DooMBoy Posted June 10, 2002 The only thing wrong with E1M9 is that while it looks E1-ish, it just feels thrown together, kinda half-assed, if you will. It just didn't "play" like the other E1 levels. 0 Share this post Link to post
m0l0t0v Posted June 11, 2002 dsm: The courtyard, however, is a map I always try to complete as quickly as possible whenever I play through Doom 2lil`FaithMainly because the Courtyard sucks. The Courtyard (IMHO) may not be so great for a SinglePlayerGame but it is however a very good level for DeathMatching. The worst level I can come up with is the Chasm: it`s ugly and very frustrating. cph:The Chasm. God I hate those thin walkways, and that deathtrap acid room before the exit. Damn them! Argh! you tell`em bro! I don`t really hate it though, I can`t imaging hating anything about Doom(II). All levels have their pros and cons... 0 Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted June 11, 2002 Yeah the acid trap room is daft and those thin walkways are annoying but i still like the level. It has mood. That great murky cave contrasting delightfully to those bright tech areas carved into the rock. That excellent feeling of grandness and space. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 11, 2002 Yeah, the Chasm sucks bigtime too, but for some odd reason I don't hate it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted June 12, 2002 If you like The Chasm then check out the map07 of the 10secto2.wad That's trippy stuff. 0 Share this post Link to post
Submerge Posted June 12, 2002 Ahem.. Maps tha make me Ill. Doom: E2M9 E4M6 Doom2: MAP09 MAP10 MAP15 MAP16 Unlike some of you, I liked the courtyard. Come to think of it, the Citadel gave me a headache, It was irritating to no end. 0 Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted June 12, 2002 Why does everyone hate map10? It's one of my favourites. 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted June 12, 2002 Heh, something appeals for everyone it seems. Is there any level in doom(2) everyone hates? 0 Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted June 12, 2002 I doubt it. Maybe map30. I haven't heard much praise about that level. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 12, 2002 Little Faith said:Maybe map30. I haven't heard much praise about that level. I just played map30 again - God I hate that level, I have decided to put it on the top of my list of hated levels. Fuck, if as much as *one* single Archvile is spawned, you're pretty much in trouble - also, PE's make it next to impossible to blast that damn Baphomet if you allow them to live. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 12, 2002 dsm said:I kinda figured you'd pick e2m2 as your "hated" level, since it provokes that odd feeling you've mentioned in another thread. No. E2M2 is scary in the good way. You want to get scared. Good spooky music, light variations, unobstrusive design, adequate pallete and a sense of accomplishment as you progress. E3M2, on the other way, is scary in the annoying way. There's no place to garrison yourself, the texture set makes you go crazy, the monsters get alerted but are incapable of finding you, hence they go hsssss! continually. The lighting is as unrealistic as it gets, confusing the eye, and all the little "indoor" zones are remarkably idiotic. It's all one big crazy-assed room so you never feel like you're advancing since you never leave "dead rooms" behind you. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 12, 2002 Zaldron said:No. E2M2 is scary in the good way. You want to get scared. Good spooky music, light variations, unobstrusive design, adequate pallete and a sense of accomplishment as you progress. E3M2, on the other way, is scary in the annoying way. There's no place to garrison yourself, the texture set makes you go crazy, the monsters get alerted but are incapable of finding you, hence they go hsssss! continually. The lighting is as unrealistic as it gets, confusing the eye, and all the little "indoor" zones are remarkably idiotic. It's all one big crazy-assed room so you never feel like you're advancing since you never leave "dead rooms" behind you. Aw crap, I made an error. Sorry, I meant E3M2. I agree with you that E2M2 is a good map (it's actually my fav map!) - I only miss a few former humans to spice up on all those imps. Well, I'm not so sensitive about E3M2 (did I get it right this time? *doublechecks* Yeah, I guess I got it right), although I will adimit that it's not a level I play much, probably because of many of the reasons you mentioned. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted June 12, 2002 Zaldron said:E3M2, on the other way, is scary in the annoying way. There's no place to garrison yourself, the texture set makes you go crazy, the monsters get alerted but are incapable of finding you, hence they go hsssss! continually. The lighting is as unrealistic as it gets, confusing the eye, and all the little "indoor" zones are remarkably idiotic. It's all one big crazy-assed room so you never feel like you're advancing since you never leave "dead rooms" behind you. Yep, that's what I like it for. 0 Share this post Link to post
