Spike Posted June 16, 2002 pritch said:Doom has tremendous range. The vague textures can be manipulated to be made to look like just about anything.[/B] Hell yeah - especially considering the wealth of texture packs available on the 'net. The GothicTX pack in particular has been an excellent source for our WADS. Whether it's successfully done is another issue but there's no doubt it's a clever method and one that's helped to prolong Doom's life. Definitly. The engine itself is dated as hell, it's still 2d for feck's sake! But with the wealth of source ports available it's probably become one of the best-ageing games of all time. 0 Share this post Link to post
Captain Red Posted June 16, 2002 E1M9. it bites. it is the worst level outta both doom and doom 2 combined (IMO). I remember when I used to dislike e3m2 as well, but since I seem to know it inside out and back to front, I can finish it with Health 200% & Amour 200%... infact, you can leave that map quite powerful (provided you know were to look). 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 16, 2002 Ct_red_pants said: I remember when I used to dislike e3m2 as well, but since I seem to know it inside out and back to front, I can finish it with Health 200% & Amour 200%... infact, you can leave that map quite powerful (provided you know were to look). True, e3m2 isn't a map I play often, but I don't have any trouble completing it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted June 20, 2002 E2m9 is the worst hands down, but e1m9 is bad too 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted June 20, 2002 Xian said:E2m9 is the worst hands down, but e1m9 is bad too I've always liked that level. It's mysterious. 0 Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted June 20, 2002 What's mysterious about e2m9? it's two rooms and a bunch of key-doors filled with barons and cacos. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted June 20, 2002 E2M9 rules you frads. Best secret map in Doom. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 20, 2002 Liam the Bard said:E2M9 rules you frads. Best secret map in Doom. One of Liam's old titles:Daikatana is better than Quake 2!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted June 20, 2002 DSM said wit *Slowly moves cursor away from 'edit/delete' 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted June 20, 2002 Spike said:What's mysterious about e2m9? it's two rooms and a bunch of key-doors filled with barons and cacos. You could say that about a lot of things. 0 Share this post Link to post
LeaverAndrew Posted June 20, 2002 E2m9 is dull in the terms of detail..but It is a good challange to play if your a novice Doom player.. I don't hate the map but I don't really like it either.. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted June 20, 2002 Yeah, the first time I played it it was very intense. Now it's boring, of course... 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted June 25, 2002 I've always liked E2M9. One thing I've always wondered: how did the Cacodemons get those dead Barons behind those grates you see on the walls in the Caco room, since they don't have arms? Mysterious. It's extremely fun to speedrun through, especially since I now know the "grab the yellow key through the red door" trick. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted June 25, 2002 DooMBoy said:the "grab the yellow key through the red door" trick. The 'trick'? What 'trick'? Edit: Oh, that trick. Nevermind, carry on. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted June 25, 2002 Shaviro said:I've always liked that level. It's mysterious. which one? 19 or 29? the first two secret levels are just badly designed and a HUGE dissapointment because there not fun or any better than the normal levels 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 25, 2002 Xian said:which one? 19 or 29? the first two secret levels are just badly designed and a HUGE dissapointment because there not fun or any better than the normal levels No, E2M9 - and it is a rather dull map (though the battle is cool) - this map ends waay too quickly. 0 Share this post Link to post
Svinet Posted June 25, 2002 map24: The chasm. LedgeNukeJumping and complete darkness = :( 0 Share this post Link to post
