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Guest Anonymous User

The Iron Fist... a failure. Ninja Doom... a failure. All the other Doom add ons are old. Or getting there. The only one where I see interest in is Covert Ops. I bet people send in their new sites with new ideas and you guys turn them down. And those sites are probably better than those shit sites like Iron Fist and Batman Doom. -yours truly- ANT

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Guest Fanatic

If the people turning in their new sites with new ideas were worth a shit, they would get hosted.

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Guest HellKnight

I have both levels so far and Last Day on Earth is something to look forward too. Check it out everyone.

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Guest Anonymous User

Hey there, anymous user... sour grapes, perhaps. As far as I know Ninja Doom isn't a failure, it's just still being worked on... and don't call Batman Doom shit, it's a work of genius and an inspiration to us all. So crawl back under your rock, or have a talk with MTawney. Seeing you two argue would be amusing...

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Guest Daggah

werd, Fanatic... :)

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Guest Caleb

gee another project that is fucked from the very mentioning of it huh? gee will this one make it past level 6? god Damn doom people never learn

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Guest Tawney

Okay, to the "anonymous user", um, please don't get me into this bullshit that I am so eagerly trying to stay away from. And I can safely assume that the anonymous user is that guy that is making "Speed Demons". If not, at least have the guts to tell use who you are...

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Guest Anonymous User

This add-on reeks of stupidity. What kind of name is Lau anyway.

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Guest Stealthy

You people have to get of this try to make doom2 look like quake 2 bull shit.... doom is the god dam best game ever..... it shall stay that way, I edit levels myself and i still dont understand why people cant leave there new levels look like good old doom2, if i fucking wanted to play quake, then i would... Doom is cool with new stuff and all... but this trying to make it some thing thats its not is fucking gay.....

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Guest Anonymous User

When I clicked on the file's link, I got a "403 Forbidden" error.

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Can't someone make any sort of Doom level without severe criticism? <P>Am I the only one who can appreciate the wads that don't make the top ten? <P>My opinion, Last Day was pretty good, considering it's new. My only real complaints are the map01 music, and the over-use of arachnotrons.

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Guest Anonymous User

People never learn? No shit. People can make megawads, total conversions. etc if they want, you arent forced to play them. Fanatic, you know how it is, you make it really for yourself, for the buzz of creation- so lets not use our opinions to put people down, shall we?

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Guest Risen

Well, I have a few things to add. First, many people try to build big mods and few succeed. We all know that. I for one, have decided to take the route of success over failure, even if it means release dates are indefinite. But best of luck to those who can build their own projects and build them well. We can't have a continuing community without new projects, but I do wish some of those same people would help the rest along first. If you can hack it, go for it. You've got all my support, anyway.

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Um, yeah, we're still working on Ninja Doom, just waiting on md2's getting completed and then I'll finish off all the maps. <P> Derek Mac Donald aka Afterglow http://doomnation.com/afterglow <P>

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Guest Fanatic

...yes. But my comments were for the first Anonymous User (I assume you aren't the same one), who is complaining about something else. He was complaing about no one hosting "new sites with new ideas and you guys turn them down", and it's true -if someone submits a half assed website, with a half assed idea, they won't get hosted. I mean no disrespect, but it's the truth -deal with it. I don't think the DOOM news sites would not post news about a project that is not up to par tho.

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Guest Elviele

Yo Stealthy,People don't make Doom(2) anything!! they just make there own engines or use exsisting engines that work with wads or total conversions for engines which were not made for doom(2). And the good old Dooms are always there for everyone to enjoy so don't worry they are always there..

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ahh, here's something: a bunch of levels that AREN'T gothic styled!

whilst they aren't the best looking maps around, they are good for some romping-around fun and shooting down demons, which is what doom's all about isn't it? well, i liked it.

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There are just too many shitheads in this community. Some people just throw crap whenever they get the chance. Often they don't even have the balls to put their names under the "comments". It pisses me off reading such immature crap like the first and third anonymous user posted...why the f*** such asses bother to post anything at all is beyond me. Instead of providing the author with some constructive criticism, he just get alot of bull. Well, its no wonder why so few of these doom projects get finsihed. The lack of inspiration clearly connects to the bad attitude new projects faces. I agree with Hyena, Prower and Hellknight. This project is something to look forward too. Keep it going Lau...and to all of you shitty anonymous users: Get some balls and brains before you start commenting on anything...