LeaverAndrew Posted June 13, 2002 The DOOM 1 map i Hate is: e2m7 Spawning Vats The DOOM 2 map i Hate is: map 23 Barrels O' Fun 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted June 13, 2002 What's wrong with e2m7? One of my favs that level is. 0 Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted June 13, 2002 There's nothing at all wrong with E2M7... it's more to do with people's hatred of harmful floor-based maps that involve calculated dashes across lava and blood, or being careful where you step... 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted June 13, 2002 I can't stand E3M2, Slough of Despair, I guess that narrowly takes it. That was a perverse level. Doom2: probably Map30, yeah. It's more down to luck that talent, I don't like that in an ending, though it is realistic I guess. Why would Baphomet want you to fry his ass? 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted June 13, 2002 In conclusion - lava and slime sucks, narrow ledges suck, ugly big rooms suck, gay bosses suck and certain people have no clue what doom is all about. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 13, 2002 Lament said:In conclusion - lava and slime sucks, narrow ledges suck, ugly big rooms suck, gay bosses suck and certain people have no clue what doom is all about. IMO Doom's about tainted human installations, not vomitive crack-induced Hell levels. 0 Share this post Link to post
SteelPH Posted June 14, 2002 LeaverAndrew babbled: The DOOM 1 map i Hate is: e2m7 Spawning Vatsi kinda liked that level. LeaverAndrew also stated: The DOOM 2 map i Hate is: map 23 Barrels O' Fun WTF!? I LOVED THAT LEVEL! all those exploding barrels, its fun to blow stuff up with barrels. anyways: levels i hate: e1m8 e1m7(confusing) e2m6(VERY confusing) e2m9(ridiculous) most of episode 4 map15 map17 map19(could never find a way to get the blue key, and the yellow key is blocked off) map24 map26 map29 map30 0 Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted June 14, 2002 Funny, i loved 'Thy Flesh Consumed'. id pulled their fingers out of their asses and came up with some nice architecture in these maps. Plus, you get the marine & bunny end pic! Wakka! 0 Share this post Link to post
Erik Posted June 14, 2002 footman said:e1m7(confusing) map17 map26 map29 eh, if you dont like those... do you like ANY maps of udoom/doom2? 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted June 14, 2002 Hmmm...Barrels Of Fun is a great level. That reminds me of this morning. My friends and I were sitting in the caffeteria for the Senior Breakfast and somehow the conversation turned to Doom (which is odd because none of my friends play it and I wasn't saying anything. Anyway, my friends said "Hey, this kinda reminds me of Barrels of Fun with all these people standing around the room waiting in line." I looked around, seening the people lined up in a 'U' shape around half the caffeteria. "Yeah," I said, "it does..." Maybe you just had to be there... 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 14, 2002 Spike said:Plus, you get the marine & bunny end pic! Wakka! If only the marine didn't look like he was a green chaingunner on that pic. He almost looks like he's fat! Nah, E4 never interested me much. I kinda find the beginning annoying (it's the only hard part of E4) - maybe it's because I suck. 0 Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted June 15, 2002 Of course Doomguy's a tubby bitch. How else can he take that many shots if he didn't have plenty of flab protecting his vital organs? 0 Share this post Link to post
LeaverAndrew Posted June 15, 2002 [QUOTE]footman said: LeaverAndrew babbled I'm sorry I don't babble! 0 Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted June 15, 2002 Zaldron said:IMO Doom's about tainted human installations, not vomitive crack-induced Hell levels. The story takes you to Hell and back. Of course there's gonna be some Hell levels thrown into the mix... 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted June 15, 2002 Doom has tremendous range. The vague textures can be manipulated to be made to look like just about anything. Whether it's successfully done is another issue but there's no doubt it's a clever method and one that's helped to prolong Doom's life. 0 Share this post Link to post
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