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Possible sources for alternate grotesque face switches and textures


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Of these images only this one https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pitti_Palace_Lion.JPG would be usable by the project. The reason being that's the only Public Domain one. The others are Creative Commons Share Alike, which has this condition:

Creative Commons said:

If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

AFAIK, There's no real reason why the lion couldn't be used as a texture base, but from experience a lot of the contributors here prefer original art to be used whenever possible.

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The mascarons themselves are generally public domain*, it's the photos of them that have a license. The issue can be solved by either finding a public domain photo of the same mascaron (or taking it yourself if you are in the area), or contacting the photograph and asking if they'd be okay with a BSD relicense for a lower res, palettized version of the photo.

* If the sculptor died before 1945, the sculpture is in the public domain.

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Yeah I didn't realize that CC-BY-SA is not compatible with the Freedoom license. However I assume that public domain photographs that may be of use can be found as well.

Jewellds said:

a lot of the contributors here prefer original art to be used whenever possible.

Using scanned photographs as a basis would be in line with how the respective original Doom art was created (similar to the photographed weapons). I also think that this could allow the Freedoom counterparts to be different but stylistically similar to the originals.

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i would like to remind people that at this point we can think in terms of adding additional textures, instead of replacing textures. also making stuff from scratch is always better

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Well, the main reason I brought this up is that the current mascaron switches are pretty close to their original counterparts, especially the gargoyle. I suppose they could use a different design while keeping essentially the same style.

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