AdAmIzEr Posted June 28, 2002 I hate the Chasm that level is a bitch to complete 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted June 30, 2002 Cool thread. Great discussion. Doomboy said: The Courtyard is easy, I beat it the other day in under 40 seconds! Just don't stand in one place for too long, or you're done for. A long time ago I was doing speed runs on this map (for no particular reason) and my best time was 25 seconds :P little faith said: Because I primarily play Doom for the visual experience I hated Doom2 map16 for being so damn ugly. I also hate E3M8 for being such a big dissapointment. It's ugly as hell and there is nothing there to build up any kind of tense atmosphere. Just a tunnel and then the big thing in a bright nondescript arena. Yea, Map16 was retarded. And E3M8 was such a disappointment! Heh, I'm surprised you voted 1 to dl my dm megawad if you play doom primarily for the visual experience as my maps are generaly not very visually appealing. :p Zaldron said: I hate E3M2. Not because it's a bad level, hell no, it's great, but it scares me. Doom II sports an impressive amount of crappy levels. All you people who hate levels that are scary are gonna really hate DOOM III The music in this level is superb. Very fitting and is iconic DOOM music. The level too is almost quintissential DOOM (not quite hellish enough for what I consider the iconic doom atmosphere). Woops, I am talking about E2M2, not e3m2... my brain is having a fallout or something. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the levels in DOOM 2 suck. Looks like most people agree on that. cph said: [Map09, The Pit] has a lot of clashing styles, but there are good areas, some good fights, and the music is one of the best from Doom II. I agree, this map has the best music in DOOM II. And I like the map too. Darknation said: e2m9 is just shit. Hear, hear! Another DOOM disappointment. Although at the time the fight was cool. It's interesting how the map feels like there are 6-8 barons on it when there's actually only 4. There's 10 cacos. Erik said: e1m9, map30. Upon first arriving at E1M9 I was sorely disappointed, but over the years I've come to realize its distinct feel from the rest of the episode (while still feeling like it could be apart of the episode) has my sentiment at it being the best secret level of DOOM's secret levels (which still isn't saying much given the other 3) little faith asked: What's wrong with E1M9? Doomboy replied intelligently: The only thing wrong with E1M9 is that while it looks E1-ish, it just feels thrown together, kinda half-assed, if you will. It just didn't "play" like the other E1 levels. A rare display of intelligence and coherence by Doomboy! This is a rare moment that needs to be cherished. Submerge said: Ahem.. Maps tha make me Ill. Doom: E2M9 E4M6 Agreed. E4M6 is an evil, evil map. Had cool atmosphere though. One of the better, if not best, maps atmospherically/architecturally of the episode. little faith said: Why does everyone hate map10? It's one of my favourites. Same here faith. When I load up DOOM 2 for some mindless playing, I go to map10, map15 or map18, map19 sometimes, map 20 is pretty - I'm rambling... let me stop while I'm ahead. dsm said: Nah, E4 never interested me much. I kinda find the beginning annoying (it's the only hard part of E4) - maybe it's because I suck. I found it interesting how E4 got progressively easy.... E4M1: very hard. E4M2: Very hard, but not quite as hard. E4M3: relatively easy, E4M4: poor execuse for a DOOM level (easier yet) E4M5: Slightly harder, E4M6: The MOST fucking ridiculous level for being ridiculously, obnoxiously, infuriatingly impossible. E4M7: easy. E4M8: easy. E4M9: blah. Ct_red_pants said: E1M9. it bites. it is the worst level outta both doom and doom 2 combined (IMO). I used to hate it. But now it evokes the same feelings the secret level of Commander Keen 4 does. Some how E1M9 is to the rest of DOOM Episode 1 as the secret pyramid level in CK4 is to the rest of CK4. Don't ask me the logic behind that; it just seems that way to me. Ct_red_pants said: I remember when I used to dislike e3m2 as well, but since I seem to know it inside out and back to front, I can finish it with Health 200% & Amour 200%... infact, you can leave that map quite powerful (provided you know were to look). Yep, yep. This is what keeps me from hating it :P Shaviro said: I've always liked [e1m9]. It's mysterious. Yea, as I said, my initial response to it was I didn't like it. But it's really grown on me over the years, and it really has a mysterious feel to it now. Woops, I thought Maonth was referring to e1m9, I see now he was referring to e2m9. Doomboy said: I've always liked E2M9. One thing I've always wondered: