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Doom Alpha chat brinksmanship thread


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I watched the alpha DM footage Bethesda released, and nothing I saw was impressive, unfortunately. The weapons were meh, it was slow, too slow, the video finished and it was just kind of like, "Well that sucks." The Demon rune gimmick could be cool, but that was meh, too.

The weapons are too Fallout for Doom. They're weirdly clunky and bizarre. I had high hopes but they were promptly destroyed after viewing the video. Somewhere deep inside I knew this was going to happen after reading the article about load-outs.

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Flesh420 said:

I watched the alpha DM footage Bethesda released, and nothing I saw was impressive, unfortunately. The weapons were meh, it was slow, too slow, the video finished and it was just kind of like, "Well that sucks." The Demon rune gimmick could be cool, but that was meh, too.

The weapons are too Fallout for Doom. They're weirdly clunky and bizarre. I had high hopes but they were promptly destroyed after viewing the video. Somewhere deep inside I knew this was going to happen after reading the article about load-outs.

Just wait until you try it for yourself.

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Flesh420 said:

I watched the alpha DM footage Bethesda released, and nothing I saw was impressive, unfortunately. The weapons were meh, it was slow, too slow, the video finished and it was just kind of like, "Well that sucks." The Demon rune gimmick could be cool, but that was meh, too.

The weapons are too Fallout for Doom. They're weirdly clunky and bizarre. I had high hopes but they were promptly destroyed after viewing the video. Somewhere deep inside I knew this was going to happen after reading the article about load-outs.

It's not fair to criticize something you haven't even played yet.

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Tritnew said:

It's not fair to criticize something you haven't even played yet.

So you're only allowed to GET HYPE about a game from watching video footage of it? You can't be like, "well, this looks kinda lame"?

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We're getting into semantics here, Ling, but Tritnew's wording made it seem like he had personally checked out the game and was reporting back.

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Well, I didn't get to play the alpha sadly. But It does look good, people do have different opinions and I can respect them.

But the thing Is, It's kind of unfair to criticize on a game so early, MAINLY because It's In Alpha and It's barely even finished. It might even get better when Spring comes around.

If It was a finished game, then Yeah. I can see their opinion acceptable. But I really don't see anything related to Fallout In It personally.

Eh, It doesn't really matter, I'm hyped for this game, but I'll be coming In with low expectations just like with DNF and Wolfenstein: TNO (which one Is better then the other, obviously).

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When I first saw the multiplayer trailer, nothing really blew my mind either. I thought it looked like fun, but you can't really point to a specific thing and say "Now THAT is groundbreaking!" or "That is really different!". But if you play the game, you'll see it's all just very well designed, well thought out, and feels really good.

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Tritnew said:

It's not fair to criticize something you haven't even played yet.

I'm just speaking on what I saw. I'm still buying it, but the DM just didn't tickle my sack. I can judge the things I see, such as the looks of the weapons, and the fact that it was clearly taped and played by someone with a controller. They release videos ultimately to be judged and build hype.

Still, though, I was expecting more, and something quicker. Watching a video of someone else playing it and me playing it result in the same thing, it's not like it'd get quicker if I played it myself. You can tell the physics are already decided and solid in place, and most likely, judging by all AAA alphas, betas, whatever, it's not going to drastically change before release. Especially since they're releasing on Consoles and have to find a medium for Controller and Mouse+Keyboard.

They already said it was mostly a test for back-end network, which indicates most things are finished, at least important things like game speed.

I love Doom just as much as the next guy, but it just didn't impress me the way I hoped. Hopefully once my hands are playing it, it'll be good.

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I don't think the videos they have put out do a great job of representing how it feels.

Just give it a fair shake once it's out, maybe you'll feel different, maybe you won't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PS4 version updated this past Thursday apparently. I didn't know until I was going through my notifications a few minutes ago. Maybe the next round of tests will happen soon :)

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MrDeAD1313 said:

PS4 version updated this past Thursday apparently. I didn't know until I was going through my notifications a few minutes ago. Maybe the next round of tests will happen soon :)

I noticed that the title of the game changed from "Main Menu" to "Doom Closed Alpha". Only one thing that could mean.....shit's about to go down.

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Tritnew said:

I'm expecting them to probably let players try out an Single-Player map, or maybe more Multiplayer.

Translation: I'm expecting them to do one of two things, which completely covers every possible outcome.

Unless Doom 2016 is going to have a surprise Kart Racing section they're keeping secret, that is.

