Chris Hansen Posted August 17, 2015 Welcome to the Ty Halderman tribute project aka THT: Threnody! Our goal is to make a great megawad that honors the late, great essential pillar of the Doom community - Ty Halderman! With this project we wish to show, that we appreciated all his hard work and that he was one of the main reasons why we're still around! ****************************************** July 31st - "THT: Threnody" release The project is finished and has been uploaded to the archives! Download link here. This community would most likely not have been around for this long if it wasn't for good people like Ty Halderman. Shortly after having received the news of his death, geo thought that it would be a good idea to honor him by doing a community project that showed love and respect for his and Team TNT's work through the years. The idea was well received and people started joining and submitting levels and music. 1 year later we bring you 20 awesome levels that coupled with stunning new skies and brilliant new music are sure to entertain Doomers for many hours and last but not least - to show respect and pay tribute to Ty! I would like to thank all the wonderful people who contributed in way or the other to this project; it's pretty obvious that without you we wouldn't have been able to complete it! A big thank you goes out especially to the level designers - Mechadon, Paul Corfiatis, Angry Saint, joe-ilya, Liberation, dobu gabu maru, Mithran Denizen, Doomkid, Gothic, Z0k, didy, antares031 and Fonze! And let's not forget our finest community musicians such as Doomhuntress, Alfonzo, Eris Falling, KevinHEZ, Paul Corfiatis, Jimmy, Paul D and Jdoyle! A special thank you also goes out to Mechadon who were fast to deliver us cool graphics and skies and Mithran Denizen that very early on whipped up a ressource pack for us! Quality control came in the form of a multitude of community members that kept finding bugs and providing us with excellent feedback that made sure that this turned into a project worthy of Ty's name! The list goes on and on and I hope I haven't forgotten anyone - if so, then please accept my apologies. At least, I hope none has been forgotten in the text file :) All that's left to say is that we all hope the community enjoy playing through these 20 wonderfully different, action packed and ultimately fun levels! Thank you. ****************************************** Old stuff: Spoiler About THT: Threnody: Our rules were relatively simple: Make a map that pays tribute to Ty's Doom levels or any of his other contributions to the Doom scene such as Boom (link to wiki on him). The Doom II iwad is required and it uses combined ressoruces from TNT's "The Return" and "Evilution" which are included in the project. Contributions: Episode 1:Map: "Eirene" by Chris Hansen (link to post) Map: "Rockage" by joe-ilya (link to post) Map: "Chemical Facility" by Paul Corfiatis (link to post) Map: "Manly Hatred" by Chris Hansen (link to post) Map: "Cut Throat" by Doomkid (link to post) Map: "Nukevil" by Doomkid (link to post) Episode 2:Map: "Fort Halderman" by Gothic (link to post) Map: "Forgotten Reaches" by Doomkid (link to post) Map: "Fightnancial Crisis at Enwrong" by dobu gabu maru (link to post) Map: "Fomalhaut" by Mechadon (link to post) Map: "Parallel Dimension" by antares031 (link to post) Map: "WormHell" by z0k and Fonze (link to post) Episode 3:Map: "Binde Haldetmand Palae" by Paul Corfiatis (link to post) Map: "Labour of despair" by Liberation (link to post) Map: "TY45-15" by didy (link to post) Map: "Ayahuasca" by Chris Hansen (link to post) Map: "Tyvivec" by Angry Saint (link to post) Map: "Big Freaking Guardians" by Fonze and didy Map: "Fallen Steward - Eternal Archieve" by Mithran Denizen (link to post) Map: "Sky Pillar" by antares031 (link to post) Music:Midi: Title theme by Paul Corfiatis (link to post) Midi: "Death bells" by KevinHEZ (link to post) used by Z0k and Fonze in their map WormHell Midi: "Legion of the lost remix" by Eris Falling (link to post) used by antares031 in his map Sky Pillar Midi: "Legion of the lost remix" by Doomhuntress (link to post) used by didy in his map TY45-15 Midi: various by King Diamond and Necrophagist courtesy of Ashtrodamus (link to post) Emerencia by King Diamond used by Chris Hansen in his map Eirene Midi: "Mechanical Illuminations" by Paul Corfiatis (link to post) used by Chris Hansen for his map Manly Hatred Midi: "Zoetic" by Vital (link to post) used by Angry Saint in his map Tyvivec Midi: "Dream Haze" by Paul Corfiatis (link to post) used by Paul in his map Chemical Facility Midi: "TechFear" by Paul Corfiatis (link to post) used by Doomkid for his map Cut Throat Midi: "Medi Evil" by Paul Corfiatis (link to post) used by Paul in his map Binde Haldetmand Palae Midi: "Remix of Quarry" by JDoyle (link to post) used by Liberation in his map Labour of Despair Midi: "Flood the city" by KevinHEZ (link to post) used by Chris Hansen in his map Ayahuasca Screenshots: Screenshots are available at this basic homepage. Old news: July 30th: Release candidate 1 is here. Speak up now or forever hold your tongue if something needs fixing! It will be uploaded to the archieves tomorrow. Download link below. July 17, 2016: The public beta is here! We welcome all you lovely Doomers to download and play our 20 level megawad tribute to Ty Halderman! Get your copy right here (July 30th, link updated to beta2) and be sure to let us know in this thread what you think of it. We like praise, but bug reports are an awesome and important aspect of this beta, so feel free to share your findings with us. We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed making it! Changelog available here Status report, July 9th: The project is currently undergoing internal testing by the team behind it. This includes everyone who have contributed with any form of creative content. This is to to make sure that we're satisfied with everything and that the biggest bugs are caught before we release a public beta, which we're hoping to release next weekend. Status report, July 1st: It's the day of the deadline. We're now closed for