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Hi! How can I change next map? When I use "Exit_Normal" starts next level by number (?). Is there script to spawn player on self defined map?

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It's defined in MAPINFO, you'll have to create your own MAPINFO, This will define which map will be loaded after exiting that map .

E.G :
map map01 "DABOOM !"
next = 2

map map02 "Woohoo !"
next = 4


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Krechet777 said:

Thanks. But, is there any way to have two exits on map leeding to different maps?

I'd assume you'd have to tag one as a secret exit so...

map map01 "Example"
next = 2
secretnext = 15

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Oh, this is good idea!
But two questions (i'm newbie, sorry)
1) What is MAPINFO? (I'm using GZDoom builder)
2) Two next maps (standart and secret) is good enough, but is there any way to start map by my choise (e.g. Exit(my_map_name))?

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MAPINFO does what you wanted ,Put secret exit in second level, and define it in MAPINFO by secretnext:

next = "MAPXX" - this defines the next map for normal exit .
secretnext = "MAPXX" - this defines the next map for secret exit .

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No, with MAPINFO I can create two exits: standart and secret, but I want to MORE next maps
There is RETURN trigger whitch act when player RE-enter level, so I'm sure there is way to manage next level. but I dont know how...

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You're gonna need an ACS Script to achieve this . Of course you're gonna have to put more than 1 exit .
EDIT : For instance :

#Include "zcommon.acs"
Script 1 (void)
Teleport_NewMap (map, 0, 0);

and give lindef effect 80 to the exit, set script number, and activation method ... that's all .

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Thanks, but seems it work only with maps MAP*, if mapname starts with another string (not "map") it will give you error: "No player 1 start" (but there it is)

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I Already suggested MAPINFO, but he wanted to put multiple exits for his map that lead to many Levels (Not only Normal and Secret) , Looks like the only trick is Teleport_NewMap .

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