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The Ultimate Doom II : Doom II levels reimagined

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killer2 said:

I've found a couple of bugs in map28. Nothing very serious, a HOM in the big cave area with the plasma rifle (I could post a screenie if you don't find it yourself, but it's pretty easy to see), and the damaging floor in the pit near the rocket launcher doesn't do damage and is inescapable. Also, the BFG secret is weird, I couldn't find any clues to it being there. Is it intentional? I remember the wall being different in the original map.

Didn't you mean Map25?
I'll be fixing some stuff on that map when I complete my next level so don't worry. If you could post a screenshot of that HOM because I couldn't find it myself, it'd be very helpful.

joe-ilya said:

It's also because there's an even older project with the same name : http://justindoom.angelfire.com/

People already pointed that out to me. The difference is that my project has "The" in its title.

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Amazing wad so far Gardevoir, well-designed, beautiful reinterpretations of the classic Doom 2 levels, challenging but not impossible difficulty,... I'm looking forward to trying out the rest of the demo and to part 2 of course. Have you released other wads in the past, perhaps under another moniker?

In case anyone is interested I'm recording a longplay of The Ultimate Doom 2:


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I've been doing some stuff for smaller projects and did some speedmaps in the past, but this is my first serious project. Mario DM by Cpt. Toenail had some of my very first attempts at mapping, I have a set of Speedmapping DM maps and DM maps from Savage Assassins Duel pack, I did a map for Cpt. Toenail's (again, I miss you man ;-;) Strife DM project, some rather long standalone sp/coop maps and maybe some other stuff I don't remember about anymore. Also two shitmaps for a certain CONTEST *cough*. I wasn't posting here a lot as you can see as I was hanging around Skulltag/Zandronum and ZDoom forums most of the time.
And if you could, please wait with this Longplay 'till mappack is finished.
Balancing and other stuff may still happen to already released maps.

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Gardevoir said:

And if you could, please wait with this Longplay 'till mappack is finished.
Balancing and other stuff may still happen to already released maps.

Sure, I'll put it on hold. I've also renamed my uploads, the word Demo features prominently now.

Anyway, I'm having trouble reaching the Plasma Riffle on map 5 is it possible that this secret is bugged or am I missing something?

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In order to reach the Plasma Gun you have to first hit the switch on the other side so the pillar with it lowers down. Otherwise, it's the same thing as in the original. I just didn't want players to be able to obtain it so fast. It's definitely not bugged.

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I really like what you have done so far. The way you use vanilla textures is very fascinating, especially in map18. The gameplay is also pretty well done. It's not a chore to play what is essentially the same map again because the layouts are changed a bit but it is also plenty more challenging. The only thing i don't like about it is how when you detail some of the areas of your maps, you use sharp edges that use a lot of segments, and looks very weird because the rest of the map keeps a simplistic aesthetic, and seems to make some areas look better without the detail. All in all, this is what I think doom 2 reloaded should have been. What you have here is glorious, and I cannot wait to see how you remaster the other maps. Especially the ones I hate like nirvana and downtown.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys, remember me?


Well, here we go. Probably the biggest map I've made so far.
Now I can finally go to bed. Good night!

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If there was a contender for the Mordeth Award, this might as well be it.

Looking forward to this!

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Is that really it? Is someone fixing the biggest problem I had with Doom 2 (its aesthetics, specially compared with Doom 1 EP1)?
That city and factory shot looks 100 times better then the original, and yet it seems to retain most of the original level design. I'll have to check it out as soon as I can. :)

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I am enjoying so far, but if I have one criticism, it is that the new maps are way too big now and lack the brisk pace of the original game. I would have expected a simple visual overhaul from something called "The Ultimate Doom II".

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Well, perhaps the maps are big but they are also filled with monsters. You still get the same pace, just there's more to explore. At least, I see it that way.

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Huh, I thought it was just a visual overhal, but it changes the maps quite a bit.
I don't like the name by the way, heh =P
For me "Ultimate Doom 2" will always be Doom 2 + No Rest For the Living + Master Levels and that's how my batch is set up (after all, Ultimate Doom is Doom with a new episode, not the original episodes remade).

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Yeah, that is my thought as well: the title is kind of misleading.

Still a great WAD so far, though. The more realistic architecture reminds me of Doom II: Reloaded, which is another good Doom II remake.

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StalkerZHS said:

WOS/CC4 E2M2 kinda... doesn't seem fitting for bloodfalls
maybe the D_ADRIAN remix seen in Plutonia Revisited

I agree. Adrian's Asleep is the original music for Bloodfalls. I think the remix fits much better as not very many PRCP tracks are used very much in other wads.

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I'll ask Guardsoul if he wants to change the music, hence it's his map and he picked the music on his own. I'm not a big fan of it either so I'll look into that suggestion.

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