baja blast rd. Posted July 22, 2016 map03 playthrough: I've played this one a few times as a warm-up; it's fun especially after the YK door, where there are spots where you can basically just hold down fire as you move from one place to another. The RK quad-switch complex is top-notch. Only real drag is the spectre fight at the blue key. Would be better with half the spectres, and with a few imps or something warping behind the player. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Keyboard_Doomer Posted July 22, 2016 More stuff noticed during TNS: I see Fonze mentions some HOMs in MAP08 reported before. I have also noticed one, unfortunately I couldn't find it again quickly, the map is just way too complex, heh. Is there a post with screenshot so I can confirm I didn't actually find a new HOM? The elevator (sector 358) in MAP09 cannot be trigged from the top floor after someone already rode it down. This makes all the players on the top floor stuck without an outside help (or finding the other secret elevator) HOM in MAP14 near sector 1375 (only present in software rendering): MAP16 - I don't know what this is but it doesn't quite look right: MAP19 - the 30 seconds it takes for the switch in this revenant trap to become accessible so you can become unstuck is way too long if you're carrying BFG from previous maps. Same for coop/survival with multiple players. EDIT: In -complevel 9 the lift near start of MAP12 (line 912) can't be lowered because very close to it is another linedef (line 929) with an action assigned. This tomato somehow became stuck in my playthrough of MAP08: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Liberation Posted July 22, 2016 Map14's HOM is from lines 3705 and 9119 overlapping, do you want me to sort this Chris? I just moved the 2 vertexs together in my test version. Cheers Keyboard_Doomer, when I saw it I thought it was something random with the zdaemon render (as I hadn't seen it before) just tried it with prboom+ and it seems I made a mistake :-) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gothic Posted July 23, 2016 Gez said:In Fort Halderman, it is possible to get some ugliness if you block the path of the big lift when it climbs back up. There's no fix save changing the position of the switch. (Or using attached sectors, but then you restrict compatibility to Eternity/ZDoom...) Here is the issue fixed 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chris Hansen Posted July 23, 2016 Keyboard_Doomer said:More stuff noticed during TNS: I see Fonze mentions some HOMs in MAP08 reported before. I have also noticed one, unfortunately I couldn't find it again quickly, the map is just way too complex, heh. Is there a post with screenshot so I can confirm I didn't actually find a new HOM? There are two slimetrails: One is extending from the right rear of one of the cars and the other can be seen at the yellow door when standing with the exit to your right looking at the door. The elevator (sector 358) in MAP09 cannot be trigged from the top floor after someone already rode it down. This makes all the players on the top floor stuck without an outside help (or finding the other secret elevator) I'll take care of that. Good find! :) HOM in MAP14 near sector 1375 (only present in software rendering): Will take care of it, thanks! MAP16 - I don't know what this is but it doesn't quite look right: Thanks. Someone already mentioned this so it's been fixed. I had deleted some sectors and rebuilt them to get rid of a bug. Must have forgotten to re-texture :P MAP19 - the 30 seconds it takes for the switch in this revenant trap to become accessible so you can become unstuck is way too long if you're carrying BFG from previous maps. Same for coop/survival with multiple players. In -complevel 9 the lift near start of MAP12 (line 912) can't be lowered because very close to it is another linedef (line 929) with an action assigned. I'll let Fonze take care of this in whatever way he prefers :) This tomato somehow became stuck in my playthrough of MAP08: Hmm, I can take a look at it and see what can be done. If anything. Liberation said:Map14's HOM is from lines 3705 and 9119 overlapping, do you want me to sort this Chris? I just moved the 2 vertexs together in my test version. Nah, I can do that, no problem :) Gothic said:Here is the issue fixed Thank you! