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The Cyberdemon


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I almost wish Id didn't have such reverence for the cyberdemon. I'd actually like if the cyberdemon in Doom `16 would finally be "dethroned," and a new, even deadlier demon would be introduced. Something more complex and cunning that would make the cyberdemon's simplistic, brutish stomping and shooting patterns seem antiquated.

I think the cyberdemon works best not as a boss, not a commander or "Hell's greatest warrior," but like a demonic tank; Hell's heavy artillery and a great piece of military hardware. So they roll one out to get you quaking in your boots and you trade rockets with each other, and after a pulse-pounding fight, it eventually falls. But then another might come stomping over the hillside soon after.

So let's forget about the "legend" of the cyberdemon. Let's forget about that first time you saw it and how it turned you into a quivering puddle of fear. Let's stop making it such a huge event like its disappointing appearance in Doom 3. And let's just have it be one brutally tough hombre that could show up at any time to ruin your day.

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with screen caps of it in a couple dif locations it looks like the cyber demon is probably going to serve as a mini boss you'll bump into a few times.

I wonder if they will make any bigger badder monsters or if they're just going to stick with the classic roster of critters.

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Have they even showcased any monsters that are actually new? There were the laser arm guys, but I figured those were just updated chaingunners. But otherwise I agree with the op.

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I might of asked this before but is it even confirmed that is the Cyberdemon? Either a developer saying so or those toys from E3 describing it as such?

Nonetheless it would be interesting to see how they use this beast in the upcoming Doom. Perhaps it won't be that specific 1 chapter (Doom 1) or end game (Doom 3) boss. Fingers crossed it is just one of the rare tanks you face throughout the game. It would be nice to have very unique Boss fights with more demonic, larger and meaner abominations that warrant their place as heads of Hell's armies.

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How about a really juiced up Spider Mastermind? Like they go all out on the cybernetics and implement the kind of attack patterns and AI prowess that the original Doom engine couldn't have possibly done.

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Clonehunter said:

Have they even showcased any monsters that are actually new?

Well there's those berserker-manlet Hellknights, but I guess they are a recycled concept from Resurrection of Evil.

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Clonehunter said:

Have they even showcased any monsters that are actually new?

The only one that comes to my mind, is that monster in the hell level that had an orange glowing back, although i suspect that it's just a tougher zombie reskined just for the hell levels. But maybe im wrong

I think that the new Cyberdemon is gonna appear like a mini boss character with some rare appearances, i mean that's pretty much how he shows on Final Doom and Doom 2. While the cyberdemon has been hyped as a big bad in this new game, i think that there is gonna be something bigger for the late game

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I don't know what everyone expects from this new Doom but it's something new mixed with the old to create a brand new experience. It's gonna be a great game for sure. I don't think the enemies are really THAT generic, though I'm not a huge fan of the new cyberdemon

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Most of it works for me.

The Cyberdemon just doesn't. It literally looks like a monster that would fit right into Diablo. The "cyber" part of the Cyberdemon seems really downplayed, actually. Maybe that's just because it seems like they're playing up the fusion of flesh and metal in the monster roster (and apparently, the plot itself) to a much greater degree. Either way, the cyberdemon design in Doom IV does not please me. The classic design still holds up, and I think they would have done better to start closer to that and work their way to an update from there.

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OpenMaw said:

The Cyberdemon just doesn't. It literally looks like a monster that would fit right into Diablo.

Luckily it's not based on anything in Diablo.

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Actually does look exactly like a Diablo 3 character. What the hell is going on with the Cyberdemon?! BUT I can honestly say that it's the only model that I absolutely do not like.

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There is going to be something bigger and meaner than what has been showcased so far.

viridian said:

I'm almost certain there will be something bigger and badder that we haven't seen yet.

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I Remember seeing the dead barons in E2M8 and thinking "What the hell could do that to the bad ass barons?" Later I found out the hard way!

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The Barons also had a pretty big build up, it's like you're walking down the hallway to take center stage. Relatively speaking, the Spider Mastermind (E3M8) had a far less dramatic entrance. It just sort of appears.

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I think the fact that Straton said that the hell level they showed at E3 was about half way through the game and knowing that you fight cyberdemon half way through the game, I'm almost certain the final boss will be something much greater. Also i hope the last level of the game takes place in hell.

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Diablo 3 and Doom 4's Cyberdemon may not look like Twins but if I was told they were brothers or cousins I wouldn't question it.

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Diablo 3's Diablo design seems more acceptable than the Doom 4 Cyberdemon design IMO, but I'd rather have a better design than them both.

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