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Useless WAD/demo statistics: UV-max kills per second


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Dividing the number of dead monsters by the time gives a measurement of a demo's action-packedness. For no good reason other than having a couple of spare hours with nothing better to do, I took a bunch of the most popular IWADs/megawads, downloaded each map's fastest non-TAS UV-max demo from the DSDA, and ran -timedemo -levelstat. Taking the total kills / time for each WAD gives the following rates:

    sf2011      2.2148      ( 60136 / 27151.49)
    sf2012      1.5506      ( 58373 / 37644.64)
       sod      1.2943      ( 14345 / 11083.45)
    ksutra      0.8053      ( 10215 / 12685.39)
       hr2      0.7973      ( 10109 / 12679.42)
    scythe      0.7924      (  3379 / 4264.11)
        av      0.7730      ( 10317 / 13346.92)
   scythe2      0.7381      (  6094 / 8256.14)
     doom2      0.6963      (  3540 / 5083.80)
      doom      0.5851      (  2907 / 4968.16)
       tnt      0.5197      (  4614 / 8878.22)
  plutonia      0.4977      (  3006 / 6039.75)
        hr      0.4801      (  6787 / 14135.65)
       pl2      0.4775      (  6804 / 14250.36)
        mm      0.4774      (  5313 / 11129.39)
       mm2      0.4535      (  5772 / 12726.52)
   requiem      0.4171      (  4094 / 9814.64)
   eternal      0.2982      (  6044 / 20267.41)
Not really any big surprises. The rates correlate quite well with the total number of monsters, with a few exceptions. Plutonia and hr are actually quite low on action by this measure, in contrast to the all-out slaughter WADs they inspired. They don't really have huge empty levels (like eternal), so I guess it's mostly a matter of having relatively little cannon fodder.

A dump including all the individual level stats can be found here: https://gist.github.com/fredrik-johansson/fc761219b45e75c81aab

The 10 most slaughtersome demos across all tested WADs are:
    sf2012    MAP27   15.7426      ( 10253 /  651.29)
       sod    MAP30   11.1878      (  2010 /  179.66)
    sf2012    MAP33    8.3786      (  1003 /  119.71)
    sf2011    MAP23    8.3100      (  2904 /  349.46)
       sod    MAP28    4.9079      (  2938 /  598.63)
    sf2011    MAP30    4.7958      ( 13509 / 2816.86)
    sf2012    MAP19    4.2491      (  1671 /  393.26)
    scythe    MAP26    4.0801      (   666 /  163.23)
    sf2011    MAP27    4.0266      (  6469 / 1606.57)
    sf2011    MAP32    3.9458      (   693 /  175.63)
The highest kill rates for the IWADs are:
     doom2    MAP02    1.4120      (    90 /   63.74)
     doom2    MAP25    1.1182      (   100 /   89.43)
     doom2    MAP31    1.0737      (   149 /  138.77)
     doom2    MAP10    1.0263      (   261 /  254.31)
     doom2    MAP18    1.0096      (   178 /  176.31)
     doom2    MAP03    1.0008      (    78 /   77.94)
     doom2    MAP16    0.9684      (   161 /  166.26)
     doom2    MAP04    0.9250      (    55 /   59.46)
     doom2    MAP32    0.9218      (    33 /   35.80)
     doom2    MAP05    0.9010      (   118 /  130.97)

      doom     E1M7    1.0747      (   150 /  139.57)
      doom     E1M1    0.9722      (    29 /   29.83)
      doom     E1M4    0.9253      (    85 /   91.86)
      doom     E1M6    0.9144      (   177 /  193.57)
      doom     E4M2    0.9076      (    76 /   83.74)
      doom     E1M3    0.9056      (   131 /  144.66)
      doom     E1M5    0.8810      (   131 /  148.69)
      doom     E4M3    0.8489      (   140 /  164.91)
      doom     E1M2    0.8005      (    79 /   98.69)
      doom     E4M8    0.7590      (   106 /  139.66)

  plutonia    MAP19    1.1627      (   116 /   99.77)
  plutonia    MAP32    1.1173      (   206 /  184.37)
  plutonia    MAP18    1.0138      (    96 /   94.69)
  plutonia    MAP15    0.8138      (   108 /  132.71)
  plutonia    MAP16    0.8027      (   109 /  135.80)

       tnt    MAP09    0.9192      (   297 /  323.11)
       tnt    MAP01    0.7871      (    36 /   45.74)
       tnt    MAP11    0.7435      (   142 /  191.00)
       tnt    MAP14    0.7048      (   201 /  285.20)
       tnt    MAP10    0.6774      (    88 /  129.91)
And here is a plot of the distribution of kills/second rates for each WAD:

Yeah, not extremely interesting, but there you go anyway. I guess you can conclude that a typical doom level can be completed at a rate of 0.3-1.0 kills per second, with much higher rates being possible only in a handful of extreme levels.

Two levels are missing from the stats (the hr2 MAP31 demo refused to sync, and sf2012 MAP15 has no demo yet). The following demos did not quite get all monsters killed (in some cases, it's clear why, but maybe some of them are not valid max demos?):
< 100%:  doom E1M8 26/41
< 100%:  plutonia MAP11 14/18
< 100%:  plutonia MAP27 78/79
< 100%:  tnt MAP15 94/96
< 100%:  hr MAP23 364/367
< 100%:  hr MAP26 424/428
< 100%:  hr MAP32 287/327
< 100%:  scythe MAP28 18/22
< 100%:  eternal MAP05 146/149
< 100%:  eternal MAP12 231/232
< 100%:  pl2 MAP11 77/84
< 100%:  pl2 MAP20 349/353
< 100%:  pl2 MAP25 250/256
< 100%:  pl2 MAP27 207/224
< 100%:  pl2 MAP32 367/386
< 100%:  requiem MAP23 160/161
< 100%:  mm MAP18 198/200
< 100%:  mm MAP20 167/168
< 100%:  mm2 MAP18 168/169
< 100%:  mm2 MAP25 251/252
< 100%:  mm2 MAP31 233/234

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Kills per second/minute is something what I usually think about when doing UV-Max run. Heh, never thought map02 in Doom 2 was actually the highest.

Have you thought about doing the same thing with tool-assisted runs and compare the times to the non-tas runs?

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MAP02 is filled with weak hitscanners and is a short map, so it's no surprise to me that the kill-to-time ratio is high.

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Ohhhhh I love useless information :) Any chance you'll add more to this list? I'd like to see how TWID products compare to the IWADS, & maybe Icarus, Perditions Gate, & Plutonia Revisited.

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Jaws In Space said:

Perditions Gate

If this one gets done, don't use the DSDA times for that one, use the demo pack. None of the DSDA individual level times are records.

Anyway, cool statistics. :D I was also surprised by how high Doom 2 map 2 is on the list.

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