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Keyboard_Doomer Posted July 23, 2016 Found the HOM. It seems to be only present in PrBoom+ and ZDaemon. Slade shows the red car actually has some missing textures so there is a genuine HOM showing up in PrBoom+ and GLBoom+. For some reason not in (G)ZDoom, though. And this is how it looks like in ZDaemon: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted July 24, 2016 67-minute FDA for map10, minus the first outdoor section and first indoor section (slightly after the BK), which I played some months ago. Hmm, this is a botchfest, I think I take ~100 HP of unforced damage in at least three fights -- completely unnecessary face rocket -> 4% health takes the cake. Also attached a 45-minute replay done with the goal of not doing so many embarrassing things. I thought this was quite good: semi-non-linear; a mix of incidental combat, traps, lock-in designed encounters, non-lock-in design encounters. The YK RL spam fight is surprisingly high-intensity. :P I think the whole part after the red key (starting with the spider mastermind bout) feels kind of like a denouement, because of the low pressure and having so many monsters to be cleared. In my FDA I move many thousands of map units not just exploring but also restocking on supplies in preparation for a climactic fight that never really came. The lack of a cyber or any viles is somewhat of a surprise (not a bad one -- it's cool to have a map of this sort that doesn't culminate in a boss fight like they all usually do). I think I'd appreciate (hidden) teleporters in the final area, maybe from one wing (blue armor + water area) to the other (marble ruins area), to facilitate setting everything loose at once and more smooth exploration. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Mechadon Posted July 25, 2016 Thanks for the demo and feedback rdwpa! I'll try to get around to watching it soon, and I'll make some changes to the map shortly afterwards :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Mechadon Posted July 26, 2016 Ok here's an updated Fomalhaut + changelog: Fomalhaut v8 Changelog Mostly I made the final big fight of the map a bit bigger. There are some minor gameplay smoothing changes I did as well. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chris Hansen Posted July 26, 2016 Thank you very much for all the feedback! And thanks for new version Mech! There aren't many days left before final release, so I'm releasing a new beta with all recently reported bugs fixed (hopefully). Feel free to take a look :) New beta Here's beta2 of the project! Changelog here. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
antares031 Posted July 26, 2016 I promised to replay the MAP12 during the public beta session. But first, here are my thoughts about the MAP12 during the alpha test. -During the alpha test (to Chris) Here's my confession: I accidentaly stepped to the exit line without knowing the presence of invisible exit line, so I couldn't make UV-MAX for my first play. I'm planning to replay this level when the public beta is in session. Still, I must say about what I felt from this level. This is a faithful remade version of Ty's works, such as Wormhole, Shipping/Respawning. z0k and Fonze did the right job to demonstrate the fine example of remaking level. But sadly, this level triggered one of my pet peeves: abusing unfair arch-vile moments. I know some skilled players will not mind this issue. But honestly, placing arch-viles and revenants combo for each corner with "silent teleporter" was gone way too far for me. Maybe I should try HMP next time since this level has only two arch-viles for medium difficulty. -More thoughts during the alpha test (to Fonze) I really like the concept of this level. It's one of the best levels for redesigning the original levels. Combining structures of Wormhole and Shipping/Respawning was executed really well done. Not to mention that the architectural detail is just superb. I can see that you and z0k put a lot of effort into this level. Some moments like small car repair shop and mancubi on the conveyor belt were just good enough to make me a smile. The overall layout is also pretty good. I didn't get lost during my playthrough despite its giant size. Now about the gameplay, I share the same thought with Mechadon. While the majority of combat is pretty good, I could enjoy this level much more if I tried lower difficulty since there's a huge difference of the amount of arch-viles. Some arch-viles are just way too brutal for my taste. First, there's no reliable covers to use around the thing 1311, so it's really hard to dodge its attack unless I'm lucky enough to flinch it 4 times with my SSG. It could be better if there's at least one reliable cover such as a small rocky column. Thing 2726 shares the same problem, but it's even worse; a small room with no cover at all. Although that ambush was predictable, it was still hard to deal with that one. Thing 2913, 2914, 2915, 2917 are the beast because of those silent teleporters. Dealing with 4 arch-viles that teleport around the corner was a really hard job. As you can see, I had no problem to fight against other monsters, but some arch-viles with unfair moments. Other than that, this level is absolutely gorgeous thanks to the well-executed concept, fine architectural details, etc. And here it goes. Played it from beta1 with ZDoom UV-Pistol Start w/ Boom(strict) compatibility. MAP12 "Wormhell" I like the changes on some