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Your favorite monster death animation?


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So what monster has your favorite death animation?

For me I think it'd be the Arachnotron.

I dunno something is so satisfying about seeing that little guy's brains explode, that mechanical robotic "RHHHEEEEEARRRR" as it kinda shuts itself down, and then it crumples down in a heap on the floor. Pretty cool kind explosion sound too.

A second would have to be the Archvile.

I HATE Archviles, so it's always satisfying to see their bodeis just somehow like... Fall apart I guess? Melt?

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I used to hate the chaingun guys animation but I like it a lot now. The way his head splits open, eyeball ejects out and arm snaps off is really cool. My second favorite is the imp because its the perfect animation of getting thrown back by a shotgun, which is typically the most enjoyable weapon to kill them with.

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I think it would have to be the Cyberdemon or Mastermind, large gratuitous deaths that last more than a second~! Nice details and stuff

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Imps, shotgun guys, and zombiemen exploding...

because of the sprites having that classic 2D cartoonish gore look and feel. You see them explode to then fall part with all of these tiny anatomic details in their original unfiltered state. Just enough to give that old-school 'brutal violence' feel, and not to much so you dont get that 'ok... its boring or weird' sense.

Its not complete without that squishy sound which goes something like ; "k' pluutch krrr".

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I hope two counts, but something about shooting a Pinky In the face with a Suoer Shotgun Is completely amazing. And shooting It at the Arachnotron as It's tiny head explodes Is just orgasmic.

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mancubus, how the skin slides off the skeleton and falls to the ground.

the caco is pretty amusing with his "brrruuuuuuuh".

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Pirx said:

mancubus, how the skin slides off the skeleton and falls to the ground.

the caco is pretty amusing with his "brrruuuuuuuh".

Yeah, I love the Mancubus' death. It's great, I think the best part about him Is the way he makes the fat ass kinda "BBURRAWOOOM" sound when you shoot him.

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Pirx said:

mancubus, how the skin slides off the skeleton and falls to the ground.

Tritnew said:

Yeah, I love the Mancubus' death. It's great, I think the best part about him Is the way he makes the fat ass kinda "BBURRAWOOOM" sound when you shoot him.

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Cacodemon, because his eye pops out after death which is awesome.

Second favorite would have to be the Cyberdemon because it's so satisfying after the deed is done.

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I like the Baron/Knight animation a lot, but the Arachnotron just has such a nice loud joybuzzer sound when you pop him open.

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The Baron/Knight death animation has always confused me. I could never quite figure out how they go from badass bulls to something that looks like a rumpled fleshy rag.

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DeathevokatioN said:

Does the Golem from Heretic count? The way his soul bursts from his body while his flesh is disintegrating into tiny shreds is just insanely cool.

Yeah. Great animation there. It was so great that the Soul Harvester from the original ZDoom Monster resource wad copied the golem's soul evacuation graphic precisely. Then Vader redesigned the Soul Harvester graphics so the imp was a little more gaunt, had a gibbed frame, and now possessed a golden skull attack alongside a golden soul evacuation, with entirely new sprite-artistry.

Another great one is D'Sparil's death where his magical energy is released in an arc of lightning emanating from his levitating body, and you can't forget his death metal roar echoing thru the map. \m/

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JudgeDeadd said:

The Baron/Knight death animation has always confused me. I could never quite figure out how they go from badass bulls to something that looks like a rumpled fleshy rag.

The idea is that when they die they fold backwards from the waist.

Thats why their torso completely vanishes, you are looking into their lower half from their guts.

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I find all Doom monster death animations to be satisfying, actually. But:

Capellan said:

Anything getting reduced to total giblets.

This wins.

Along with the Arachnotron, Cyber and SMM.

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Yeah, the Baron's death gets it for me because of the fact their spine snaps in half. I guess it's because they're taller than Doom Guy so his rounds would be hitting at their spine. XD

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Pain Elemental.. Not for the animation though. But, as soon as you think you're through with that annoying asshole, out pop a few more lost souls. I love it.

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MetroidJunkie said:

Yeah, the Baron's death gets it for me because of the fact their spine snaps in half. I guess it's because they're taller than Doom Guy so his rounds would be hitting at their spine. XD

I don't quite get why their head falls off at the lower jaw as well.

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SavageCorona said:

Also I like the Arachnotron the best.

Yeah, just when you shoot him with the SSG you hear a nice pop sound with electronic screaming. But I like the Mancubus' death and the gibblets a tad bit more, maybe because the Mancubus Is one of my favorites (Arachnotron Is one of them too).

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