krazyrobman Posted June 5, 2002 I was wondering if anybody has any idea what the system reqs for Doom 3 are gonna be and what the speculated release date (approximate) is? 0 Share this post Link to post
Kaiser Posted June 5, 2002 according to the articles I've seen, the min requirements for the video card must be at least a gerforce 3. the rest I dunno. 0 Share this post Link to post
AndrewB Posted June 5, 2002 The last I heard, it'll require P3 700-something, 128MB memory, and a GeForce1 or Radeon. You'll likely need a GeForce3 or Radeon 8500 for the dynamic lighting. Carmack has made it relatively clear that the game will NOT require a GeForce3+ to play. Release date will likely be last half 2003. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 5, 2002 None of us are really sure but here are my guesses Minimum --------- Pentium 3 700 mhz processor or a Pentium 4 950 mhz processor 128 mb ram Geforce 1, Geforce 2, or a Geforce 3 Maximum --------- Pentium 4 or AMD 2ghz processor 256 mb ram Geforce 4 ti 4600 or a Raedon 8500 Once again, these are GUESSES, none of this has been confirmed. At this point, with the information given, all we can do is guess. 0 Share this post Link to post
Alientank Posted June 5, 2002 OK well I have a question. I see a lot of people complaining about Soldier of fortune 2 running really slow (20 fps) on their systems in single player and they are all on god like machines, HOWEVER online it runs like a dream. I know this because I have the game and it's true, it bogs your system down badly on sp and in mp I hit over 100 fps no problem and I'm on a p3 500, 256 sdram and a geforce 2 mx 440! Could that be because of bad scripting? I hope so since I don't want to buy an uber machine when the game is released and have the game run incredibly slow. My plan is to get a p4 2.53, 512 ddr, 60 gig hd, and the next gen graphics card that comes out. You were saying the game is released in the second half of 2003? I thought it was the Spring 2003? 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 5, 2002 Alientank said:OK well I have a question. I see a lot of people complaining about Soldier of fortune 2 running really slow (20 fps) on their systems in single player and they are all on god like machines, HOWEVER online it runs like a dream. I know this because I have the game and it's true, it bogs your system down badly on sp and in mp I hit over 100 fps no problem and I'm on a p3 500, 256 sdram and a geforce 2 mx 440! Could that be because of bad scripting? I hope so since I don't want to buy an uber machine when the game is released and have the game run incredibly slow. My plan is to get a p4 2.53, 512 ddr, 60 gig hd, and the next gen graphics card that comes out. You were saying the game is released in the second half of 2003? I thought it was the Spring 2003? I dunno why the hell SoF 2 would run slow on your computer...oh and all we know is that it will be released in 2003, not what month or whatever, but I think they will try to get it done in time to be released on Doom's 10th birthday! 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 5, 2002 Alientank said:What's the exact bday of doom 3? I think you meant Doom...Doom's b-day is December 10th, 1993 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted June 5, 2002 Maximum --------- Pentium 4 or AMD 2ghz processor 256 mb ram Geforce 4 ti 4600 or a Raedon 8500I don't think there's a "max" ;) Anyway, would the configuration above let you play in highest detail mode in 2048x1536 or so? 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 5, 2002 Alientank said:OK well I have a question. I see a lot of people complaining about Soldier of fortune 2 running really slow (20 fps) on their systems in single player and they are all on god like machines, HOWEVER online it runs like a dream. Because of the AI. It's pretty good, but sadly it eats way too much CPU power. 0 Share this post Link to post
mmnpsrsoskl Posted June 5, 2002 Fredrik said:I don't think there's a "max" ;) Anyway, would the configuration above let you play in highest detail mode in 2048x1536 or so? Hell no. Well at least I don't think so. And if it does, w00t cause I have all cept video card but hey that is what the shop is for. I reckon the release date for DooM III will be December 10, 2003. Now wouldn't that be a coincidence. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted June 5, 2002 About SoF II, I think there's also a pretty huge difference in polycount between the SP and MP levels - which would kind of explain the slowdown in SP. Anyway, here's my take on Doom3's requirements: Minimum to run the game: Pentium III/Athlon 700+ Mhz, 128MB RAM, GeForce256 or Radeon Minimum to run the game well: 1Ghz+, 256MB RAM, GeForce3 Minimum to run the game like it was meant to be: maybe some extra RAM, and a GeForce4 or Radeon8500. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 5, 2002 Minimum to run the game like it was meant to be: maybe some extra RAM, and a GeForce4 or Radeon8500. Maximun to run the game like it should be: Dual AMD or Pentium 4 2ghz processors, 2 or 3 gigs of RAM, a GeForce4 TI 4600 or a Radeon8500, a SoundBlaster Audigy with 5.1 surround sound, a big monitor like a Mitsubishi Diamondtron, and a really dark room! 0 Share this post Link to post