arch-viles, especially one with no reliable covers from outside(thing 1311, and now it's replaced to a few revenants and a pain elemental) and one from a small room with teleporter traps(thing 2726). The deadly arch-viles with silent teleporters were still hard to deal with, though. And for some reason, although I played this map before, it took me a while to find the exit switch from hellish arena(line 30832 with grey skull switch), but I believe that it was my fault rather than level design issue. The biggest issue during this playthrough was a final combat. Twin cyberdemons were not a big problem, but spawning monsters with no pause was a different story, especially when I realized that I missed the second dimension beyond the spider web. I skipped that second dimension and entered the hell dimension first, but I didn't want to forget that part. So I visited 2nd dimension, killed some monsters that I missed, including a spider mastermind. Speaking of 2nd dimension, that cyberdemon ambush with "disaster area" sign could surprise the player with no foreknowledge. And this is what happened to the first dimension when I returned via line 10672. (IDDTed automap) Personally, placing unstoppable demon spawners to a normal level is not a good idea, since it will discourage the player to explore the level when demon spawners are active. It's like "Your adventure ends here. Stop playing around and exit the level right now, or die." But I want to hear more opinions about this one from other players since every players have their own taste. Still, this level is beautiful. Most of combat situations are well-designed with proper monster and item placements. It's one of the best levels for recreating the original levels designed by Ty, such as MAP04 and MAP19 of Evilution. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chris Hansen Posted July 27, 2016 antares031 said:-During the alpha test (to Chris) Here's my confession: I accidentaly stepped to the exit line without knowing the presence of invisible exit line, so I couldn't make UV-MAX for my first play. I'm planning to replay this level when the public beta is in session. Still, I must say about what I felt from this level. This is a faithful remade version of Ty's works, such as Wormhole, Shipping/Respawning. z0k and Fonze did the right job to demonstrate the fine example of remaking level. But sadly, this level triggered one of my pet peeves: abusing unfair arch-vile moments. I know some skilled players will not mind this issue. But honestly, placing arch-viles and revenants combo for each corner with "silent teleporter" was gone way too far for me. Maybe I should try HMP next time since this level has only two arch-viles for medium difficulty. Thank you for the extensive feedback on this level! I'm sure Fonze and Z0k are very happy about that. Fonze is currently making changes to the level based on feedback like yours. I haven't touched the level at all as he prefers to make the changes himself. And quite frankly, I'm totally fine with that since the level is an absolute beast and I can't find heads or tails in it! :D That being said, I do agree with you about the invisible exit line; that was a surprise to me too back when I played it the first time. Fonze, if you're reading this, please considder marking the exit. That's a change we also implemented for didy's level. As for the Arch Viles... well, I kinda agree. But then again, I'm not a very skilled player, so judging scenarios like this is difficult for me. But I will say this, that if it was my level, I think I'd try to reduce situations like this. I'm probably guilty of having done something similar back in the day, but today I'd probably avoid making combat situations like this. But it's a tough one, as some players probably won't have an problems with a fight like that. Maybe they'll die the first time, but easily take care of it on the second try: I know that wouldn't be a problem for me. I'll let Fonze decide and I'll respect his decision. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 27, 2016 Thank you Chris for respecting my decision :) Hopefully the exit is more clearly marked in this current beta's version. I put a couple extra signs and switched it over to a switch-exit rather than a walk-over one. The AV's in question had their platforms lowered, which I think makes them much easier to deal with. I think I also reduced their count from 4 to 3, but I may be mistaken on that. I want to do something to that invisible teleport thing there at those AV's, but being short on lines I can't do exactly what I want to, so I'm looking into something simpler, that, with any luck, will limit their teleporting only slightly/in intervals. I also need to get coop finished on MAP19. Both of these should be done by 48 hours from this message. Sorry for the last-minute changes; they should have been done by now. I spoke to antares through PM's about most