how did the Cacodemons get those dead Barons behind those grates you see on the walls in the Caco room, since they don't have arms? Mysterious. LMAO!! You're myseterious Doomboy. Prescious, even. It's extremely fun to speedrun through, especially since I now know the "grab the yellow key through the red door" trick. Heh, I didn't know about that. Man, the Chasm and map 30 were pretty much unanimous winners here. I'm surprised more people didn't say E4M6! That level takes the cake for me (as far as difficult) although it's too cool looking and has too good of a feel to get least favourite map. This is tough. I'm gonna have to delliberate on this for a while.... /me delliberates for a while. I'm done deliberating and have come up with my least favourite map. E4M9. It has the least character to me. Just blah. It also has the most indecisive feel to it. Kinda like id was tired and couldn't think of anything to do that would be cool for the last secret level of DOOM so they just threw something together. An outside area that seems uninspired and generic. The fact that it's mostly symmetrical is a real minus imo. An indoor area that just bores me. 0 Share this post Link to post
KoolKat Posted June 30, 2002 Zaldron said:I hate E3M2. Not because it's a bad level, hell no, it's great, but it scares me. Doom II sports an impressive amount of crappy levels. I wish I had the full version. :( 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted June 30, 2002 KoolKat said: I wish I had the full version :( [of DOOM]. Me too :( 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 30, 2002 Hellbent said: Cool thread. Great discussion. Thx :-)All you people who hate levels that are scary are gonna really hate DOOM III The music in this level is superb. Very fitting and is iconic DOOM music. The level too is almost quintissential DOOM (not quite hellish enough for what I consider the iconic doom atmosphere). Woops, I am talking about E2M2, not e3m2... my brain is having a fallout or something. Zaldron was talking about E3M2 being scary in a negative way - there's a difference between 'positive scary' and 'negative scary'. And I made the same blunder (mistaking E2M2 for E3M2 - just not in the same way, as I just made a typo), so welcome to the club :-P And E2M2 is my definite official fav map, 'nuff said.Same here faith. When I load up DOOM 2 for some mindless playing, I go to map10, map15 or map18, map19 sometimes, map 20 is pretty - I'm rambling... let me stop while I'm ahead. Actually, map10 is among the D2 map I play the most - but it's light years behind my preferred Doom1 maps (as is the case with all the best Doom 2 maps).I found it interesting how E4 got progressively easy.... E4M1: very hard. E4M2: Very hard, but not quite as hard. E4M3: relatively easy, E4M4: poor execuse for a DOOM level (easier yet) E4M5: Slightly harder, E4M6: The MOST fucking ridiculous level for being ridiculously, obnoxiously, infuriatingly impossible. E4M7: easy. E4M8: easy. E4M9: blah. Damn straight - the game started out hard as fuck, making you feel like "holy shit, I gotta stay on my feet 'ere!", and then the rest of the episode is a cake walk to get through. 0 Share this post Link to post
CyRaptor Posted June 30, 2002 Ultimate Doom: It's a tie between E4M1 (Hell Beneath) and E4M2 (Perfect Hatred). As a perfectionist I have to get 100% kills, secrets and items for every level (thus Alien Vendetta and its giant levels are hell for me :P) - there's, I think, 6 barons in E4M1 on UV and enough ammo to kill about 3 or 4 of them with rockets, and you have to finish the rest off with the shotgun. And if you're lucky enough and kill all of them and make it to the next level, you are immediately faced with a half a dozen cacodemons and a few sergeants at the beginning of E4M2. And you have next to no ammo. The rest of episode 4 is relatively easy. I didn't have much of a problem with E4M6 (Against Thee Wickedly) myself. Doom II: I've got to agree with most people here and say Map24 (The Chasm). It's tedious, what with the inch-wide catwalks with lost souls bearing down on you. Besides that it seems kinda rushed (Though several Doom II maps did) and un-Doom-ish. Map30 is fairly easy to complete if you've got a source port that allows you to look up and down; just ride the pillar to the top and aim into the Icon's brain and fire away. You've got to have it aimed pretty well for that to work, though. 0 Share this post Link to post
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