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Julian Aubourg sent word that "Room over Room Doom now has a Java-based IRC-like channel. Of course this is not of great use right now, but as I think there will be many mappers and coders and curious that will want to talk about rorDoom during April, I though it could be nice not to have #doomroom being invaded by rorDoom." On a related note, anyone tried making some maps with this thing? Not quite as advanced as EDGE as far as I can tell, but at least it's released.

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The only thing I know about RoRDoom is that it has rooms over rooms! Other than that, I'm clueless!! Thanks anyway! :-b

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Guest FyrestormX

Its a breakthrough in gaming technology!

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I like the fact that they are going to take Doom right up there with Quake with a nice RoR system. Now when it is finished, what are the odds that it is stuffed into ZDoom? I am wondering because currently you can do this exact system with the TransferHeights tag. The only thing about this method is that you have a razor thin floor line, and if you clip, you fall right through the floor. I definitely think this program will be very useful. Keep working guys!

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Would be to simply implement the better of Zdooms features, or at least similar ones, in RorDoom, wityhout the bugs and stuff that zdoom has.

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Guest Risen

Does anyone remember that big prot merger proposed a long time ago? I just though of it... It probably would have been out by now... <P> While Room-over-room is definitely cool, I'm still waiting for decent internet play code... I'd much rather have that. <P>

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Guest Levendis

XBlade, you can SIMULATE room-over-room with the TransferHeights tag, but only when you have special situations such as a two stories occupying the same corridor. You can't use it to do things like true 3D bridges.

As for implementing ZDoom's features in RorDoom...what bugs are you talking about? Randy Heit doesn't really do much of the coding himself, from what I understand; ZDoom is basically Boom with the ACS and polyobjects lifted from Hexen and additional features/capabilities (tracked music, colored lighting, etc.) coming from using new public code. Any bugs in ZDoom are bugs within these sources, so simply implementing them in rordoom wouldn't solve the problems.

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I think the most difficult think to handle with rors in ZDoom will be polyobjects, as they're supposed to stay in one subsector and rors levels can make a convex sector subdivided...

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To understand ror level design go check the RorDoom tutorial page by Chrozoron. Then, just have a look at the sample wads on the download page with your favourite editor... should be enough ;)

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...I'd like to see someone make 3D bars on a railing with this idea. I've seen this type of thing before, and it was in Duke... which had a few things which were cool... like the fact that you didn't need a TEXTURE1 and 2 thingy in the wad(or whatever thing :). I'd like to see someone make a port with no need for texture lump, and allow anyone to use the flats alone or with the texture thingy (for compatabilty) ;). :) But now I'm just ranting and stuff. ^_^

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Guest Anonymous User

Randy Heit didn't just rip a whole buch of features from everywhere and throw them together. For example, he coded most of the hexen features before its source was ever released.

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Guest Anonymous User

Someone needs to upgrade Doom to brushes...not just keep 'hacking' in ways to make fake 2 story buildings.

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As I understand, Randy does do his own coding. He's working on a backwards-compatible engine that will support Doom, and will make it possible to do true room-over-room. Whether this engine will be True 3D as in the Quake series or be a BUILD-style engine is another question. The Hexen thing is true. A lot of the Hexen support was coded before the Hexen code was actually released. I remember this dammit (and my memory is pretty bad), why don't you? :p

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Guest Levendis

Randy is coding his new engine entirely from scratch. ZDoom, on the other hand, is kind of a frankenstein's monster of a port. It's got stuff borrowed from everywhere--and if there are problems with the port it's still in those sewn-together components or in their integration.

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rorDoom does not use a trick or something to make 2-story these are sectors like any other ;)

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Guest Randy Heit

You seriously underestimate the work in ZDoom. A lot of it has been rewritten from scratch. Like AriocH says, all the Hexen map features (aside from polyobjects) were done before the release of the Hexen source. Why? Because I ripped apart Doom's old map system and replaced it with a new one that implemented the Hexen specs. Much of the Boom support was then implemented through the new map system, rather than being taken from Boom. It is not a "bunch of sewn-together components." (And colored lighting, yes, I did that too. Where do you think it came from?)

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Guest The Last Doomer

Randy...you are the man. Screw all these mofos who think they know what's going on... ZDoom's the best source port out there, no matter what anyone says. ;) - The Last Doomer

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Its easy for you non-coders to accuse Randy of being a code ripper, but then how many of you would actually be able to open the zdoom source and understand it enough to put your theories to the test? Well I've worked some with the zdoom source, and while *some* of it is more or less directly from other sources, a heck of a lot of it is totally original, and even that which is borrowed has been added to, fixed, and expounded upon significantly. Now if Randy would just integrate a few more MBF features, it'd be perfect! ^_^

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