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The Ultimate Doom II : Doom II levels reimagined

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19 minutes ago, Tracer said:

Well I thought it was okay.  


I'll have to check this one out.  But when you say "thick", I have to admit I am not certain what you mean by it.  

ULTD2 - maps are 10x larger and more detailed than doom 2

D2Redux - maps are 3x larger and more detailed than doom 2

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What a surprise!! Only been here a couple of months and never knew this existed. Thoroughly enjoying this, maps are huge and well detailed but you still notice areas and references to the original id software levels.  Some nice battles and ambushes but thankfully its not a slaughter fest. Played the first 3 maps and am now about to play "The Focus". Thanks so much for this.

Edited by Korozive

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, here's the least cliché compliment I can do:

I seriously just love how it's kinda retro-esque, but still remains original and unique at the same time.
Ingenious, I'd say.

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I enjoyed this up until map 6. That start with the 4 spiders is just too much and only 2 of the switches are reasonably obvious. And even then, if you don't get the secret megasphere, you're screwed in the time the cover on the first switch lowers and then running to the next one. I haven't even found the switches to lower the other 2 crushers.


Also I don't see the point of those new zombies, they are glitched when trying to play this with mods etc. They weren't in the original doom 2 so why are they here? This wad is already action packed enough, we dont really need a chaingunner-lite. The zombieman would've filled their places just fine IMO.

Edited by Hells Kitchen

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And here it is folks! Map15 added, some other maps slightly rebalanced and there are a few other things and edits in too. Now that I finally got some time to work on this again I'll try to make as much progress as possible. Enjoy!

Updated link in first post.

Also a note for everyone playing with gameplay mods because I still see people having trouble with this!
This wad uses SS Nazi replacements as a new enemy made in dehacked. If you can't wait for me to make a 'dehacked-free' version of the wad which I'd release after the entire thing's complete so that it works flawlessly with any gameplay mods, the best way to workaround enemies with glitchy graphics is to open the wad file and remove the Dehacked file inside of it entirely, alongside the new SS Nazi sprites. If any glitches still occur, I'm afraid I cannot help with that. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Edit: Whoops, I didn't notice a single PRBoom exclusive bug on Map15. If you stumbled upon a door that doesn't want to open, please redownload the file.

Edited by Gardevoir

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Good Lord, you've somehow made MAP15 bigger and better! Looks great, can't wait to see how The Living End turns out!

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After a few days of testing, I've altered several things and fixed a lot of bugs related to the maps excluding Map25 and 26 which might be unplayable in PRBoom as of now, those will be patched in future releases. As I found out recently through pure accident, testing maps exclusively with ZDoom is a bad idea when you do maps for Boom, and thus some maps had line actions that would not trigger properly in game. Pretty much all of them should be fixed by now, but if you run into any problems while playing, please report any bugs.

Here is the updated version, enjoy!


Edit: I found a big bug on Map18 that would prevent players from progressing further into the map. Here's a hotfix, sorry for trouble.



Edited by Gardevoir

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Those screenshots look spectacular.
I like that each level is easily recognizable despite having so many different details to the originals.

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  • 5 months later...

Good spacious maps with many monsters. I can't imagine going through everything alone, but this seems well suited for coop as there is always enough room for multiple players. Some findings from the first 10 levels:


Map02: bleeding bars in some spots in software mode, check e.g. linedef 1596.

Map05: two lost souls stuck in each other (things 622 and 871).

Map06: in ZDaemon sector 309 rose only by like 32 units and we couldn't progress, not sure why it worked like that.

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Glad you're enjoying the levels! Now, as to the issues you've found, I plan on fixing all bleeding textures later on, I'm aware of most of them and they do happen on some levels. The Lost Souls on map05 are intentionally inside of each other (a dumb reference to the original map) and uh... the sector 309 lift bug might be caused by a PassThru trigger, though I'm not 100% sure. It happens very rarely but I've seen this bug once before. I switched the order of actions on the PassThru trigger so it hopefully shouldn't happen anymore, and if it still does I'll find some workaround later.


A small update on the mapset itself, it's not dead but my life's been quite busy. Slowly working on maps 19 and 31 right now, they're more than halfway done. Hopefully, I can finish this project by the end of 2018, but that depends on my future schedules.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Long time no see everyone! Map19's complete and I should have more time to work on this project now. The aim is to finish it this year, though, with the seemingly increasing map size with each next level, that might prove to be quite difficult. After Map20 I might cut the map sizes a bit if you guys won't mind, though I hope they will be as good as they were up to this point. Still, if you wanna help me playtest the levels, grab the latest version and give em a try! Any help and feedback is appreciated!


Some screenshots:



Edited by Gardevoir

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  • 6 months later...

I realized that perhaps I could bump this topic a bit. Some time ago I released an update featuring Map31, many prboom exclusive bugs fixed, no more bleeding textures and some balance changes and I forgot to post about it here, so here you go.




Also here are some WIP screenshots of maps 20 and 21:





Edited by Gardevoir

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  • 5 months later...

Wow, that sky for Nirvana's interesting. So far, this is the 2nd popular singleplayer megawad I know of that uses multiple skies and really, I just wish more wads did so.

Also, any updates? It's been almost 6 months, I hope nothing bad happened.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not dead, just out of ideas and time for the time being. Once I'm done with some other projects of mine I might eventually go back to working on this. Sorry for the lack of updates, doom just stopped being my main priority at the moment.

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3 hours ago, Gardevoir said:

I'm not dead, just out of ideas and time for the time being. Once I'm done with some other projects of mine I might eventually go back to working on this. Sorry for the lack of updates, doom just stopped being my main priority at the moment.

Best of luck! Nirvana looks very cool with this void\unreal theme.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks pretty good.  I like levels which are remakes of the stock Doom/Doom2 levels.  I recommend a more unique name though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh whoops, just noticed I forgot to update the file in the first post. Sorry about that. The old version didn't include map31. That should be in there now.

Edited by Gardevoir

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  • 3 months later...

I'm having trouble finding one last secret in Map 13. Even after using noclip and iddt, I still can't find the 10th secret. Also, I found a monster room with a teleporter outside the map which I don't how to properly trigger. I'm guessing that's related to the missing secret somehow.

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I assume difficulty levels are still not implemented? Just asking because in v2.83 you still gotta fight like up to 300 monsters already early on in the game, even on ITYTD and HNTR.

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Difficulty settings are implemented. The levels are big and full of monsters no matter which difficulty you play on, though there's a pretty clear difference between all difficulty settings.

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