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THT: Threnody - released!

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>.< yes it does

Working on that fix now... idk how I mixed that up in my brain. Let's just blame the alcohol... or the wind.

Fixed the mistake:

My apologies to the late, great Ty Halderman :(

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Fonze said:

>.< yes it does

Working on that fix now... idk how I mixed that up in my brain. Let's just blame the alcohol... or the wind.

Blaming a carpet tickler for that mistake? My butt would never forgive me.

I didn't realise that this project has started as I said, I will create something for this under TNT. Not sure if I'll meet any planned deadline on this, though.

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That looks really sweet Angry Saint! I can't wait to play it :)

Z0k and I are planning on a Monday release for ours, given everything stays on schedule. Afterwards I'll have time to devote to playtesting other maps. I suppose I can post up some screenshots to show progress and whatnot later tonight or tomorrow, depending on if I have time to do so tonight.

From my count, we have 2 maps submitted so far, with 3 more (including ours) on the way. Kevin posted a song that I'd love to hear progress on as well. Love to hear more demented sounds (like say, minor/diminished chords and progressions, maybe even a few modal melodies and harmonies and whatnot thrown in) out of it, too :)

I look forward to hearing more news

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Small update on our map: Z0k held up his side to get this out by Monday, but I didn't; I'm behind. Still, having said that, the "map" portion of the level is 100% done, detailing included, minus a couple spots I may edit for my traps and schemes.

Only things left are "things" for about half of the level and what they affect, but the dimensions each have a gameplay feel that I seek to capture that just takes a bit more time than I thought. Also playtesting constantly on a big map built from the start to the end rather than the other way around, which makes things take longer.

After I finish things I'll spend one more day playtesting and fixing any minor errors I find and then it'll be good to go!

Here are few screenshots of stuff I think looks cool, and an album link showing a few more really cool parts:


So not Monday, but soon...

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Anyways i like how the map ended and also like the way you did the graveyard and some other details i wouldnt have crossed in my mind.

if there something still need to be done just pm me

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Yeah man we'll be in touch as soon as I place the last thing for last minute stuff. I'd like both of us to do that so I don't change anything randomly right before release that you don't want changed. We'll talk about that in PM's, though. Not too many spoilers ;p

I think the graveyard looked a lot better after you went in and did all the stuff you did to it. But I've said many times I love the way the map looks, it was very difficult to choose the few screenshots I uploaded to imgur; there were 30.

This has been such a fun experience working with you, it pushes me to go above and beyond and strive constantly for something better, hopefully it has been the same for you. Also the tinkering around in Boom format made things interesting, sucks our textures didn't work out; I was so proud of that big crate, heh. Still, considering that we both normally map for zDoom, one day I'd like to do another map with you, but zDoom next time :)

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Looks absolutely great, guys!

I'm a bit behind on my map too, but I'll try my best to finish it today or within the next couple of days.

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Thanks Chris! That was mostly Z0k for that, though ;p

All good on the wait, that just means it'll be a higher quality to me (more time put in by you)

Looking forward to seeing what you're cooking up; those earlier screenshots looked sweet!

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Thanks. Let's just hope I don't let you down then!

I changed all the nukage to water, as the player would simply be walking around in it too much and even though we want to kill him, it has to at least be a fair fight :D

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You could always use those nukage pits with some rad suits to create feelings of pressure under a timer, put in a few health kits to off-balance the required time in the pools, or just say "well the iWads did it" (referencing mandatory nukage pools) heh.

No matter how you do it, I'm sure it'll be awesome. I'm a sucker for Wormhole maps anyway... heh.

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Here's an early version of my map, which I'd love to get some critisism on! Because, honestly, it's different from what I usually do, so I'm pretty sure there are some things that need to be adjusted. It might look like my work, but it plays... different.

