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Gothic 99 Released


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What's that, you say? You didn't even know there was a Gothic 99 in production? That's because it was done all secret-like. Nonethless, Gothic 99 has been released, with 8 all-new levels of fragging fun. Well, 2 of the levels were those in that contraband WAD "Gothic 98," but they're included in this WAD which isn't scheduled to be pulled on New Years'. The talents of Mattrim Dixon, Martin Friberg, David Gevert, Derek MacDonald, Michal Mesko, Colin Portratz, Marc Pullen, Dan Twomey, Quinshuo Wang, and others were tapped to bring to you this hyper-detailed, Boom-compatible-only deathmatch WAD. If you enjoyed the frenetic fragging frenzy of Gothic DM, Gothic DM II, or Gothic 98, Gothic 99 ought to be right up your alley! Get it now!

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Guest hakx

Or it could be mine... -- (It's not paranoia when they <B>are</B> out to get ya) --

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Wow, this is amazing. But I don't know what gives them the right to consider this the "final" Gothic DM WAD... And why do they need Collin Potratz for "Sprite Support" when there are no new sprites?

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Linguica you whore, putting your own map in the sidepic ;) <P> Sprites are forthcoming.. I didn't have time last night to put them in a wad... it's coming.. just wait..

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Guest Caleb

ahhhhh, what a wonderful x-mas present from the doom community. a new wad, that got finished mind you, that we common people knew nothing about. Good job Gothic99 team:-) Merry Christmas everyone!

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Guest zsignal

whatever you do, do NOT name the next one 'Gothic Millennium"...

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Guest Anonymous User

All of these levels are excellent, with tons of detail EXCEPT map 7. That map sticks out like a sore thumb... what's up with that? It's just a square! Is it a joke? Plus there's a major bug in it, I keep getting stuck when picking up the weapons!

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Blame Matt Dixon, he was the one who decided to put in that map without telling me :) If I had any idea it was going to be in G99 I would have made sure to fix it up and make it a *tad* bigger...

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horrible.. just horrible. this is a perfect example of why dumbass level designers should be executed on sight. an example of a dumbass level designer would be anyone who contributed anything to this project. more ranting to come soon. i'll put up a large analysis of this shitbag.

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Guest pix

prower, unbelievable ling, unbelievable

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Guest Anonymous User

I give it a -17 out of 10.

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Guest balanco

NiGHTMARE - Saturday Dec 25 14:40:30 1999 - Gothic '99 Gothic 2000 sounds cool though... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2000 has been long overused for decades now. How about Gothic DM 3, or some real creative name? And don't even think of calling it Gothic M****** (that word has been far more over used lately than 2000!)

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Prower: A) Noone gives a shit about your stupid rants. B) Stop sooking cause you can't outdo anyone on the 99 team.

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Guest Daggah

This wad is definitely not intended for actual internet play...as if you needed me to tell you that. Whether or not your level preferences lead you to call this set "beautiful" or "sh*t-ugly" will, of course, differ. But hell, prower, you know that ever since Gothic98 that any Gothic project with a year at the end of it was not designed to be playable DM maps.

I can't say anything for the rest of the team, but I contributed to the project (map08...altered by Martin Friberg) because I figured that it could be fun making a map like that. Anyway, if you don't like it, that's fine, and if you do, that's fine too. Personally, I don't give a sh*t what you think...it was fun working on Gothic99, and that's all that matters.

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Great work guys. Please Prower, you don't have to like the levels but please keep your opinion to yourself. I like these levels and the Gothic98/6Fiffy* which emphasize DETAIL. They're great but in no way are they for everyone.