of that (the older) stuff, but I'd like to thank you, antares, once again for your time and feedback; it's invaluable to the creative process. For the twin monster-spawners at the end: you are 100% right; it is a "your adventure ends now" -type of thing. Something I regretted a bit after making it, but then again we didn't have put the exit there and in a way, I like it for the fact that it's a "soft" lock-in to the exit. It's not much different from a one-way teleport or a drop-off; there is no going back once you enter Hell and the end should be no different. One the line of thinking about you missing the "dark" dimension, given that it is somewhat of a secret, perhaps it would make sense for me to mark its entrance as a secret. Z0k also caught a horribly careless misalignment I made on the stair-fix. That'll be fixed, too. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted July 29, 2016 Playthrough of map12 with saves. It's 1:10 long (hours and minutes, not minutes and seconds!!!), not counting a death that probably cost me a couple of minutes. Yeah, good map as I mentioned some months ago -- generously balanced but still tough. I took a lot of damage early on in low-pressure fights for some reason. :) Only real criticism is that the last claustrophobic area (the one where I die to the AV (again!) trying to run away) is really awkward to fight in, lots of decorations to get stuck on, narrow passageways lined with intrusive detail. I didn't go to the wormhole zone this reason, for no particular reason other than that I forgot to go there first. The ending, hmm . . . I just ran past the cyberdemons and hit the exit switch. I thought I was in for a big fight or something. Plays back with beta 1. Edit: Omg I didn't notice beta 2. :( :( :( Edit 2: Not a big deal. Hmm, guess it'd be a good idea to keep the version number in the thread title. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 29, 2016 Keyboard_Doomer said:EDIT: In -complevel 9 the lift near start of MAP12 (line 912) can't be lowered because very close to it is another linedef (line 929) with an action assigned. Finally saw this comment; I figured someone would call me on it sooner or later, glad to see it happen before final release, heh. This was intentional; I map for Boom format, so Boom is what I test in. I noticed that zDoom players get it a bit easier on that lift, but there's not much I can do about that, short of placing a real "lock" on the lift and that's not my target port(s) anyway. It would be more major of an issue if that was unintentional and the situation the other way around, but given that's how it's supposed to play in -complevel 9, I see no need to fix it. Speaking of fixes, final versions of WormHell and Big Freakin' Guardians here! Changelog: MAP12: - Fixed stair fix's breaking of top texture. - Pats self on back - Made exit for UV more clear by adding sign on top of the switch - Made the teleport-out for the AV encounter near the RK slightly bigger. I also pushed the silents closer to the wall, making them less likely to be used when monsters crowd them up. Seems to somehow help them find their way over to the loud, teleport-outs, though. They still generally avoid the teleport-outs like the plague, but combined with the lowered height of the platforms and the minor change to the silents makes them easier to deal with. In one test all three AV's came right out at the same time when I ran to the other side, though of course that was just one test. Another had them filtering out somewhat quickly, with all filtering out within 30 seconds. Though that's a bit faster than I had wanted it, it is nice to see them finding their way out with better success. They're meant to trickle down over time, but it's better and I'm happy with it. - Other minor things here and there MAP19: - Added coop stuff. - Fixed the first encounter for coop by adding more monsters :D - Fixed slime trails (again). Made it so the ones that show up will affect smaller areas, too, by encapsulating them in sectors. *Edit* Just saw rdwpa's post (yes I started typing this hours ago, hehe). Will watch here momentarily! Ok, got the chance to watch; always fun watching your demos! Seeing all the "cautious" playing. Cautious ole rdwpa ;D On a more serious note, thoughts: - I hadn't submitted a fix for beta 2, so it was the same version. - I lol'd at the beginning: punching the skull. Apparently you did stuff like this several times, as well as constantly checked for more ammo/health. As an insight to your other problem I joked on a second ago (with nothing but love, of course; tough, mean love), I think that's kinda where the "cautious" comments come from. Constantly trying to save that extra bit of ammo, as well as saving pickups and coming back for them multiple times, which might have been a really smart idea for this map, but I could see how in many others it could be seen as excessive, especially in