- There are no keys in this map.
- It's very non-linear
- Somewhat erratic gameplay
- Lots of secrets
- Silent teleporter lines that may or may not break/interrupt gameplay
- A few other boom effects here and there
- Requires tnt.wad, runs on map01
- No DM or MP starts, will add them if you want them

As I said, please comment if you can, because I've lost control of this level! :D


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Lol Chris; sounds like you're building a monster ^^

I can take a quick, 5 minute look at it tonight. I cannot guarantee any more than that, but I can keep an eye on some of the things you mentioned. Personally, I like silent teleporters in the right situations; they really keep things on-edge.

I'll be doing some stuff not related to my map today, like checking out some unrelated stuff for Z0k, so maybe I could take today off from building our map and spend some more time playtesting not only yours, but the other two maps submitted thus far; both of which look and sound sweet. I'll think about that last part while I'm at work, heh.

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Chris Hansen said:

Here's an early version of my map, which I'd love to get some critisism on! Because, honestly, it's different from what I usually do, so I'm pretty sure there are some things that need to be adjusted. It might look like my work, but it plays... different.
As I said, please comment if you can, because I've lost control of this level! :D


I just did a few frantic runs exploring different routes, etc, and the strong layout and nonlinearity really shine through. The only negatives I can mention were a few slime trails, all minor; the one in the early cave secret route was the most noticable. I wanted to dive in deeper and give more detailed feedback, but I'm short on time at the moment, so I just wanted to let you know I liked things so far. Very nice!

I didn't think to record an FDA, but here's one quick failed run for kicks and giggles.

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joe-ilya said:

Here's remake of MAP03 of Icarus : Rockage

Disclaimer: I don't think I ever actually got around to playing Icarus, so I can't comment on this map's quality as a remake.

As a standalone map, it is a little rough around the edges, though--I see plenty of potential for it to become more interesting. It is very short (even for me, and I usually like short maps), the gameplay is rather trivial, and the aesthetics (like the red door raising into an impossibly thin ceiling) are kind of blah.

Not the worst map ever, but I'd love to see an improved version.

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Mithran Denizen said:

I just did a few frantic runs exploring different routes, etc, and the strong layout and nonlinearity really shine through. The only negatives I can mention were a few slime trails, all minor; the one in the early cave secret route was the most noticable. I wanted to dive in deeper and give more detailed feedback, but I'm short on time at the moment, so I just wanted to let you know I liked things so far. Very nice!

I didn't think to record an FDA, but here's one quick failed run for kicks and giggles.

Thanks for the feedback! And I thoroughly enjoyed watching that demo! :D While it was funny, it was also very helpful. It would seem that I need to go back and fix something.

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@Impboy4 The layout is inspired by TY's map, and the texturing is inspired by MAP05 of dwango5

@Mithran Denizen: Ty's original level is medium sized because it has some lengthy repetitive encounters, I tried to put each of the things the original map just once, I rather have people call my map too short than to call it repetitive.
I can fix the red door, is that the only improvement I can make besides of making it longer?

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There's a bit of BFALL protruding into the sky for some reason, I'd recommend you fix that as well. And, y'know, actually spend a decent bit of time on the map in general: this isn't just another community project you can dump a map into.

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joe-ilya said:

@Mithran Denizen: Ty's original level is medium sized because it has some lengthy repetitive encounters

You're talking about Icarus MAP03, right? Because that map is not medium-sized in any way. It's a really small map. Also, it doesn't have lengthy encounters at all.

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Obsidian said:

There's a bit of BFALL protruding into the sky for some reason

What do you mean? I've tested this in vanilla and it wasn't like that.

@AD_79 It does have repetitve encounters, the imps in the clothing rooms and the multi-trap thing that has a monster in each and goes on 7 times.

@Tritnew I'll put some detail then.

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joe-ilya said:

What do you mean? I've tested this in vanilla and it wasn't like that.

@AD_79 It does have repetitve encounters, the imps in the clothing rooms and the multi-trap thing that has a monster in each and goes on 7 times.

@Tritnew I'll put some detail then.

Also have to note that the Zombiemen In the right room of the starting area bothered me a bit. I think two Hell Knights would do good there.

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