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Doom Alpha chat brinksmanship thread


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Well the only official word on the release is "The First Half of 2016". So you're probably looking more at May/June.

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AirRaid said:

Well the only official word on the release is "The First Half of 2016". So you're probably looking more at May/June.

Yeah, I would bet on that window as well. Let's take a look at the release calendar for AAA games in the first half of next year...

In February we have Street Fighter V and Far Cry: Primal.

In March we have The Division, HITMAN, and Uncharted 4.

In April we have Star Fox: Zero, Quantum Break, Ratchet & Clank, and Dark Souls III.

In May we have Battleborn and Mirror's Edge: Catalyst.

In June we have No Man's Sky.

After looking at the calendar, I'd say an early June release would be ideal. No Man's Sky is the exact opposite type of experience, so DOOM wouldn't have any competition. An April or May release would probably work too, but March should definitely be avoided. Uncharted 4 will swallow up most of the hype that month.

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AirRaid said:

How can something possibly be overdue when it had no set date to begin with?

Well id did say there would be multiple tests before the beta. Beta is due out in early 2016. Multiple would imply more than 2 and there is only a month left for 2015.

ChickenOrBeef said:

Yeah, I would bet on that window as well. Let's take a look at the release calendar for AAA games in the first half of next year...

In February we have Street Fighter V and Far Cry: Primal.

In March we have The Division, HITMAN, and Uncharted 4.

In April we have Star Fox: Zero, Quantum Break, Ratchet & Clank, and Dark Souls III.

In May we have Battleborn and Mirror's Edge: Catalyst.

In June we have No Man's Sky.

After looking at the calendar, I'd say an early June release would be ideal. No Man's Sky is the exact opposite type of experience, so DOOM wouldn't have any competition. An April or May release would probably work too, but March should definitely be avoided. Uncharted 4 will swallow up most of the hype that month.

You forgot Overwatch which is probably going to be pretty dominate in the FPS area. I played the beta ... didn't care for it but that doesn't mean it is a bad game. In fact most other people are very addicted to it.

But you're right, it probably will not get released till the last Tuesday of June. Or June 6/6/2016!

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Zemini said:

You forgot Overwatch which is probably going to be pretty dominate in the FPS area. I played the beta ... didn't care for it but that doesn't mean it is a bad game. In fact most other people are very addicted to it.

Overwatch doesn't have a confirmed month yet though, which is why I didn't include it. But yeah, definitely a factor. Let's hope DOOM doesn't release too close to it. DOOM will need as much word of mouth as possible for two reasons:

1) The prestige of the Doom franchise doesn't seem to be convincing enough people and just watching gameplay doesn't seem to convince enough people either. Instead people need to play the game to experience how fun it is.

2) If you go by YouTube views and posts/views in popular gaming forums, there currently isn't as much rabid hype with DOOM as seen in other recent AAA releases like Fallout 4, Street Fighter V, and Uncharted 4. Hell, even a new IP like Overwatch has more rabid hype right now. So DOOM needs its time to shine.

Zemini said:


Ha, I like that idea.

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The Doom marketing has been pretty poor, I agree. The hype trained died a few days after Quakecon.

If Doom is going to be a contender they need to develop a better dedicated website. The one they have now if fine, but it needs a lot more to keep the hype train going. See Overwatch's website as a good example. The Doom site should include;

Bestiary: Not every monster at once, but a constant release of a new demon each month or so. Include a 3d model and perhaps some stats and lore.

Armory: Same as above but with weapons.

More screen shots and Wallpapers!

Blizzard did this for Diablo, SC2, WoW and pretty much every game since Warcraft 3. Doom use to have as much of a cult following as Warcraft did if not more. Bring it back! I want this game to become the next big thing in the gaming world.

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Zemini said:

The Doom marketing has been pretty poor, I agree. The hype trained died a few days after Quakecon.

If Doom is going to be a contender they need to develop a better dedicated website. The one they have now if fine, but it needs a lot more to keep the hype train going. See Overwatch's website as a good example. The Doom site should include;

Bestiary: Not every monster at once, but a constant release of a new demon each month or so. Include a 3d model and perhaps some stats and lore.

Armory: Same as above but with weapons.

More screen shots and Wallpapers!

Blizzard did this for Diablo, SC2, WoW and pretty much every game since Warcraft 3. Doom use to have as much of a cult following as Warcraft did if not more. Bring it back! I want this game to become the next big thing in the gaming world.

This. You reading this Id/Bethesda?

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No. They aren't.

We're still months, maybe even half a year away from release. getting hype trains started early is a bad thing.

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AirRaid said:

getting hype trains started early is a bad thing.