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Don't compare this set to Fiffy's maps! Big NO-NO! And on the B) from below... You can outdo Ling but we just feel sorry for the poor bastard. :D

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Guest Daggah

1) Gothic99's detail really is detail, not some arches thrown in here and there.
2) Gothic99 at least isn't designed to be playable. REoL's is. Both are not playable. REoL's is worse because his levels actually try to be playable.
3) Gothic99's level editors aren't egotistical bitches.
4) Gothic99's level editors aren't dumbassed AOLers.
5) Gothic99's level editors don't go spewing on and on about their level editing history to people who really don't give a shit.
6) Gothic99's level editors have IQ's above 20.
7) Gothic99's level editors don't try to make levels good by adding lots of arches and then not using smooth lighting because "it wastes too many sectors."
8) Gothic99's level editors aren't lamers.
9) Gothic99's levels look better.
10) Gothic99's levels probably play better. :)

In short, the difference is that one sucks ass, and one doesn't. Here's a clue: Gothic99 doesn't. :)

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Guest pix

Actually, I think I've heard Adelusion say that even gothic2 was made for the teams eyes, not the public to play. (Am I right adel?) But gothic2 was doom2.exe, so it really couldn' go pretty to the point it was un-playable. Oh, and to the 99 team: next time, we should actually try to make something playable...gotta keep improving you know ;-)

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anyone who liked this map set is a complete moron. map03 and map06 stand out as being the only GOOD ones in the bunch. map08 is OK as well, but nothing superb. the rest are just utter trash; random sectors thrown together to create some horribly-playing, dullish excuse-for-a-level. you want to make a 'piece of art'? move on to quake3 or something. if you stick to doom editing and STILL can't do good gameplay, then you deserve to be excommunicated from anything related to first person shooters. i mean, jesus, make a fucking SP map, or at least test out the goddamn dm maps before you release them. and if the other projects that nick baker was talking about that are in secrecy are ANYTHING REMOTELY like this abomination, i will personally assrape every single no-skill DM map designer there ever was. to sum it up, if you want to create good-looking levels, MOVE ON TO A MORE ADVANCED GAME. the only reason i keep playing doom is because of the fun-as-hell gameplay, both SP and DM. there is not a SINGLE map in gothic1, 2, 98, or 99 that looks even HALF as good as any given quake3arena map. so, take that fucking gay-ass detail and shove it up your fucking ass. ahem.

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> 8) Gothic99's level editors aren't lamers. this is certainly debatable. > 4) Gothic99's level editors aren't dumbassed AOLers. um, don't YOU use AOL dagger? oh wait, you switched to netzero, my mistake.

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I kind of agree with Prower. While some of these levels look spiffy, they just don't work well. If they were not designed to be playable why were they designed in the first place? I had to delete them because I haven't the disk space for levels I can't have fun playing....Sorry.

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Well, I think prower overdid it a bit with that rant :), but I think he has a valid point. These levels are the epitome of over-detailing. I think it's sad that so much work went into these levels, and they'll probably rarely be played since gameplay was left on the back burner, and the detail was too extreme. Too much of a good thing's bad, guys.

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Guest mystican

ignore all these sad wankers, if you enjoy making maps then thats the main thing innit, and who cares what anyone else thinks. plus i think the idea of doom as simply an art form is kinda cool. :)

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Guest Anonymous User

The only other worse name then Millenium is if you tried to make a stupid pun like "Killenium". I would hunt you down with a wiffle bat.

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Guest Daggah

I use Earthlink now.

And like I've already said, this map set was not MEANT to be PLAYED in deathmatch...prower, you IDIOT, why can't you understand this most basic of concepts?

Mystican: thank you...that's what this was all about.

Carnevil, I understand your point, but like I said before, this map set was designed simply for the sake of designing. We had tons of fun doing it, and that's all that matters.

Pix: next time we should just keep it to ourselves...it doesn't take away from the enjoyment I get to not release levels I've made, you know...and plus we would be able to avoid people like prower's hardheaded attacks on the enjoyment that we got from designing the levels.

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Guest Anonymous User

I mean seriously, excuse them for not making levels that cater perfectly to your preferences. God, I am SO sick of selfish bitches like prower assuming that since they don't like a level or the style of a level, then other people must hate it as well. Get a fucking grip, you ass, because these people aren't here to serve you! If you don't like something, then shut the fuck up and just don't download it. Assholes. Hmmph.

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I downloaded Gothic 99 expecting it to be of USE. You know, for playing deathmatch. I did not know it was simply for looking at (ie like a piece of art?). If I had known, I simply would not have tried it out. To each his own. If the authors enjoyed making it, great.

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