krazyrobman Posted June 5, 2002 Zaldron said:Because of the AI. It's pretty good, but sadly it eats way too much CPU power. i think its important to realize that by the time doom 3 gets out we will be up to near 4 ghz processors and geforce 5 or 6 w/ 256 mb-512 mb of ram and about a gig of ram in each machine. computer speeds are increasing exponentially. 0 Share this post Link to post
Alientank Posted June 5, 2002 krazyrobman said:i think its important to realize that by the time doom 3 gets out we will be up to near 4 ghz processors and geforce 5 or 6 w/ 256 mb-512 mb of ram and about a gig of ram in each machine. computer speeds are increasing exponentially. No. For a few reasons, 1)They stopped calling it the Pentium it's now called the Itanium. 2)The new chips that come out from Intel and AMD are 64 bit which means they can run at a lower mhz, and are debuting at 700 and 800 mhz. However unless there's an emulator, 32 bit applications will run VERY slow on the 64 bit processor. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 5, 2002 Alientank said:2)The new chips that come out from Intel and AMD are 64 bit which means they can run at a lower mhz, and are debuting at 700 and 800 mhz. However unless there's an emulator, 32 bit applications will run VERY slow on the 64 bit processor. Sadly, that means they'll take a while to actually attract customers. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted June 5, 2002 However unless there's an emulator, 32 bit applications will run VERY slow on the 64 bit processor.Why would that be? What I've read so far about 64 bit processors says they are just as fast with 32 bit applications. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 5, 2002 Wait, doesn't that depends on AMD or Intel's model? 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted June 5, 2002 I *think* I read about AMD's that it's fully backwards functional without loss of speed. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 5, 2002 Yeah I seem to recall the same thing. Something about 2 CPUs I think... 0 Share this post Link to post
Alientank Posted June 5, 2002 Sorry guys, the info you got was false, I've already emailed AMD and Intel about this and they say that there is no backwards compatibility, it's not a software thing, it's a hardware thing since 64 bit applications are just different then 32 bit ones. However, they said there will be an emulator maybe, but something like that would be astronomically expensive to develop and most likely won't happen. People will move to 64 bit eventually... 0 Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted June 5, 2002 Hopefully i'll have an P4-1400 with 256mb RAM, 80gb H/D and Gforce4 64mb in a few months. Come to me baby, you know daddy wants ya. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted June 5, 2002 Uh I'm absolutely sure I read about something like "seamless integration of both 32-bit and 64-bit software". 0 Share this post Link to post
Alientank Posted June 5, 2002 Fredrik said:Uh I'm absolutely sure I read about something like "seamless integration of both 32-bit and 64-bit software". Link me 0 Share this post Link to post
Alientank Posted June 5, 2002 Hmmm that must be a new review...never seen that one before 0 Share this post Link to post
Alientank Posted June 6, 2002 Alboroto said:I have a Commodore 64... Your also a spammer 0 Share this post Link to post
mmnpsrsoskl Posted June 6, 2002 Alientank said:Your also a spammer So are you...and go the 64-bit processors... Heh I was reading in a magazine about this computer the American Army has. It has 512 processors (with the ability to expand to 1024) and 512GB of RAM. It is used for simulations (particualry now after Sep 11). They can simulate a plane crash into a building and track down every shard of glass that comes from a window. Wonder how well it would run DooM III? :P 0 Share this post Link to post
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