maps less trap-centric. Now, I see no problem with it; I play very much the same way (you were just missing standing in the middle of a revenant homing missile-circle, looking around all cool-like, then stepping out and taking it in the side of the head), but perhaps that's part of the answer to your riddle. - my favorite part about players cheesing the SSG grab: The imp and shotgunner you killed at 28 minutes in, atop the box, were among these three. The third you heard die right before you killed the imp, lol. All monsters that don't teleport in during the SSG grab (given how chancy it is with conveyor belts and teleporting into a small room, possibly filled with other mobs in addition to a player which can be anywhere) will teleport into the crate room after the switch to turn the power is hit and then they hear sound. Pretty much every trap has a "back-up," some of which you experienced. - I lol'd that you found the 'oh shit' window at the SSG grab. I didn't think anyone would find it without being near-death and trapped there. I guess they'd also have to be panicked enough to hit "use" on a window, too, but being the first tough trap, I figured it needed an extra out. - Lol at the chaingunner at the gate, first dimension; killed close rev while targeting far rev. Like a car crash: you always hope to see it, but almost never do. - Sorry for the switch hunt in the blood-lake area. It's for your protection, I swear. No really, it is. - It looked like you didn't have too much trouble with the AV's by the RK, which was a good thing. But watching you chase down that last rev (on the first go-'round) made me laugh. Still, should be a tid bit easier with the newest, slight changes. I have watched those enemies walk around that area with IDDT for prolly an hour, total time, of my life and they like to avoid walking past that diagonal line like it's in style, but with this most recent change, that seems to be a bit less. Should be the right balance, but I want them to trickle down slowly, which I was happy to see happen during your demo, and happier to see them come down from alternating sides. You got the trick of it, though, which was to wait until they shoot to shoot them with rockets and I was glad to see you find the secret SS there. In case you were wondering, the hidden switch made the blue armor at the very end appear (with the two cybers and spawners). - The part at the end, in the graveyard: I kinda see where you're coming from, but at the same time, as you saw the second time you played through it (after the death), it really isn't hard if you clear the crypt first. The stairs and doorway also serve as a great bottleneck to either catch him in a gauntlet or block the AV at the door, using the 32-wide sides of the door as cover. I can totally understand that running directly out into the graveyard from the crypt with the AV alive would be a bad idea, but that's about the last real, big fight of the map and a beserk pack plus armor is given right there, too, though of course surviving long enough to grab them is the question. The end (2 cyb+spawners) is meant to not be that bad, though I was sad to see you skip it, lol. - There were a couple gestures I didn't quite understand, but I think I got most of what you were thinking. Thank you very much for both the demo and your time! It was informative and also a great watch! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chris Hansen Posted July 29, 2016 Great, Fonze! I'll paste them into the pwad right away! Update: Release candidate 1. If something's wrong then now's the time to speak up! Otherwise, this is the exact version that will be uploaded tomorrow to the archieves. A great big thank you to everyone involved for having contributed to and helped make this release possible! This community is the best - and this is just a small thank you and appreciation to Ty's immense effort, work and care he showed for it! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Keyboard_Doomer Posted July 30, 2016 Seems like the HOMs on the red car in MAP08 I mentioned in my last post are still there. I didn't pay enough attention and didn't notice the textures there aren't actually missing but the texture W15_4 is apparently not recognized by PrBoom+/GlBoom+/ZDaemon/Slade. I have no idea what may cause this as the graphic is actually present in the WAD. Reporting some minor stuff: In MAP15 it's possible to get stuck between trees (things 292, 394, 395) if infinitely tall actors are turned off. In MAP16 the sides of the sword handle in these decorations block the player from above: Also, I noticed a typo in the text file. Spoiler repective authors Last but not least congrats everyone on finishing this and THANK YOU for being one of the few people who take the time to arrange the maps inside the WAD in the correct order, Chris :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demon of the Well Posted July 31, 2016 