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PsychoGoatee said:

I'll give the nod to the ol Pinky Demon. As for why, they have personality, they're not annoying, fun to fight.

He's also a really good one. I also really enjoyed his Doom 3 design.

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Spider Mastermind.

While I love the Doom 3 Hellknight, Doom 2's wicked Archvile and as a kid literally got intimidated by the CyberDemon I still had a natural love for the Spider's design.

Its sheer size and sound upon sight is freaky and by far has the most Epic death in Doom.

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1. Cyberdemon.
2. All Doom 2 monsters.
3. All Doom 3 monsters are terrible. Lame sounds and graphics, and they act barely like Doom's original cast.
4. Pain elementals are cute little squishy meatballs.
5. Doom 4 ruined the Cyberdemon and turned him into a fat incorrectly horned anomaly. He's supposed to be muscular.

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Lvangundy said:

5. Doom 4 ruined the Cyberdemon and turned him into a fat incorrectly horned anomaly. He's supposed to be muscular.


Though you gotta admit he looks menacing as fuck here:

I think he has potential to be a cool monster as long as we don't have to look at his ugly fucking face lol

Edit: But let's not turn this into a cyberdemon rant thread lol

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Archvile used to be my favorite, because the IWAD used it strategically and sparingly. Most PWADs misuse/overuse it, wrecking any gameplay balance in the process.

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I like lost souls the most. I used to like the arachnotron the most, but there's that special quality that lost souls have that makes me like them even more. their screams are cool and it's funny when they infight with each other.

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Revenants have the best walk cycle of any monster. I mean damn, you can tell by the way he uses that walk, he's a woman's man. No time to talk.

I though my absolute favorite is probably the Baron because they're so satisfying to take down when you've got a limited arsenal (like E3M2 in the first game.) Plus, their death animation is pretty satisfying also.

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Revenants are challenging and fun to fight, and fighting them in groups creates an interesting learning experience that can improve your skills with other monsters.

I like Arch-Viles for similar reasons, though it's very easy to abuse them. However, Arch-Viles are the only monsters that cans till terrify me to a degree because of how dangerous they are.

The Doom 3 Pinky is a great design, though fighting his earlier incarnation was more fun.

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I like killing Cacos because they make that awesome sound and then crash down hard.

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Clonehunter said:

I like Arch-Viles for similar reasons, though it's very easy to abuse them. However, Arch-Viles are the only monsters that cans till terrify me to a degree because of how dangerous they are.

The archvile is the only doom monster that manages to make me freak out like the first time I saw him.

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I'm torn between the Baron (and its brother) and the Arch Vile. I really love the menacing roar of a hell knight, especially when you are in tight quarters with it. I always think of a bull ready to charge... The high melee damage is another thing i love about them, for once, you know a demons physical prowess... The Arch Vile is also awesome because of its dark magicks... I akin their actions to spells, as if an Arch Vile is some sort of evil sorcerer in the invading army...

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my most fave ever is the classis cyberdemon, but i also really like the D64, D3 and new doom versions

my second fave is the mancubus, but i cant decide between classic or new doom version

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Mancubus. Mainly because he looks so goddamn cool. Kind of a big slow target, but he's really fun to fight, with his continuous fireball volleys and all.
I like the Revenant too, but I'm kind of getting sick of him because he's so overused in most custom maps.

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I reckon if you had to distill Doom down to 5 monsters you could still make a great wad with just these:

Arch Vile

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Commander Keen - a subtle nod to modders that "lets them do what they want". Excellent creature and specimen, all around. Without him, many doom mods are for naught.

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