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Government "anti-crime" organisations in America are generally only willing to capture someone alive if they're confident that he/she will be found guilty in court. If they don't think he/she will be found guilty, they'll probably go for the "shoot on sight" option if possible.

thats a realy good angle.

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Actually, I say "in America", but supposedly the MI5 here in Britain often uses the same policy.

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Actually, I say "in America", but supposedly the MI5 here in Britain often uses the same policy.

ok, i know MI6 is like the cia, cuz thats 007. but whats MI5? are there anymore MI's?

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The MI's were originally set up around 50 years ago, shortly after the beginning of WW2 (the ACTUAL start, and not when the US joined in!), and at the time there were lots of them. Well over a dozen AFAIK, although I can't remember the exact number right now.

After the end of the war, most of the MI's became obsolete. Nowadays only two remain (at least officially; there are rumours that at least one other, unofficial, MI exists). MI5 and MI6 are both technically part of the Ministry of Defence, and so mainly concern themselves with national defence, especially terrorism.

MI5 deals with internal (i.e. national) threats, and has strong ties with the Home Office, while MI6 is concerned with external (international) threats and has ties with the Foreign office. This arrangement worked fine originally, when international travel was much rarer and the internet was a twinkle in certain scientists and the US military's eyes, but these days it causes a few problems.

There are apparently often conflicts of interest between the two departments, made worse by the fact that they seem to be very unco-operative, both with each other and any other anti-crime/anti-terrorism organisation, supposedly even the police. Examples of a conflict would be over who should deal with a British citizen working against Britain overseas, or a non-British citizen who's working against the country here.

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gatewatcher said:

at least they didn't fly a jet into it :\

Hehehehe IRA and FLY A JET heheheheh , sorry that just won't compute :) That's like the IRA guy that performed oral sex on 2,000 prostitutes in England because the IRA gave him £20,000 and told him to blow up as many english cunts as he could :)

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fodders said:

Hehehehe IRA and FLY A JET heheheheh , sorry that just won't compute :) That's like the IRA guy that performed oral sex on 2,000 prostitutes in England because the IRA gave him £20,000 and told him to blow up as many english cunts as he could :)

LOL! thats hilarious

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i think they will find her in 22 different pices spread across the US.
the kiddnapper will be pulled over after driving thru 4 states wearing the girls head as a hat

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Sephiroth said:

i think they will find her in 22 different pices spread across the US.
the kiddnapper will be pulled over after driving thru 4 states wearing the girls head as a hat


Poor kid, I hope she's ok.

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this shit happens every day but unless it is a rich family or famous family it dont get thhis much media. around here all we hear about is that jaun bennet girl, the one who was a modle at 3( thats fucked up!)

ANYWAY i think they should do this with every kidnapping. also it should carry a higher penalty if u are caught. But i too bet this girl ran off with a 'lover' i hate girls like that, so stupid, they want to run away with a guy wow tells them what he wants to hear, then he leavs her and we got another person with 5 kids living off wealthfare

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Sephiroth said:

ANYWAY i think they should do this with every kidnapping. also it should carry a higher penalty if u are caught. But i too bet this girl ran off with a 'lover' i hate girls like that, so stupid, they want to run away with a guy wow tells them what he wants to hear, then he leavs her and we got another person with 5 kids living off wealthfare

She's only 14 years old. Marriagable age in Utah is 15, and anything younger is rape. Ask Tom Green (the Utah idiot, not the MTV idiot), who was convicted and put away for having sex with (and impregnating) his then-13-year-old " primary wife" during their honeymoon in Colonias, Mexico.

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Sephiroth said:

i think they will find her in 22 different pices spread across the US.
the kiddnapper will be pulled over after driving thru 4 states wearing the girls head as a hat

Heh...the kidnapper was probably at worst Average Joe Psycho, not Hannibal fucking Lector. There have probably been only about 10 people in america's history grusome enough to do that.

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