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The COMPET-N site has updated with lots and lots of new improved demos, as well as the latest on their two running contests. Both of them are lead by Adam Williamson, so you've got to hurry if you want to beat him down!

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Guest Anonymous User

TNT - Evilution is such a neglected game..

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Guest Anonymous User

Does anyone else think that Zort 7 is the toughest of the zort series yet? Damn, I don't know if I'll complete it. How about a demo of someone doing that?

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The reason the Final Doom sets tend to have fewer demos at COMPET-N is that records for them don't currently score any points. Adam H decided on this to focus competition on the original games and improve times there. So people go for original levels for preference, usually.

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Guest Levendis

I'm sorry, and I don't really mean to sound like an asshole, but I really do find it hard to give a flying rat's ass about demos :-)

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Guest Anonymous User

Casual doom players just don't ever get any chance to make a record in this friggin demoshop. Oh well.

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Try PUBLIC DANG, at http://members.xoom.com/publicdang . it's a site specifically for players who don't want to put in the hours it takes to make compet-n records...the site uses all the compet-n categories, but you can submit any demo that finishes the level within the category, no matter what the time. you get more points for a time closer to the compet-n record - a time the same as, or better than, the record scores 1 point, one that takes twice as long scores 1/2 point, etc - but any demo can be sent in. some compet-n players play there, too, (myself and vincent catalaa mainly) but some non-compet-n players go there too. oh yeah, i just noticed this name could, as ever, possibly cause confusion...i'm adam williamson, not adam hegyi. if adam h ever feels the need to post here, he'll have to get himself a different username :)

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