When the next alpha test comes, it will be more multiplayer. Guaranteed. Don't get your hopes up for anything else until the actual Beta Test comes along next year.

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AirRaid said:

Translation: I'm expecting them to do one of two things, which completely covers every possible outcome.

Unless Doom 2016 is going to have a surprise Kart Racing section they're keeping secret, that is.


I think something's coming around anytime now as far as alpha tests :)

As for the beta.. I feel like it'll be multiplayer as well. For some reason I can't picture them throwing any singleplayer into it. I almost hope they don't because that's what I'm personally looking forward to. Not that I'd say no to it or anything :D

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MrDeAD1313 said:


I think something's coming around anytime now as far as alpha tests :)

As for the beta.. I feel like it'll be multiplayer as well. For some reason I can't picture them throwing any singleplayer into it. I almost hope they don't because that's what I'm personally looking forward to. Not that I'd say no to it or anything :D

Pfft, Yea. You do have a point, although. I think I'll be spending more time on the Single-Player then I would Multiplayer because those areas really look huge, I'm expecting to have a second to third playthrough going through different areas In the levels.

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Tritnew said:

I'm expecting to have a second to third playthrough going through different areas In the levels.

Man I hope so. They do look very open. Since playing the alpha, I watch the footage from e3 here and there and always find myself looking into the surrounding areas which seem to have alternate paths. Now that I know that the chances of them being accessible and changing the route up is actually very high, I get more excited :) The gameplay looks solid too. And from the alpha, if it feels like it did in SP as well as the MP does, it's gonna be great.

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MrDeAD1313 said:

Man I hope so. They do look very open. Since playing the alpha, I watch the footage from e3 here and there and always find myself looking into the surrounding areas which seem to have alternate paths. Now that I know that the chances of them being accessible and changing the route up is actually very high, I get more excited :) The gameplay looks solid too. And from the alpha, if it feels like it did in SP as well as the MP does, it's gonna be great.

It's kind of like I did with Wolfenstein: TNO, I went through different paths after I beated It the first time, and I found alot of new things. I'm rooting for them doing the same with the new DOOM, because I'm pretty sure there's more to the Hell level then that arena.

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I'm not eligible for literally any early versions (alpha or beta), so I won't be able to properly judge until I play for myself when the game comes out, but I really don't like how hard they're trying to keep all of this under wraps.
To me, that just says they aren't very confident in their game.

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The Civ said:

I'm not eligible for literally any early versions (alpha or beta), so I won't be able to properly judge until I play for myself when the game comes out, but I really don't like how hard they're trying to keep all of this under wraps.
To me, that just says they aren't very confident in their game.

Honestly? They've shown quite an alot these past few months, we're lucky enough to have seen the gameplay at this year's E3 or we would've been pissed.

While It does seem they aren't confident In their game, Marty has said the team Is having pretty nice fun and really do believe this game will be good (as explained In the Multiplayer video), without confidence, we could've had them finish Call of DOOM Instead of making something very close to the original.

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The Civ said:

I really don't like how hard they're trying to keep all of this under wraps.
To me, that just says they aren't very confident in their game.

I'm gonna quote this from another thread here -

MetroidJunkie said:

That might explain why ID absolutely refused to show any of the footage from Quakecon, despite an overwhelmingly positive response from the people who were actually there, because the public tends to just assume that what they see is the absolute finished product and all there's going to be.

This, is one of the main reasons they wanted to keep the alpha stuff under wraps. They are not trying to "Show off the game" or generate any press. They are literally testing their systems so shit will work at release. This does not show underconfidence in their game, all it shows is that the game is still unfinished (duh) and they know how the internet generally reacts to things like that.

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PS4 is updating again. 5gb update this time. Wonder what it is...??? Hopefully the PC version does another soon seeing as I'm selling my PS4 next Friday.

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Just how many updates did the PS4-alpha get since the end of the previous alpha-testing?

And yes, guess id will notify alpha-testers about "when and how". All they have to do is just wait (unfortunately, I don't own PS4).

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I have a feeling we are going to get another beta test before the end of the year, with the full beta coming in February and the game is going to be released mid-March or early April.

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DooM_RO said:

I have a feeling we are going to get another beta test before the end of the year, with the full beta coming in February and the game is going to be released mid-March or early April.

God, I hope It'll be released In March. The hype has been killing me for the past months now and I'm kinda getting sick of rewatching the reveal over and over. xD;

Anyways, I'm happy for those that got to play the game. And probably will still be playing It for testing and stuff.

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