ok.... what method would one investigate, in adding an XDEATH state (Overkill/gibs) to pinkies in a map.???? i want these fuckers to burst like roaches under bootheels... acs or dehackd advice, gzdoom for a port, boom for a format. or if anyone knows of a mod that does this and the rights are open to redistribute / modify / etc.. ?? Edited December 1, 2023 by LoatharMDPhD 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
rita remton Posted December 4, 2023 (edited) in udb, when a group of monsters and ammo pickups are selected, is there a udp script (such as in the udb "scripts" side panel > examples > geometry > information) that calculates the (selected weapons+ammo pickups' total damage) vs (selected monster's total health) ratio albeit in a range (since damage by the player's weapon is not a fixed value)? for example: selected weapons+ammo pickups damage = 10000-15000 health points. selected monsters health = 10000 health points. ratio of weapons+ammo damage to monsters health = 100-150%. there are already doom tools such as [wadspy] that calculates the total monsters' health and weapon+ammo damage in a map, but not for specifically selected monsters+weapons+ammo pickups in the map. thanks in advance. Edited December 4, 2023 by rita remton 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SupremeBioVizier Posted December 8, 2023 (edited) - I did not see anything about changing the "A SECRET IS REVEALED'' hud message on this wiki... [STRINGS] TAG_SECRET = "what the fuck?" ^that doesnt seem to work...anyone know? never mind I'm a genius, threw in, [STRINGS] secretmessage = "---" SO QUESTION TWO: is there anyway to get a punch sound to activate? because there seems not to be a sound for a punch.... Edited December 8, 2023 by SupremeBioVizier 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LoatharMDPhD Posted December 8, 2023 what's the lump name for the f1 help screen graphic on doom 2? want to replace with addition credits. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted December 8, 2023 11 minutes ago, LoatharMDPhD said: what's the lump name for the f1 help screen graphic on doom 2? want to replace with addition credits. If I remember correctly, it's just 'HELP'. That's what I've used at least, whenever I've replaced the F1 screen, (Havok DM, for example). 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted December 10, 2023 Does anyone know if there's a quirk with calling A_VileAttack while inside the target or sometghing? I made a hacky construct of essentially non-tangible monster chasing after player and use A_VileAttack on melee, but it doesn't seem to apply blast damage, just does 20 damage. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gregor Posted December 10, 2023 1 hour ago, ViolentBeetle said: Does anyone know if there's a quirk with calling A_VileAttack while inside the target or sometghing? I made a hacky construct of essentially non-tangible monster chasing after player and use A_VileAttack on melee, but it doesn't seem to apply blast damage, just does 20 damage. The blast damage and horizontal thrust of the arch-vile's attack is only triggered if the target already had a tracer set through A_VileFire before A_VileAttack is triggered (which happens at the beginning of the AV's attack animation, represented by the flames appearing on the target); without a tracer set, A_VileAttack only applies 20 damage and a vertical thrust of 55 map units. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Worst Posted December 10, 2023 On 12/8/2023 at 2:38 AM, SupremeBioVizier said: SO QUESTION TWO: is there anyway to get a punch sound to activate? because there seems not to be a sound for a punch.... There is the DSPUNCH sound for when the punch hits an enemy. But if you mean a sound that would play even if you hit nothing, then that would require modifying the fist 'weapon'. How to best do that, depends on what doom port(s) your mod is targeting, though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
rita remton Posted December 12, 2023 anyone, may i know how to add the [rlndgm.sf2] soundfont to the [sekaiju 7.9] midi editor, please? i tried googling online, even searching in doomworld, but to no avail. i even tried searching the [sekaiju.ini] file, but there is no soundfont parameter. thanks in advance for any tips doing so. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted December 12, 2023 Is it possible to have MBF21-compatible gun that uses armor as ammo. Including not shooting when ammo is depleted. I know Maskim Xul made a gun that uses health somehow. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arsinikk Posted December 12, 2023 2 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said: I know Maskim Xul made a gun that uses health somehow. The Maskim Xul weapon includes the A_SargAttack in the weapon firing state, therefore it doesn't just take away health, but armour as well. I don't think there's a way in MBF21 that would be able to distinguish health from armour. 2 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said: Including not shooting when ammo is depleted. You may be able to do something relating to ammo. Just look at the MBF21 specs and search for "ammo" to see what MBF21 allows. It seems there's alot of consideration when it comes to custom ammo types and ammo checking in MBF21. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gregor Posted December 12, 2023 8 hours ago, rita remton said: anyone, may i know how to add the [rlndgm.sf2] soundfont to the [sekaiju 7.9] midi editor, please? i tried googling online, even searching in doomworld, but to no avail. i even tried searching the [sekaiju.ini] file, but there is no soundfont parameter. thanks in advance for any tips doing so. Use VirtualMIDISynth. Add the soundfont(s) you want to use in there and press apply. Then start Sekaiju and open "MIDI Device and Instrument" under "Setup", and choose VirtualMIDIsynth under "MIDI Out Device". Press Apply, and bingo. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
ViolentBeetle Posted December 12, 2023 6 hours ago, Arsinikk said: The Maskim Xul weapon includes the A_SargAttack in the weapon firing state, therefore it doesn't just take away health, but armour as well. I don't think there's a way in MBF21 that would be able to distinguish health from armour. Aw, I was hoping there'd be a wayh to input health into "what ammo does BFG use" 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Somniac Posted January 10, 2024 Is it normal for Visplane Explorer to indicate an overflow, but for CRL to not? Essentially I have this area: VE shows where an overflow will occur, but in CRL there is no overflow warning at this spot. From what I've read, VE checks 8x cardinal directions, so should be less accurate compared to CRL where you can view from every possible angle. So to my mind, if VE says "this is bad", CRL should be saying "GIVE UP NOW, MORTAL". Am I interpreting this wrong, and the heat map is only showing potential, not guaranteed VPO? Its not the first time this has happened and its a little perplexing. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Edward850 Posted January 10, 2024 (edited) Visplane Explorer only works on a static map, so it does certain tricks like opens potential doors to include in the results. CRL is your map at runtime, and thus can't account for these structures unless you use them. Note that multiplayer adds an additional problem that CRL can't account for (players in a different position from you can open doors you normally can't reach on your own). Edited January 10, 2024 by Edward850 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
The Cooker Of Goats Posted January 21, 2024 Is there any way to make the cyberdemons rockets and the players rockets look different? I'm working on a mod and now the cyberdemon is shooting scorch shot projectiles. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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