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Beautiful Doom, Enhanced Doom, etc.

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So I'm interested in visual enhancement mods (not 3d model packs or HD textures). I like BD and ED but I'm wondering if there are others and what their pros/cons are.

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Well of course there's Smooth Doom, which focuses less on adding moremoremore like a lot of other enhancement wads and moreso just refurbishing the entirety of the game with new death animations, smoother animations, randomized monster skins, on-the-fly editing of certain preferences via menu, and a few nice particle effects that manage to mesh perfectly with the original assets.

The only issue is the way the author has some things implemented gives it even worse compatibility than even something like Brutal Doom, the most grievious being completely breaking thing patrols.

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Beautiful Doom pros:Looks much better than regular doom, it adds smoothed anims, alt-fires for SSG and chaingun for improved gameplay, has hi-res sounds, adds gibs for both monsters and player alike and blood splatters from monsters and player when taking dmg.
Cons of Beautiful Doom:A godawful message appear on your screen saying that you need autoaim set to monsters only, lags due to the gore and the excessive blood when you gib enemies with rocket launcher, Bfg or under the effects of the berserk power-up.
Also both Brutal Doom and Complex Doom were based upon this mod, although Brutal Doom started upon this, it quickly evolved into the gorefest that we all know today based on the Doom comic, while Complex is based upon this and Hard Doom, albeit being more frustating and boring than Hard Doom itself.

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I don't know what toaster you're running Beautiful Doom on but gibs don't make it lag unless you're deliberately summoning 100 zombies on the same spot and blowing them up.

But at the same time I guess not everyone has an i7 knocking about so I guess I'm lucky

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Random Deaths & Decorations mod can be up your alley as well. Think BD without all the stupid stuff or weapons alterations so it's open to use your own weapon mod with it. Check the signature below if you're interested and get the version from ModDB.

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