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Guest Caleb

now this is BS! how many times have we heard about the "oh so breathtaking new megawads that will make your fucking jaw crinkle?" that never got released? Christ, how many years has ninja doom, securitron, and all the others been here waiting to be played??????? we are not stupid and if anyone says otherwise, they are just plain out fucking dated. who wants to play a game when its years old, and the graphics, of all things, show it? mike rhyssen, thank you for doomGL, for us computer geeks out there that have a computer that can produce graphics better then 512-whatever resolution. all you others that dont have this can go fuck yourselves

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Guest docbob

When someone makes an announcement about a new WAD, he/she should understand that people will get excited to play the new WAD. In making the announcement, he/she therefore acquires an obligation to follow through on the promise: make the WAD, put a good effort into it, and don't make people wait too long for it. If the WAD is unlikely to make it out within a reasonable time (a month or two for one level, 12-18 months for a TC), say so at the outset so people will be prepared to wait. If the WAD is supposed to be made while huge changes are happening in life (e.g., going to college or moving), let people know that the WAD may be jeopardized in the future. Making a megaWAD or TC requires a lot of time and effort, and the promise to release one should not be taken lightly. For every successfull project there's three or more that fail, almost always because the authors weren't willing to put in the time and effort -- either because of changes happening in real life or because the initial motivation wore off. All I'm asking for is that authors be realistic about forecasting their chances of successfully following through on their promise. If you have, and will continue to have, the time and motivation to finish the project -- bravo, you're doing the community a big service. If you don't follow through on your promise, you let people down and do a disservice to the community. just my 2 cents, DocBob

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Some people here really are a disgrace. You write as if people can announce a TC and then release it the next week.

The reason not many TCs get finished is because they take so much time and effort to complete. You can't really appreciate this until you have been involved in one yourself.

It's all too easy to 'start' a project and build a nice web-page for it. But actually finishing it is another story.

So yeah, unless you've made your own megawad/TC then you've got no idea what you're talking about.

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Guest Stealthy

I dont mean to crack on the people who make new engines for doom, thats all well and good. but I have been making levels for five years and still love to make the good old doom2 style of wad. I am sorry if any one has taken my comment the wrong way, and for Lau and your project... dont let these fools let you down, keep up the work... Keep doom alive!

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Hi Caleb. You set a nice example for the typical asshole this community is infected with. Its a real pitty guys like you are around at all. If you find this game to be so god damn outdated, why the fuck don't you take your shitty comments and go somewhere else? Oh well...at least Chief have a very good point.

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Guest Anonymous User

...what can some say!

Like Caleb, why do you bother entering Doomworld if you don't like Doom the way it is...?
I don't say the new ports are bad. They are really good. Like Boom, I have been slightly involved with. It's damn good stuff, but some folks like the way Doom is. It simply looks like you've never been involved in a bigger project like a MegaWad. ...and when entering a common site like Doomworld -
- What do you expect... STUFF ABOUT DOOM. Not only the new projects for all the new ports, even though that's getting more common on the way. Like a newbee WadAuthor, they will hardly understand all the new things in the new ports. They just want to have fun!

So even if I have voodoo 3 on a 333MHZ machine, I can still enjoy Doom the way it is...

Like personally I'm a programmer, which started in VB. Getting onto C++. Well let's say when your learning programming, it's easier to start from the ground before the big leap.

…and for you Anonymous User which started this comment-fight. Hmm, are you involved with Covert. If you are, get a grip. You don't have a clue how much work and effort projects like Ninja Doom had used. It was a nice MegaWad/TC. Nice idea - But all that is French for you...

Stop posting if you don't have anything vice to say. If you any comments, then be a little nice by being objective. Write exactly what you didn't like about it (In a general short form) and do what you can do to write something that was good about it.

Here's an example of judgement:

First impression: The very first one...
Architecture: Do I need to say...
Texture-Outlay: If textures fitted together and so on...
Light-Effects: Weighted higher on newer ports. Due to V-Planes….
Playability: How it was to play...
Final comment: Generally what you though about it in the end...

I've been involved with Doom from the start, it has in a corny way involved somthing in my life. These things I have really seen before.

Member of TeamTNT

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Guest Zeku

Don't let hateful people (they appear on both sides of every argument) do the one thing they're capable of, which is to suck well meaning people into pointless quibbling. Just protect your own peace of mind and don't point out the obvious. (Like XX person is an idiot)

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Guest Anonymous User

I'm with that other Stealthy guy. Keep DOOM up to date and living, like the legend it truly is!!! These bitches are just letting you down and testing your nerves because they are not affiliated with DOOM, but instead are affiliated with some shitty offspring of DOOM like Quake 3. My suggestion is: IGNORE THE BASTARDS AND KEEP ON EVOLVING DOOM!!!!!!!!! -Laters. Eugene E. Sloupsky

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Guest lau

I'm the author of this megawad and I'd like to thank all people supporting me and all people with constructive critics... I will do all the 32 maps even if some "anonymous" people don't think so...

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Guest Anonymous User

if youre gonna critize something then 1) let us know who you are 2) suggest how whatever you critize can be done better is this too much to fucking ask? maybe you anonymous dickheads can actually build some better levels and show us how much we all suck? of course what would be even better was if you could simply get your erections by bitching about other peoples work somewhere else hr2 map01-15+31 on feb 13th by the way ;)

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Guest Chrozoron

I dunno wtf my nick wasnt included in that post and YES thats pretty fucking ironic ! so sue me :) Chrozoron

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