Aggh, I meant to give feedback and post FDAs on this, but seems I've run out of time. Of all the stuff I encountered while playing beta 1, the only truly important issue is that map 08 can easily break irretrievably in the crazy stucco room beyond the yellow-locked door just behind the player 1 start point, with the secret blursphere on a metal plinth and the raising bridge over the little moat of brown sludge--if you raise the bridge before you drop down to its left side to get the shotgun/chaingun and maybe the sphere, you can't get back out again because the bridge is not activatable as a lift and there appears to be no other way out. I've done a quick check and confirmed that this is still the case in RC1. Apologies if there is in fact some strange way out (it's a kerrrrazzzy map, after all, and there appears to be a possible unopenable? corridor off the pit that leads to an SSG) that I've just been too daft to detect! Edit: Oh yeah, and the correct spelling for the last word in map 18's title would be "Archive" rather than "Archieve." 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chris Hansen Posted July 31, 2016 Keyboard_Doomer said:Seems like the HOMs on the red car in MAP08 I mentioned in my last post are still there. I didn't pay enough attention and didn't notice the textures there aren't actually missing but the texture W15_4 is apparently not recognized by PrBoom+/GlBoom+/ZDaemon/Slade. I have no idea what may cause this as the graphic is actually present in the WAD. Reporting some minor stuff: In MAP15 it's possible to get stuck between trees (things 292, 394, 395) if infinitely tall actors are turned off. In MAP16 the sides of the sword handle in these decorations block the player from above: Also, I noticed a typo in the text file. Spoiler repective authors Last but not least congrats everyone on finishing this and THANK YOU for being one of the few people who take the time to arrange the maps inside the WAD in the correct order, Chris :) Thank you! I'll take a look at those issues. Except for the one with the car. I don't think there's anything I can do about that. Must be a render issue with the mentioned ports or something. Dobu Gabu Maru made the car in such a way that the textures bleed to form the color of the car. And I guess some ports handle bleeding in another way than say software prBoom. EDIT: BTW, thank you for having noticed the fact that the maps are arranged in order. But that's no thanks to me; Paul Corfiatis took care of that for us :) I thought about doing it, but was too lazy I guess to actually do anything about it! Demon of the Well said:Aggh, I meant to give feedback and post FDAs on this, but seems I've run out of time. Of all the stuff I encountered while playing beta 1, the only truly important issue is that map 08 can easily break irretrievably in the crazy stucco room beyond the yellow-locked door just behind the player 1 start point, with the secret blursphere on a metal plinth and the raising bridge over the little moat of brown sludge--if you raise the bridge before you drop down to its left side to get the shotgun/chaingun and maybe the sphere, you can't get back out again because the bridge is not activatable as a lift and there appears to be no other way out. I've done a quick check and confirmed that this is still the case in RC1. Apologies if there is in fact some strange way out (it's a kerrrrazzzy map, after all, and there appears to be a possible unopenable? corridor off the pit that leads to an SSG) that I've just been too daft to detect! Edit: Oh yeah, and the correct spelling for the last word in map 18's title would be "Archive" rather than "Archieve." I'll fix the spelling mistake, thanks for mentioning it. Don't know about the other thing though. I'm hellbent on releasing the project today since it's exactly a year ago he died. But if Dobu reads your message and can fix it, I'll considder releasing a new version. EDIT: Right, just took a look at this and I can confirm that this needs fixing and it would be stupid of me to leave it be as is. Especially since dobu already thought of it and made it possible to lower the small bridge as a lift. He just forgot the tags on the linedefs. I'll tag 'em and get this out the door :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EffinghamHuffnagel Posted July 31, 2016 Keyboard_Doomer said:I didn't pay enough attention and didn't notice the textures there aren't actually missing but the texture W15_4 is apparently not recognized by PrBoom+/GlBoom+/ZDaemon/Slade. I have no idea what may cause this as the graphic is actually present in the WAD. W15_4 and W15_6 are both Doom1 textures only. They were never added here to the patch table and Texture1. Not sure how they're being used here, but in Doom, the textures are REDWALL1 and LITERED. