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In proper DWF fashion I have ignored the search function and started a new thread about pronunciation in doom.

e.g. I say star-tan instead of start-in, regarding the texture. Also I say outloud "pinkie" but my internal monologue always calls them "demons" (should I see a psychologist?)


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Fart in Russian?

On topic, I have always pronounced wad as wahd not whad. I to pronounce startan as star tan not startin as that just sounds dull, in my opinion. I pronounce Arch Vile as it's spelled but I have heard people call them Ark Vile. I also make the mistake of pronouncing Mancubus as Phil Jupitus.

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I used to say gibs("g" from game) instead of proper pronunciation, gibs("g" from gyroscope), until I watched the 20th Anniversary of Doom video which was done by IGN with John Romero.

Springy said:

...I pronounce Arch Vile as it's spelled but I have heard people call them Ark Vile.

I bet every single korean doom players call them "Ark Vile", including myself.

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I also call it the Ark Vile. Sounds better, imo, and I think that's how it's supposed to be ;)

Aside from that, I guess there's Cak-o-demon and Main-cu-bis. I sometimes confuse Startan for Spartan, and Gantlet will forever be Gauntlet. (YELLOW MARINE NEEDS FOOD BADLY)

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antares031 said:

I used to say gibs("g" from game) instead of proper pronunciation, gibs("g" from gyroscope)

Yeah I am incapable of saying that one properly, too deeply ingrained with the "wrong" pronunciation.

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I used to called her Aeris but apparently it is "Aerith" with a similar pronunciation to "earth"

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I say cay-co demon instead of cah-co demon BECAUSE THAT'S HOW ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORKS WITH THAT SPELLING.

I also say wad as in sad instead of "wod" like everyone else does. I know it's like that as in wad of cash or SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND LOOK AT MY WAD but I say it the other way because that's how I read it as a file extension.

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yakfak said:

I used to called her Aeris but apparently it is "Aerith" with a similar pronunciation to "earth"

I had heard that "Aeris" was what Squaresoft really wanted, but thought the Japanese world would end up pronouncing it as "Aeri-su", so they changed it to "Aerith" for the Japanese release to get it close without that hanging "U" that asian languages add when they end words with some consonants.

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Chris Hansen said:

Chaingunner? Nope. Heavy weapon dude FTW!

I used to call them commandos. I read somewhere years ago that their proper name is Former Human Commando but had never seen it since and now I can't remember where that reference was from.

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Checked the wiki, because I seem to also remember them being mentioned as Former Commandos. The wiki says that name is from the Doom II manual.

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Heavy Weapon Dude sounds like the most placeholder of placeholder names like something someone who didn't know the monster names would come up with. Like when I was 12 and called Fiends, Shredder Dogs in Quake.

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"Invisible Demons" was how I called Spectres in my childhood, but I don't use this wording anymore, probably mainly because it's too long in comparison to "Spectre". Similarly with Chaingunners.

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I have to catch myself each time I need to say "Phobos", the last syllable is supposed to be more like "aws" or "oss" sounding.

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Count me in for saying "gibs" the wrong way (I know it's wrong, but I'm so used to it, and it's not something I often hear aloud, so...), and referring to Demons as "pinkies" out loud to avoid ambiguity. And I think "star tan" is correct, Vorpal -- it's tan, it's from the STAR* texture set, it's star tan :)

And this is a totally off-topic tangent, but:

Cynical said:

I had heard that "Aeris" was what Squaresoft really wanted, but thought the Japanese world would end up pronouncing it as "Aeri-su", so they changed it to "Aerith" for the Japanese release to get it close without that hanging "U" that asian languages add when they end words with some consonants.

Wikipedia says the kana spelling is エアリス, which would be romanized as "Earisu" (eh-ah-ri-su). (Of course, either of the more common English spellings are nicer-looking and more readable than a direct romanization.)

There's no distinct "th" sound in Japanese, so that can be a source of ambiguity when transliterating. (For instance, "Lilith" would become "Ririsu", and the word "the" would become "za". As a result, going back in the other direction can have some room for confusion.)

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As a young Doom player in the 90s (I'm only 26 now) I pronounced Arch Vile as 'Arch-Vill' and also 'Renevant'...

For some reason I called E1M6 'General Processing' and pronounced Phobos as 'Pho-Boes'.

Bloody kids!

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"Arch" is a prefix in english that means "chief", as in "archbishop", and has a secondary meaning of "wicked", as in "arch-villain". Its pronounced like the architectural arch (even though the "arch" in "architecture" isn't).

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I think calling the demons "pinkies" became a lot more popular after the Doom movie was released, I always called them pigs. I also called the Arch-Vile "Arch" with a CH rather than a hard K sound, as in "Arch Nemesis". These days I realise it's that aforementioned hard K sound, but my mind still pronounces the CH.

Gibs were with a hard G until I saw that IGN video as well :)

My dad always called the chaingun the Gatling Gun, so I did too as a youngster.

Oh and of course, you had the Pistol Guys (who don't carry a pistol), the Shotgun Guys and the Chaingun Guys. Again, all these names were before I got into mapping/modding the game.

One more - Health bonuses were "blue bottles". I mean, I guess that's still accurate.

Memfis said:

God damnit I love the Russian accent.

SavageCorona said:

I say cay-co demon instead of cah-co demon BECAUSE THAT'S HOW ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORKS WITH THAT SPELLING.

The word "cacophony" would like a word with you young man.

In fact the only word I can think of that uses that pronunciation is "cake" and that's becuse it's followed by a K.

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I always used to think the fighter boss in Hexen was zuh-DECK, then I saw a cutscene from the PSX version where they say ZED-eck. So I guess that's right though I don't know how much those cutscenes are "canonical" vs. just thrown together to satisfy the demands that Playstation versions of multi-platform games have some certain amount of exclusive material.

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