submissions - except for one map by didy and Fonze which should be ready within the next couple of days. When this map is ready I'll compile an alpha version of the project, which will be sent to all contributors for internal testing. This is primarily just to get everyone's accept that everything is in order ie. map names, music, order of maps etc. I expect to have a beta ready for public testing shortly after that. We're still aiming for a July 31st release. I've said it before, but there's no harm in doing it again: A big thank you goes out to everyone involved in this project! Whether your contributions have been big or small this project would never have reached the level of quality it has without you! I'm very excited to see the final version released and I think I can speak on behalf of the team, when I say that we're sure all you Doomers out there will find this set of levels super cool and a lot of fun to play! Status report, March 26th: We're at 16 maps after having received another map from Doomkid and new members Mechadon and Paul Corfiatis. The average quality of the all levels are high and I'm confident that we'll get a super cool project out the door! Mechadon is also working his magic on some graphics while Paul has blessed us with his high quality music! Chris has revamped Doomkids levels and have been working on compiling all maps into an alpha release with graphics, music etc. included. The general interest in the project seems to have declined a bit, but it's not low at all considdering just how many community projects people can join and comment on. All in all it's still an absolute joy and privilege to working on this project and I feel that those involved feel the same way. It has been hard trying to find a suitable title for the project and the frontrunner at the moment is "THT: Threnody", which will most like be the one we land on. For the first time in many months there's going to be a tentative deadline for submissions, which is July 1st. At this point we'll release an alpha for open testing and if all goes well, we'll release and upload the finished version on July 31st - the day Ty passed away. Thanks to everyone who read, write and contribute to the project in some form or another! Status report, January 26th: We currently stand at 13 completed levels with at least four levels in the making by Mechadon, Obsidian, Paul Corfiatis and Surreily. Paul is also working on some midis for us to choose from as title music. Mechadon made some cool new skies for us and they were included in the ressource wad that Mithran Denizen made. We've also been working on a titlepic and interpic, while I've been making behind the scenes stuff like a dehacked patch and intermission level names. All in all the project is going ahead in full steam and we're still very focused in delivering a quality release! Thanks to all who playtest levels and provide us with invaluable feedback and help! I'm still not keen on setting a deadline or release date, as new material is still coming in at a steady pace. New submissions in form of maps or music and playtesting is of course still very welcome! The next update will be in late March and we'll take it from there. Keep up the good work and thanks for all the interest! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
geo Posted August 17, 2015 Ty has passed on, but his contributions shall live forever with Team TNT, Final Doom and Boom. To honor him I propose a mapping event for Boom if not devoting the entirety of September as Boom mapping month since August is almost over. Long live Ty! *** edit *** Duration: All of September SourcePort: Boom (available at Preferred iwad: Evilution At the end of the month I will put the levels into however many megawads it takes. So if there are 15 levels contributed, it will be 15. If 42 levels are contributed it will be a pair of 21 level megawads. Midis are accepted and will be placed into the megawads. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SyntherAugustus Posted August 17, 2015 If I can come up with a map idea, sure. Otherwise I may just produce a midi or few. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gothic Posted August 17, 2015 Should it be for Evilution or Doom 2? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Obsidian Posted August 17, 2015 I reckon a set of TNT maps would be a decent way of remembering him. I'll definitely participate: maybe I'll make something reminiscent of his MAP32 in Icarus. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
geo Posted August 17, 2015 Gothic said:Should it be for Evilution or Doom 2? Go for Evilution, since its Final Doom. Midis are fine. Maps always need music. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted August 17, 2015 geo said:Go for Evilution, since its Final Doom. Midis are fine. Maps always need music. I think a "Legion of the Lost" rendition is in order. Give me a few days 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jaxxoon R Posted August 17, 2015 Every song should be a leitmotif of Legion of the Lost, and I think it might be fair to pay some respects to other members of the community that have fallen as well. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Captain Ventris Posted August 17, 2015 Doom The Way Halderman Did. Jaxxoon R said:Every song should be a leitmotif of Legion of the Lost, and I think it might be fair to pay some respects to other members of the community that have fallen as well. That would be neat, as well. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_MártonJános Posted August 17, 2015 Eris Falling said:I think a "Legion of the Lost" rendition is in order. Give me a few days That's a nice idea for an "In Memoriam", indeed. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Varis Alpha Posted August 17, 2015 i could pitch in for another legion MIDI, though i'm pretty sure that Eris' one will blow mine out of the water. still though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted August 17, 2015 You guys should donate maps to the existing TNT mapsets around here and get them done. You know... for him. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chris Hansen Posted August 17, 2015 I would certainly be willing to participate in this! Making a TNT map again would be cool. Haven't done that in ages and it seems like the logical thing to do in honor of Ty. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dg93 Posted August 17, 2015 I was actually going to make a thread in the WADs & Mods section called Maps In Memory of Ty which would be similar to the way Doomworld has the mega wad project each year. Considering Ty helped make Boom, I think it would be out of respect to make the maps in that format. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Captain Ventris Posted August 17, 2015 40oz said:You guys should donate maps to the existing TNT mapsets around here and get them done. You know... for him. What? Getting currently ongoing community projects finished? Madness! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gothic Posted August 17, 2015 Yeah, I think finishing both Devilution and Revilution would be a better tribute than starting yet another TNT megawad. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The Civ Posted August 17, 2015 Gothic said:Yeah, I think finishing both Devilution and Revilution would be a better tribute than starting yet another TNT megawad. I dunno. Wouldn't it feel a little odd if we don't do something SPECIFICALLY dedicated towards him? Finishing those is great too, but I feel like we should have an entire map pack made specifically for him, rather than tacking on a "In Memory Of" message at the end of a WAD's text file. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SavageCorona Posted August 17, 2015 I would like an excuse to map but I don't think it'd be good enough for such a heavy project. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted August 17, 2015 I dunno, this is proposing Boom format, where both Revilution and Devilution are both vanilla. While at least with Revilution, I'll probably put some sort of tribute in the credits map, a standalone WAD seems a much greater tribute IMO. Also Devilution doesn't even need any more maps really, and as the acting leader of Revilution who has other things in my life I'd rather be doing, I'd appreciate not having to deal with a sudden influx of loads of maps that may not even conform to the defined themes (other than TNT itself) anyway, thanks. EDIT: Exactly what The Civ said. To me, not making a separate tribute is almost like devaluing his immeasurable contribution to the community. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
pavera Posted August 17, 2015 I'd be willing to participate in the creation of a map pack to commemorate Ty's honor. SavageCorona said:I would like an excuse to map but I don't think it'd be good enough for such a heavy project. Why so heavy? Ty helped to curate a community of all shapes and sizes. The archive doesn't contain just the best of the best, you can find literally anything on there. I honestly think that if a map pack were created in Ty's memory, it would be best suited to be a snapshot of the community staple that Ty held up for all these years. A little mini /idgames, touched by every prominent community member, no matter their skill level. We can pretend terrywads don't exist. Edit: Also, I re-read this and realized it might be confusing. I mean that the maps will be made, not taken from the archive. :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AD_79 Posted August 17, 2015 Gothic said:Yeah, I think finishing both Devilution and Revilution would be a better tribute than starting yet another TNT megawad. >implying either of those projects will ever be done But seriously, a map pack in memory of Ty would be nice. I'd contribute. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Surreily Posted August 17, 2015 I would love to be a part of this if it goes ahead. Ty did an insane amount of work for this community over the years, and this would be a fine tribute to him. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Velvetic Posted August 17, 2015 I would love to do a rendition of "Death Bells", that is my personal favorite from any iwad. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Z0k Posted August 17, 2015 KevinHEZ said:I would love to do a rendition of "Death Bells", that is my personal favorite from any iwad. man i love that music and also wormhole its my favorite map, i was planning to do some sort of map like wormhole once i finish something. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gothic Posted August 17, 2015 If this goes ahead, then I also would like to make a map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Breezeep Posted August 17, 2015 I gotta agree with gothic. I would like to put out a little map if I could. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
geo Posted August 17, 2015 Even those of us that don't feel our mapping skills are up to par have nothing to worry about. It's about the effort and your own memories with Boom and other team TNT Ty projects. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dg93 Posted August 17, 2015 geo said:Even those of us that don't feel our mapping skills are up to par have nothing to worry about. It's about the effort and your own memories with Boom and other team TNT Ty projects. I agree. I've never played Boom before, but to me Ty Halderman holds a special place in my heart for his dedication to the community along with maintaining the /idgames archives. Though most of my mapping skills are in zdoom format for deathmatch, I would be willing to make some kind of singleplayer/co-op map in Boom format for a memorial project. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Job Posted August 18, 2015 Sometimes, mapper's block can be overcome by nothing more than a good reason. If this isn't a good reason, I don't know what is. If this comes to fruition, count me in. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The Civ Posted August 18, 2015 Count me in too. I should be able to create a map for this. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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