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Doomguy and Doomgal?


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Maybe add a function in Doom 2016 on when joining or starting a new game, the player could choose to play as a female marine also? Nothing sexy looking, just bring some gals in the world of Doom, cause why not?

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Voros said:

Maybe add a function in Doom 2016 on when joining or starting a new game, the player could choose to play as a female marine also? Nothing sexy looking, just bring some gals in the world of Doom, cause why not?

I'd be all for this, but you have no idea how easily someone in the company who's a big SJW could get their panties in a bunch and try and spin it into some elaborate shit about women's rights.
Also the possible SJW drama outside of said company.
It's happened before, it could happen again.

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From what we can tell the Marine is covered in armor. So just imagine that they're a girl if you want. Unless you want the kill messages to read differently.

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id have always been pretty big on letting the player imagine they are the player character. It's why very few of their games have a named protagonist with a defined personality etc.

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Yeah, this seems wholly unnecessary from what we've seen. The player models look fairly ambiguous and covered from head-to-toe, so the only place a gender option would be needed would be pronouns and given all we've seen so far, there might not be anywhere where pronouns are used in the first place.

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I'm all for going half-and-half on this sort of thing. We don't really know whether or not our Guy is going to be doing any talking or anything like that, so if it's only to change pain/grunt noises and the model for reflections, I don't see any problem in having the option. More power to the player. It would actually be pretty sweet if they made it Crash from Quake 3, as a nod.

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Tritnew said:

The player Is suppose to be YOU. So your character can be whatever gender you are. It doesn't matter.

Including a transsexual rainbow dragon with a unicorn horn, and 5 penises?

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Voros said:

Maybe add a function in Doom 2016 on when joining or starting a new game, the player could choose to play as a female marine also? Nothing sexy looking, just bring some gals in the world of Doom, cause why not?

Now, not to be preachy, but practically every industry in the world is run by men--frequently white men--which makes a simple request such as "Can we just get an official female character model?" an impossible to task to fulfill. And I don't necessarily think it's because white men won't want female characters in their games so much as, if you're a white man who develops games, then white males are the most likely characters to populate your game.

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Depends on how they handled it. If they make gender options like Quake II where it doesn't actually effect anything but gives you a little variety on your experience, I'm all for it. If they're trying to make a political statement they can go fly a kite.

Granted my favorite Doom mod of all time is MassMouth so I'll be upset if he's not an option. Fingers crossed for PC modding tools.

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Quasar said:

Including a transsexual rainbow dragon with a unicorn horn, and 5 penises?

Penises are excluding towards women. Check your privilege, you misogynistic pig.

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Quasar said:

Including a transsexual rainbow dragon with a unicorn horn, and 5 penises?

Of course. Romero stated It's supposed to be you. It doesn't matter... Your Imagination Is where It's at.

The more you know.

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Also, why on Earth would a female marine need a different model if the character is armored up, anyways?

This rather androgynous Stormtrooper officer from the new film is a female character, and the armor is the same as the other troopers (minus color). It was even specifically stated in an interview that it was pointless to create "female armor." Its armor meant for war, there's no need to tell the enemy what sex you are by curves of your battle armor.

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Quasar said:

Including a transsexual rainbow dragon with a unicorn horn, and 5 penises?

Please you're triggering me, check your privilege before you say such things in front of a trans-species+gender cat-boy trans-abled socialist furry

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Clonehunter said:

Also, why on Earth would a female marine need a different model if the character is armored up, anyways?

Models could be identical if the space marine's heavily armored, but I'd think the sexes would animate differently, for best effect. Men and women move quite differently (hip juxtaposition, etc)...

Thus, rigging specifications of the model might vary according to sex.

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I'm the sort of person who always wants to play as a Male. To ever play a female for any reason seems Unorthodox and strange. However I have no issues with including a playable female character in Multiplayer and Campaign. If I was a female with this frame of mind I could imagine how annoyed I would be having to play a dude all the time. That or because it's so damn prevalent I would get over it.

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Crash was a really good female counterpart to Doom in Quake3. I see nothing wrong with having an "observably female" marine.

Though, like Chezza, I usually pick the male characters, but it's nice to have the female option. It would be cool for MP but seems unnecessary for the campaign.

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Soundblock said:

Models could be identical if the space marine's heavily armored, but I'd think the sexes would animate differently, for best effect. Men and women move quite differently (hip juxtaposition, etc)...

Thus, rigging specifications of the model might vary according to sex.

Eh it could, but at the same time it would almost be unnecessary as long as you aren't going to see much of the player model anyways, assumingly. Multiplayer could be different, and maybe they'd have like what Quake II had.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Soundblock said:

Voice acting would give it away, even if it is just grunts and moans.

I would have no problem with letting the player choose to be a female, which would do nothing more than alter the voice acting of the grunts if there are any.

However, I find it a little telling that there's no grunt sounds in any of the gameplay videos.

At most, I've heard warning beeps when the player took damage. Also the sound when the player drops down is just a plain ol' "whump!" sound.

As boring as that sounds to me, it would be very useful in letting players decide which gender the Doom Marine is and I'm kinda ok with that.

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dsm said:

However, I find it a little telling that there's no grunt sounds in any of the gameplay videos.

I noticed this as well... maybe it's a concession to today's FPS with their beep boop powersuit sounds and completely silent protagonist? IMO it doesn't feel like an id Software shooter without those hefty pain screams.

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Clonehunter said:

Actually, it'd be a cooler feature if you could record your own grunts and put them into the game through a prompt in the beginning or something.

No, that would suck horribly and completely ruin the immersion of the experience. You'd never get clean enough sounds through whatever mic you happen to have attached to your computer.

As well as the fact that the vast majority of players know nothing of voice acting and wouldn't be able to produce anything near what would be required.

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dsm said:

However, I find it a little telling that there's no grunt sounds in any of the gameplay videos.

He could be some sort of a machine for all we know. He *was* activated after all :)
...or he could be an experimental cyborg rudely awakened by catastrophic circumstances with no other purpose than to get out alive. Or was that something else? ;)

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Shaviro said:

He could be some sort of a machine for all we know. He *was* activated after all :)
...or he could be an experimental cyborg rudely awakened by catastrophic circumstances with no other purpose than to get out alive. Or was that something else? ;)

I seem to recall something similar to that already being done. Wasn't very good though... I hope that team doesn't bother making anything else.

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He is not a robot for sure. If he is a robot, why does he bleed when the Revenant rips off his arms? Why does the Marine have a detachable helmet? I reckon a robot would never need to take his helmet off.

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Avoozl said:

A robot would never need a helmet separate to begin with.


He could still be cyborg though. Maybe it's like in Starcraft 2, where marines are actually criminals who have been "resocialized" using technology.

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