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  • Fanatic has started work on the warehouse-themed QDOOM E2M3, and more importantly, his "Fragging Fanatical" CDs are printing today! If you haven't bought one of these suckers yet, you have no excuse now, dammit.

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I don't care for heavy metal. Heavy metal.. Yuueeeacchhh... If it were something like techno, industrial, or something really neat sounding like the music we hear in Unreal, I might buy it. Heavy metal "music" is just really boring and pointless. It just doesn't seem to suit the levels. If you listen to heavy metal, I pity you. No seriously, I mean it. I pity those who are afraid to try anything other than heavy metal because if they do, they're at risk of being not cool. Oh yes, no offense to you Marc. I haven't even heard your music! I was just blathering about heavy metal in general... :-b

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Guest Anonymous User

i'm not "against" heavy metal just like I'm not "against" country. I just don't care for either much. It's not that marc's not talented, it's just that he's talented in something I happen to not like. I mean hell, I'd pay for qdoom... Just not a fan of metalish genre's is all.

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Guest Anonymous User

Andrew -Please make an effort to listen to my music before you comment on it. This is why I put my entire CD on my webpage in MP3 format -you can be sure if you really want it or not. :)

It's like reviewing a DM only map, and stating "I didn't play this in a DM game, so it probably won't play well."

I know everyone has their own taste in music, but this is what I love -aggressive power metal with classical roots, like a Meshuggah meets Yngwie Malmsteen kinda of thing. It's beautiful, and emotional sounding to me. There is music that you love that I probably would not like either, and that's all good. Just give it a listen before you stomp it to pieces. ;)

Fanatic's Asylum

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Guest Anonymous User

dude, I really think it's uncool of you to bash people because they listen to hard rock. I listen to hard rock all the damn time before I play a soccer game so I'm ready to tear the shit out of someone.Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but you my friend, are a bit stereotypical, and I pity YOU because of that.

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In the UK, you're only cool if you listen to garage/house or dance, people who listen to techno are geeks, heavy metallers are just weird, and no-one's even heard of industrial. Yet another difference between the atheist Brits and the bible bashing yanks :)

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Guest Anonymous User

And what kind of music do you listen to Andrew(cough, country, cough...............)

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I'm sorry if I sounded like I was razzing your music. Believe me, I meant to direct no comment toward you or your music! As I said, I was just blathering about heavy metal in general. And here's another thing I don't get... Why is it whenever I tell someone I don't like heavy metal, they automatically assume I like Country?!! I mean, everyone!! What is that connection?! Okay, I suppose I may as well state it for the record. I hate country. Old and new, hard and soft, big and little, left and right, blue and yellow, I cannot stand country music. Oh yes.. Marc, I did listen to some of your MP3s, and I was definitely surprised! What you described as "Agressive Heavy Metal", was really not what I expected it to be! It's not trash Heavy Metal, it's not sense-jarring, and it has some melody to it! I'm afraid that I'm still not going to buy your CD though, I'm just not a heavy metal person. :-b

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