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JHexen Test Problems


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Jaakko reports about some serious problems plaguing his first JHexen network test. Three bugs are identified now: clients that won't answer retransmit requests, inconsistent player data and a broken chat function. Apparantly, he's on top of it.

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Guest Levendis

Wouldn't it be great if the JHexen server-client code were incorporated into every other port? Given how much of the fun of Doom is deathmatch, we should have had reliable netplay before anything else. Good work, JHexen crew.

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Guest Anonymous User

I went on #doomroom today and those people are evil!!! There was this guy and he said I was a faggott!!!!!! They are mean!!!!

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Guest DarkFang

Well, we can assume one thing about our "Anonymous User", he is an AOLer, since those are the exact words of previous AOLer who have dared ventured into the AOL-forbidness which that is #doomroom.

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Guest Levendis

Guys...I think it behooves the community to be AS NICE AS POSSIBLE to every new person who is getting interested. My reasoning is thus: Assuming JHexen's server-client code ends up working, in a few months you'll be seeing pickup games of Doom on gamespy, Doom on planetquake, et cetera. The community is about to get a lot bigger and we ought not to scare people off regardless of whether they are on AOL or not.

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Anonymous User: Stay out of #doomroom, it can be very evil. I'm willing to bet it was mystican doing the name-calling. But yeah, most of the people in there are mean. Just steer clear of #doomroom, and you'll be OK. I recommend you visit the DoomNation forums at forums.doomnation.com - if you haven't already. People are nicer there. :-b

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