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The Ultimate Doom II : Doom II levels reimagined

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Well, I guess it would be kinda weird if these huge maps just had like 50-100 monsters. Anyway, sometimes enemy placement feels a bit like on higher difficulties, e.g. the amount of Revenants in The Crusher. Don't wanna see this on HMP or UV... 😁

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It's still a WIP so I will try to make things more suitable for easier difficulty settings. Don't worry, I really appreciate feedback like this and map06 has already seen several changes in terms of difficulty. (That map just isn't that great overall \o/)


Could you specify which area seems difficult in particular?

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  • 1 month later...

Progress is slow as I'm working on several maps at the same time right now. I've been running out of ideas for the current levels or they simply didn't look that good to me so I had to redo some stuff, plus I have a lot on my head right now. I could post some screenshots but I think I'd rather just wait with that until I release these maps.


As much as I'd love to work on this as much as I can, it's hard to come up with good results and I've been trying to really up the quality for the final levels.

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Well, Please take your time. Don't want you to lose interest trying to rush it. Cause so far this project is amazing.

Edited by Tycitron

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A new version is out! Still no new maps though, unfortunately.


It includes some quality of life improvements on maps 03, 06, 18 and 19 (possibly more). Some encounters were rebalanced or the areas changed slightly for better pacing. Map19 received some changes in terms of item placement.


While I'm working on 3 new maps at the same time, Guardsoul decided to begin work on a new level as well. There are two new finished maps made by another guest mapper that I might release soon but they require some polishing and testing first.



Edited by Gardevoir

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12 minutes ago, Gardevoir said:

Read the sentence at the end of the first post.

Thanks for drawing my attention to that. I think there will be no DeHackEd collisions as your modifications aren't massive, and SMOOTHED doesn't modify the Nazi.

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The only entities edited in DeHackEd are SS Nazi (new monster), Commander Keen (new monster), Cyberdemon (uses KeenDie for special triggers) and some corpse actors (edited to use other sprites) from what I remember, the rest should be fine.

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  • 5 months later...

I've just made myself an account just to be able to tell you that you are crazy, you have a serious mental issue, man. "Round two"...

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Oh wow, how did I miss such a great mod over these years? I played the latest version on UV in GZdoom 4.3.3 and I encountered some problems:


MAP13: about 200 monsters in large monster closet (sector 1969) never became active and thus 100% kills is impossible.


MAP19: imps (things 1149 etc.) can become stuck in the gap behind the marble face (sector 1236).


MAP26: lost souls 120 etc. are facing the wrong way, they don't become active when you walk through the corridor (sector 361.)

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Thanks for the feedback! The bug on Map13's something I fixed quite a while ago but I keep forgetting to keep the links updated. There's a big bugfix coming soon, possibly with new level(s) included. Sorry for the recent lack of upgrades and making this project seem pretty dead, been just busy with life and doing other things, but I'll try to push this to a final release as fast as I can.

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Whoah, I just want to say I also just discovered this project and it's supremely competent. I'm only on map04 so far but I am having the time of my life with this. You are a great mapper.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/22/2020 at 5:49 PM, Gardevoir said:

Thanks for the feedback! The bug on Map13's something I fixed quite a while ago but I keep forgetting to keep the links updated. There's a big bugfix coming soon, possibly with new level(s) included. Sorry for the recent lack of upgrades and making this project seem pretty dead, been just busy with life and doing other things, but I'll try to push this to a final release as fast as I can.


Yeah, it's completely understandable my good man, pretty sure all others have a lot going concern these days...

You are such a talented mapper! I would love to see more support and attention coming towards your creations.

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Didn't notice that this was Boom format and was surprised when Crispy Doom crashed after taking one step on the first map. It works great in Woof! 1.1.0 though!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm enjoying this map pack a lot but I have a problem. I still don't understand if jumping is allowed or not because I can't grab the red key on map 15 unless I jump

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a while. Hey! I finished another map for this project and like 4 more are on the way! Map20 is ready for testing if anyone wants to give it a try. Enjoy and expect more updates soon as I really want to get this project finished as quick as possible!



Edited by Gardevoir

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My super shotgun is ready daddy


[Edit] So I played map 20...

Why is half the monster count a giant horde of revs and baron/knights at the beginning?

Edited by StalkerZHS

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Because it's Gotcha and it's a surprising trap! It can be completely skipped too if you prefer. I guess the map still needs a bit of work but at least that encounter can be done from pistol start now so I'm glad.

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  • 6 months later...

This is one of the absolute best map sets I've ever played. Tough as hell in parts, even on HMP it provides a good challenge. It feels exactly like what I imagine Doom II would look like if it was made today in the Doom engine. The levels preserve the same feeling as their original versions, still recognisable as well as being hugely expanded and giving a whole new experience. Incredible work in my opinion.

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I quite enjoyed this new Underhalls! I'll carry on with the rest! Doom II is my nostalgia game but the level design is very hit or miss so I love projects like these not so much because Doom II can be fixed once and for all, but just to peer in the minds of different mappers and see what 'fixed' means for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for constantly taking hiatuses from working on this mapset (and doom maps in general) but thank you a lot for the positive feedback! I'll keep it up and try to up the quality for all of the future hell-themed maps since in my opinion, they're some of the worse looking levels in the original set... hence why it's been taking a while for me to finish anything, haha... but yeah, once I'm done working on my other hobbies (fighting game tool-assisted playthroughs been my most recent passion) I'll be more than happy to provide more levels soon and eventually finish this set in this or next year.

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