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chris Hansen Posted July 31, 2016 Cheers, Eff! It should be in order now: I loaded the pwad file in Slade and right clicked the W15_x graphics and added them to TEXTUREx and Patch Table, which I hope will have done the trick. The red car looks fine now in a GL port such as GlBoom+. ********************************************** July 31st - "THT: Threnody" release The project is finished and has been uploaded to the archives! Download link here. This community would most likely not have been around for this long if it wasn't for good people like Ty Halderman. Shortly after having received the news of his death, geo thought that it would be a good idea to honor him by doing a community project that showed love and respect for his and Team TNT's work through the years. The idea was well received and people started joining and submitting levels and music. 1 year later we bring you 20 awesome levels that coupled with stunning new skies and brilliant new music are sure to entertain Doomers for many hours and last but not least - to show respect and pay tribute to Ty! I would like to thank all the wonderful people who contributed in way or the other to this project; it's pretty obvious that without you we wouldn't have been able to complete it! A big thank you goes out especially to the level designers - Mechadon, Paul Corfiatis, Angry Saint, joe-ilya, Liberation, dobu gabu maru, Mithran Denizen, Doomkid, Gothic, Z0k, didy, antares031 and Fonze! And let's not forget our finest community musicians such as Doomhuntress, Alfonzo, Eris Falling, KevinHEZ, Paul Corfiatis, Jimmy, Paul D and Jdoyle! A special thank you also goes out to Mechadon who were fast to deliver us cool graphics and skies and Mithran Denizen that very early on whipped up a ressource pack for us! Quality control came in the form of a multitude of community members that kept finding bugs and providing us with excellent feedback that made sure that this turned into a project worthy of Ty's name! The list goes on and on and I hope I haven't forgotten anyone - if so, then please accept my apologies. At least, I hope none has been forgotten in the text file :) All that's left to say is that we all hope the community enjoy playing through these 20 wonderfully different, action packed and ultimately fun levels! Thank you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dobu gabu maru Posted July 31, 2016 Hey Chris, sorry for neglecting the thread for so long, and thanks for fixing a bunch of little issues. The CEO car in the garage should actually look like this: Because, as EffinghamHuffnagel pointed out, it uses two Ultimate Doom textures (they were included in the TEXTURES lump of my original map). And this bridge problem that Demon pointed out is likely because the bridge SR lift linedef isn't tagged to the corresponding bridge sector—I'm not at my PC so I can't confirm right now, but adding the appropriate tag should fix the problem. The various amount of bleeding errors are extremely difficult to fix unfortunately, as it requires a lot of vertex tweaking (the middle car in the garage is an extremely guilty culprit of this). As long as the longer slime trail bands are fixed, that should be enough I think. Also, all the eccentricities about the map that Fonze pointed out (like the YK door behind the starting position and the super hidden SSG) are indeed intentional and should remain so, as I was aiming to emulate the incorrigible 90's style of "what's the point of this?" EDIT: Nevermind, you fixed the problems! Thanks, and congrats on the release! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chris Hansen Posted July 31, 2016 dobu gabu maru said:Also, all the eccentricities about the map that Fonze pointed out (like the YK door behind the starting position and the super hidden SSG) are indeed intentional and should remain so, as I was aiming to emulate the incorrigible 90's style of "what's the point of this?" Like the 4 lonely shells in a secret area! :D And thanks for finally showing up btw! Sheesh. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted July 31, 2016 Congrats on the release Chris and great job to everyone involved! Working on this project was a ton of fun and I'm sure it has lived up to its expressed goal. Ty will be forever missed, but I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Bloodshedder and TheGreenHerring for taking over the thankless job Ty held for so long. Thanks guys, fellas from this project, and all DW members that keep this community going! