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The Deimos Incident


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After posting a screenshot of his project here on Doomworld as POTD, Scott Bailey got a "surprising demand for info" so he has put up a website for this project, called the Deimos Incident. It's pretty, euh, basic but at least now you know what to look out for :)

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Guest TheRequiem

It is hard getting level designers since there isnt that many Doom designers anymore. I know because I was just working on a project, but sadly I couldnt finish it by myself so I released a new AI so none of you would be let down. But if you do get level desigers, good luck!

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Guest Wyvern

Yes, it's a sad truth that level designers for DooM projects are few and far between now that other games have come out. It's like people have forgotten the exact impact that DooM has made on the first-person shooter genre. I now step down from my soap box. *sniffle*

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Guest Anonymous User

Im glad people like Scott are still making megawads for Doom. I also intend to complete what I've started, but I want some opinions first. Check out http://EightMegsOnly.tripod.com . Sorry about using this forum to plug my wads, but I figured it was the only way to get it noticed :)

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Guest Anonymous User

I must say that the 'shots i saw over at your page showed some real cool architecture. Quite the best "Lets keep textures at a minimum to focus on architecture" style levels i have ever seen pics of. However the name Deimos used in a Doom game makes me think primarily about big sprawling tech-factory bases and less on fortress-temple like things, but if you got a story line that explains things a little it might not be a problem at all, though if too much references to lab-incidences and illegal weapons production is found within you would probably need to make some more tech-like levels to justify it. (And maybe im just an ol' DooM 1'er who can't get really used to anything else).

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Guest Wyvern

Thanks for your comments. See, my way of doing things is a bit odd when it comes to designing levels. I have the basic storyline (posted on my site right now) and I design the levels around the more advanced storyline that is NOT posted on the site. Rest assured that the levels shown in the screenshots will all tie in together at some point. I do realise that Deimos is a very small moon orbiting Mars and it should be filled with tech bases and such. So, where do the temples and such come into play? Just trust me. :)

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