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Megasphere poll.

Does the megasphere belong anywhere in a deathmatch map?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Does the megasphere belong anywhere in a deathmatch map?

    • yes.
    • No!

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I remember I once used to play some deathmatch with my friends in a youth club waay back. There I always won because I was a megasphere whore. I knew that if I could monopolize the megaspheres (i.e. snatch them at the moment they respawned, helped by my intimate knowledge of the maps) I would be able to control the game.

It turned out to be pretty boring in the end and everyone hated me.

My question is now: Does the megasphere belong anywhere in a Deathmatch map?

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If the megasphere could be spawned in a random location every, say, 10 minutes, i'd say yeah. It'd be fun to see a hunted player at 5% health suddenly find one and turn the tables on the pursuer.

Otherwise, hell no!

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Yes, I think the megasphere DOES belong in DM. It makes a player super strong, giving him an edge, and the other players have a tougher time taking him down, adding to the challenge and fun!

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Let me just point out that I object to the presence of megaspheres at all. They are kinda unsexy in the way they just, ping!, gives you 200%/200%.

The only way I could see megaspheres justified in a DM map was if all start areas had them and those start areas was unaccessible for anybody but the respawning player (by being placed un high ledges for example).

This could lead to some funny deathmatch games where everybody needed several rockets to go down.

Plastering the whole area with megaspheres would just mean pretty ghey gameplay.

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Nah, they're really not necessary in DM, same with the large majority of powerups except for backpacks.

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Why are people against certain things in DM? Jesus. They ALL add to the play! Well, what about the blue armor? What about the soulsphere? What about the berserk pack? WHAT ABOUT INVULNERABILITY? I don't hear you all bitching about being impervious to all attacks for a limited time, but I hear you all bitching about people getting 200% armor and health, because it becomes harder to kill them...

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I said just NO powerups should be in DM.

If they don't respawn, they're gay because only one person gets them, once, and once they run out they're gone.

If they do respawn, they're gay because you can hoard them and be a gay camper faggot.

Easy solution: NO POWERUPS

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Another solution would be something like radius detection. What it would do is that if a player (or players) are to close to a respawn point then the item will not respawn. You could set the radius in the options or maybe define it in the map. Another way would be that items would respawn in different locations each time, much like players do. This way, campers wouldn't always get the item. An easier solution would simply be for the mappers to make it hard to get to the powerups...

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A complete lack of other-worldly power-ups sounds good to me.

Just weapons, armour, and equipment.

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I remember I once used to play some deathmatch with my friends in a youth club waay back. There I always won because I was a megasphere whore. I knew that if I could monopolize the megaspheres (i.e. snatch them at the moment they respawned, helped by my intimate knowledge of the maps) I would be able to control the game.

It turned out to be pretty boring in the end and everyone hated me.

My question is now: Does the megasphere belong anywhere in a Deathmatch map?


Yeah, but it should be very hard to get to. Kinda like the BFG.

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ROFL...I thought the Poll thing said 'Thank you for nothing!' instead of 'Thank you for voting!'

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Like Erik said, I suggest the item respawn option has to be off since this is a Doom deathmatch game, everything should be playing by the oldschool rules. Theoretically, not all power-up items are balanced well playing for deathmatches, such as the presence of backpack, which would increase the spaces of holding ammos twice as much than its original, in FFA could create more opportunities for people to spam further with certain weapons. If you really wish to have power-up items such as megasphere or supercharge, the better way to keep the game balanced is that the map must put the items as fair as possible where to each respawn spots equally. That way, surely this would work out fair enough.

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Hint: place the megasphere in a central room that can be aimed at from any part of the level. On a 4 units wide spiral catwalk over deadly lava.

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Non-dm related: I never understood what that Megasphere was good for. I mean, it was almost the exact same thing as picking up a soul sphere and a megaarmour, so I found it redundant as Hell (still do).

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Well a soulsphere will only give you a 100% boost, so if you're already at like 5% when you pick one up you'll only have 105% to work with. A megasphere on the other hand automatically gives you a full 200% regardless of how much you had when you picked it up.

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The megasphere would definitely have been redundant in DOOM. In DOOM2... well, it does serve a purpose because of the tougher monsters, but they could as well used soul spheres and megaarmors. The real function of the megasphere comes to use at first when you play Hell Revealed... :)

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And this is exactly why I don't like the megasphere. It just goes from near death to 200/200. I like the soulsphere better. It might save the butt of a dying marine and even carry him through the next battle, but soon our marine will find himself scrounging for medicaments again. This is a better way of keeping the gameplay tense at all times like it should be.

Also the Soul Sphere is spiffy blue while the Megasphere is merely nondescript tan.

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Also the Soul Sphere is spiffy blue while the Megasphere is merely nondescript tan.


Yeah, in DOOM, the soulsphere is the blue and shiny unholy face looking at you, radiating evilness and magic... in DOOM2, the megasphere is a lame enhanced ball of brownness :P

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  Liam the Bard said:

Well a soulsphere will only give you a 100% boost, so if you're already at like 5% when you pick one up you'll only have 105% to work with. A megasphere on the other hand automatically gives you a full 200% regardless of how much you had when you picked it up.


In other words: It's only really needed in dm.
I usually pick up medkits/stimpacks until I'm almost at 100%

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You'd become to be able to survive from 3 shots of Super-shotgun once you have extra fully health and extra fully armor points up to 200/200 by picking up a Megasphere.

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  Fredrik said:

Hint: place the megasphere in a central room that can be aimed at from any part of the level. On a 4 units wide spiral catwalk over deadly lava.



Hmm...that actually gives me an idea for an SP level...

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speaking of megasphere in deathmatches, I really hate classic Doom2 map07 :/ anywayz, extra power-ups suck for deathmatches, except for medikit, stimpak, and blue/green armor.

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Doom2 map07 sucks for deathmatch. Period. It usually always ends up with some lamer being in full control of all munitions because they are so centrally placed.

I personally like map10. It might be frigggin' big but it's very nonlinear and sports a wide variety of different combat zones.

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Believe it or not, but I think some of the levels in DOOM's first episode are the best for DM.

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E1M1 and E1M5 are awesome. E1M9 is OK. E1M4 and E1M7 are nice though big. E1M2, E1M3 and E1M6 fail because they're too linear and/or have annoying mazes. E1M8 sucks.

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