That's true, but do you think iD/Bethesda will be able to accelerate the hype train significantly come early next year? And if so, how do you think they'll go about doing that? A few things come to mind:

-A proper story trailer setting up the game. This may help newcomers understand it more and ultimately feel more comfortable getting into the series
-The beta, which will allow a lot more people to play the game and spread the good word. Perhaps a completely open beta will be released after the Wolfenstein beta, just to make sure as many people as possible can try it out and potentially increase the positive word of mouth
-More videos and details on what SnapMap is capable of, although this may only increase the hype for the more hardcore fans

Obviously Bethesda can just ramp up the commercial air time within a month of release, which is important for mainstream recognition, but getting the rabid hype going among the gaming community has to come first.

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AirRaid said:

No. They aren't.

We're still months, maybe even half a year away from release. getting hype trains started early is a bad thing.

I don't think so. Blizzard begins their hype train the moment they announce their new game. That is usually 3 years before release. There are a few moments of what I like to call "Black Out" but that usually only occurs when the beta is immanent...

I understand that Bethesda isn't Blizzard ... but it works doesn't it?

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Blizzard also have an absolutely HUGE rabid fanbase to cater to. Way larger than Doom does, don't kid yourself.

Look at No Man's Sky - that game had this huge ramp of hype going, Sony were really pushing it, they had loads of Game show coverage - E3, PSX, PGW, hell even a spot on the fucking Late Show with Colbert. Loads of people were really hyped up and looking forward to it. But it was too early, the game isn't done, and all of that has fizzled out into a quiet sense of diappointment. It was too early.

(I'm still totally hyped for NMS goddamn I want that game)

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I'm sure the only reason Doom has even been talked about much at all is because ID spilled the beans on one being developed years ago.

Zenimax in general seems to have a policy of not announcing games until they're 6 months or less away... possibly for the reason AirRaid has stated.

Though really Fallout and Elder Scrolls have a rabid fanbase too so I doubt it would matter for those two franchises.

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Doom '16's marketing is a bit odd, admittedly. There are random hiccups every few months, where we get a tiny taste of the game. This is clearly intentional. But is it working? For us hardcore fans, probably. I can't stop thinking about the game and I get giddy watching the footage, even for the umpteenth time. But what about outside of the community? How many shits do they give?

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AirRaid said:

Blizzard also have an absolutely HUGE rabid fanbase to cater to. Way larger than Doom does, don't kid yourself.

Blizzard does now but partly because of the huge WoW explosion and the fact that they usually keep things fresh with their games. Imo before WoW, they were as big - if not smaller - then the Doom/Quake fanbase use to be in the late nineties.

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New Alpha test incoming


Start: Thursday, December 3, 2015 @ 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time (UTC - 5)
Burst test: Saturday, December 5, 2015 @ 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (UTC - 5)
End: Sunday, December 6, 2015 @ 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (UTC - 5)

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"""I participated in the first Closed Alpha. Does this mean I’m eligible to participate in a later Closed Alpha test?"""

Yes. You can download and install the next closed Alpha test from your games library, when it’s available.

^awwwww yissssssss.

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Are people getting another Key or something?

I been unable to access the forums so far sicne there isn't a CD key for the Steam Version.

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MrDeAD1313 said:

So ready for this. I got a code sent to my email again too lol

Buckshot you were right on the money with the next alpha date too.

Hey, how 'bout that. Lucky guess.

*snickers & laughs*

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Nice, I'm off work most of that weekend so I can play more this time.

Also, a Burst Test is a bit of a weird name, usually it relates to piping or packaging where you fill something under pressure to see how it fails. I'm guessing in this context it'll be a stress test where they want to get as many people online at the same time as possible.

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It would be so fucking cool if the Burst Test was just one day where ANYONE can play the Alpha, just so they can load it full of people to test server strength.

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The Civ said:

It would be so fucking cool if the Burst Test was just one day where ANYONE can play the Alpha, just so they can load it full of people to test server strength.

That is what I have been speculated. It may also just be only people in the "Beta" pool.

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Would like If they went to the Unreal Tournament Alpha route and actually let everyone play It till they finished the full game, but I guess that'd be TOO nice for Id.

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Tritnew said:

Would like If they went to the Unreal Tournament Alpha route and actually let everyone play It till they finished the full game, but I guess that'd be TOO nice for Id.

I would prefer that didn't happen. People would put dozens, if not hundreds of hours, into the game, getting their fill of the game in a limited, unfinished state. When I can finally sink my teeth into DOOM, I want it to be the final, full experience.

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Exactly! I am even kind of divided about playing the alpha/beta. I fear it will somehow diminish my initial excitement of the game.

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As I said, It would be too nice for Id to do such an thing. I'm pretty sure their marketing Is towards making people somewhat excited for It, but nowadays we have to go In an game with low expectations.

I'll be keeping my excitement for the day I play It.

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