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idgames Maintainer Ty Halderman Passes Away At 69

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I remember uploading one of my first released maps back in 1999, thanks to Ty for bringing it online. RIP Ty, you were an amazing person, and bastion for the doom community

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I only ever had one email correspondence with Ty and it was short, but he was very polite and a real stand-up guy. The work he put into this site and the Doom community in general is something to be thankful for. Also, TNT ftw; no wonder it was so good.

Thank you for all you've done and rest in peace for now; we'll see you on the other side, Ty.

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I came across that the other day. I think that AMA is not genuine - there doesn't appear to have been any verification that it really was Ty. If the "girlfriend" stuff is genuine then it would mean his "grandmother" was only 12 years old than him.

The thldrmn Reddit account is shadowbanned which is another indicator it's probably a troll.

Guessing one of those Terry WAD idiots posted a fake AMA impersonating him and wrote some stupid replies as some kind of sick joke.

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I dunno, most of his responses seem genuine. What the hell would someone gain by posting something like that? Perhaps it's a case where the truth is stranger than fiction.

And I doubt it has anything to do with Terry: those morons aren't nearly as subtle in their machinations, as can be seen by the comment from "greenmario47".

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Obsidian said:

I dunno, most of his responses seem genuine. What the hell would someone gain by posting something like that? Perhaps it's a case where the truth is stranger than fiction.

Before telling your first lie, it pays to prime your audience with some stuff that's true, or at least plausible. For the "girlfriend" part to be true, Ty's mother and grandmother would both warrant inclusion in this list, so I can only assume the Reddit troll guessed Ty to be 30-something.

As for why it was posted - retaliation is the first reason that springs to mind. That interview was posted shortly after the great Terrywad purge of 2014.

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Hi all,
I'm a freelance writer with PC Gamer, and we're working on a story looking back at Ty's contributions to the Doom community. If anyone has any stories about him you'd like to add, feel free to send them to me at icb0005@gmail.com.

Ian Birnbaum
PC Gamer

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Ty rarely posted on the forums as it is; something tells me reddit, a forum about nothing, wouldn't have much appeal to him.

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40oz said:

Ty rarely posted on the forums as it is; something tells me reddit, a forum about nothing, wouldn't have much appeal to him.

He was definitely a classic working man: he's interested in what he's got to do. No fluff needed, all dedication, no thanks required. I don't think he'd post there either.

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It's a testament to Ty. Even the lack of stories tells about his character. Someone who worked and ran everything so efficiently that he often fell behind the scenes. The kind of person who would really be missed when they're gone.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

God damn.

I grew up with the guy being the archives custodian. His contributions to TeamTNTs work were a big part of my early adulthood. I'll always treasure his unwavering dedication and professionalism; traits, I think, we can all take away from.

My only regret is I have never took the chance to express my admiration to the guy himself. Rest in peace, man. My condolences to friends and family.

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I just noticed that I didn't post in this thread at the time. Unfortunately work and other things can take me away from the internet and DW for some periods at a time these days.

The last time I checked in, we had been seeking updates on Ty's condition.

His absence worried me because, like all truly important people in any concern in life, Ty's work often went for granted, under the radar - here's a guy who, despite an immense resumé, worked largely behind the scenes in the later years. I worried that he would be irreplaceable if ill, and in hindsight that just seems ludicrously selfish.

Lüt styled him a pillar of the community - but he was variously a pillar, the heartbeat; the very clockwork of the archives.

If you haven't yet, please read Quasar's excellent piece for his lifetime achievement award in the Cacowards section of the site.

Thank you for everything, Ty.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the bump, but I feel I need to add my voice of appreciation to the chorus. I probably would not have played Doom past the 90's if it wasn't for idgames.

It's crazy to think that Ty was maintaining it when I was first exploring what the internet had to offer in my early teenage years, that he was maintaining it when I uploaded lame joke wads to /incoming during my stupid years, and that he continued to maintain it until I was 30 and rarely playing Doom.

If I ever get the itch to fire up some new wads, I will think of Ty when I download them.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Sorry for the bump but damn, that is such terrible news I couldn't just keep quiet. R.I.P sir, you will be missed. :(.

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Damn, I can't believe this happened. I don't what to say. Speechless.


You had a awesome run, Ty Halderman. Rest in peace.

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Seems I never posted in this thread; it was sad to hear about the loss of Ty some time ago. I only had a minor exchange through email with him once about the dislocation of Doom Core, but I'm otherwise aware of his stand as the leader of TeamTNT and maintainer of idgames. RIP

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry if I'm too late, but I'd like to pay my respects to this great man who has done a lot for us. He's the reason this community has been able to share with one another for many years, and we have to acknowledge him for everything he's done for us.

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