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted July 31, 2016 There were a lot of people when this project was still in its ideas stage that said they would contribute, then ended up never doing so. With the nature of this project, that kind of seems particularly disappointing. Ultimately though, it matters not. 20 maps is still a solid haul, and the level of quality across the board makes up for the absences of those whose Threnody maps never came to fruition. Forgotten Reaches had a few rooms that, to me, felt like complete bullshit, but that's the only time I didn't really enjoy what I was playing. Well, there's that dick of a cyberdemon in Sky Pillar too I guess :P This WAD gets off to a pretty good start, then the second half - starting with Mechadon's Fomalhaut - I found to be very impressive. That map itself was a fantastic adventure, and felt a bit like the non-Hell parts of ZDCMP2, though of course, why would I expect anything less from this author? Parallel Dimensions was a great take on the Wormhole concept, really enjoyed the multiple journeys between those two areas. Following it is Wormhell, another highlight of the WAD, very nice Death's Bells remix here too. Sky Pillar is nothing short of beautiful. As a musician, I'm still very much an unknown (I think?) here, so to have my LotL remix go to such a stunning piece of work is a great honour; huge thanks to antares for using it! :) Congratulations to Chris and the team on not only getting this released, but also managing to do so today, the anniversary of Ty's death. A fittingly grand and amazing tribute, well done all! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Z0k Posted July 31, 2016 I can only say, it was a real a honor to do a map for this project, and im glad i didnt step back when i though the map wasnt worthy enough. when i heard about Final Doom (plutonia + TNT) i was excited to play them, i dont going to speak about pluonia (its not that i dislike it) but TNT its by far my favorite Iwad. what i liked of TNT its how their maps made sense (well most of them) unlike doom2 which some maps seems to be random designs (not that i hated them just weird for me) and i can say my specific favorite maps were map04 and map19. by that time i first time played Evilution, i didnt know how to map, but i was sure just on one thing: i wanted to make maps like Wormhole and Shipping/Respawning. from then in my process of learning on how to map, my only inspiration were those 2 maps, and well i cant make a map that dont make sense, i like them to have that kind of ambience and that the map should make you feel that you are in somehow in a kind of base. i definitevely cant make a map that have random things like the ones in Doom2, even hell maps are hard for me to make. i never talked or meet with Ty Halderman didnt know he was the author of these maps (until the day doomworld annouced his death) and honestly its a shame i couldnt say to him with my own words "Thank you" to be the inspiration for my kind of mapping. its because Ty Halderman and (probably Enjay) the authors i could say have influence in my mapping. Also im glad to have worked with Fonze in wormhell and hope in a future i could work again with him. i still use worm hell as teaching on how to place things since i tend to be generous with ammo and health and armor. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted July 31, 2016 This wad really does have a little something for everyone, goes through quite a variety of themes and styles yet still manages to feel coherent. Just the right kind of tribute to a guy who managed an archive full of all different kinds of maps. I haven't actually beaten it for real, but any maps I haven't played I looked through quite thoroughly with idclip and man, everything here really looks like the result of TLC. I think Ty would be really pleased with this outcome, great job to everyone! Forgotten Reaches had a few rooms that, to me, felt like complete bullshit ugh eris learn to doom already (I'm kidding of course) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted August 1, 2016 Oh fuck I forgot about Sky Pillar. I played for about 20 minutes then had to go. LOL that cyberdemon. <3 it and hate it. Beautifully designed map though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted August 1, 2016 I forgot to mention in my last post: I had a ton of fun working with members of this team of folks! There could have been no better choice for project lead than Chris, first off, and the bit of work I did with him was nothing short of a pleasure. Didy was great to work with as well and made MAP19 possible, in addition to having good ideas, a great attention to detail, and a fantastic work ethic. But by far, working with Z0k was the highlight of this project for me; that man is great. It was more fun than a barrel of monkeys bouncing ideas back and forth, as well as working off each other's ideas and constantly striving for something better (at least from my end, hehe). I would love to work on a map with not only Z0k or didy again, but also Chris and anyone else involved in this project; the whole thing was fun and proves what a group of like-minded individuals can achieve when they apply themselves. Any of y'all want to collab in the future, let me know :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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