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idgames Maintainer Ty Halderman Passes Away At 69

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I can't find the words. Such a huge, sad loss. My condolences to his family and friends. Rest in peace.

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God damn. I never thought Ty would pass away so quickly. I never knew the guy, but I feel for him and his family.

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Thank you Ty for shifting through all the GOOD and the BAD (Terry) WADS, and dumping your brain into the development of the BooM engine (most ports are based off of this engine).

Keep on DooMin'


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sorrow :(

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To his family and friends, I offer my sincerest condolences. From myself and everybody in the doom community, Ty, thank you so much for your contribution to such a legendary game title. You made so many lives better. Rest well, my friend.

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Should his title be changed to "Eternal Pillar of the Community" now?

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Man... easily one of, if not the most important members of the Doom community is gone. RIP Ty. Who knows what this community would've been like without you.

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One of the biggest game communities for one of the best games ever made would never got this far without your work. Many thanks Ty, for everything you have done in 20 years. RIP

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Ty, you truly will be missed. He was one of the biggest contributors to this community. Many thanks for everything, you will be missed. Rest well, and enjoy the afterlife.

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Thanks Ty for all your efforts and all your help and advice over the years. We'll miss you. His most remembered map would have to be MAP04: Wormhole of TNT.

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Its such a shame seeing one of the most important contributors of the Doom community passed away. R.I.P. Ty

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Damn... my friend Darsycho told me about this, and this is sad news indeed. I wasn't even aware that Ty Halderman was that old, and I thought he was much younger than that. After all, I didn't know much about him since I couldn't find much about him, and I wish I did. It's a sad day indeed for Doomworld and Doom fans. My condolences go to his friends and family, and he will be remembered by me and a lot of others.

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Glaice said:

Should his title be changed to "Eternal Pillar of the Community" now?

He's just as much an essential pillar as he ever was. I see no reason to change it.

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Now I see that the idgames archive has become grayscaled with a ribbon on top of the banner in tribute of Ty.

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Oh dear, one of the greatest Doom veterans, no less the founder of Team TNT, has passed on. :( I may not have known him personally, but all my blessings and condolences go to his family and friends. Without him, the Doom community would never have reached to what it is today. Some of his best contributions are on TNT Evilution and Icarus: Alien Vanguard, and there's of course his famous Pax.wad, a pretty short map if you go straight for the exit, but gets surprisingly lengthy if you go exploring trying to get 100% kills and secrets, much like his Wormhole map in Evilution.

Rest in peace, Ty, and many thanks for keeping the best FPS game going, and it will still continue no matter what...

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18 years maintaining the archive, programming credits on Boom and a stand-out mapping history as well, including notable IWAD contributions. I think it's not am exaggeration to say that Ty is a large part of why this community still exists to this day and that his contributions have touched thousands of people's lives. The only consolation I can see in this news for those close to him is that he lived to 69, rather than the young ages we usually mourn here, and they were there with him when he passed.

Thanks for everything Ty. A good man by all accounts and a legend amongst us. Rest in peace.

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