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In the past few days I've been updating some of Doomworld's more 'static' resource sections and found that some really good sites have disappeared. For instance, does anyone know what happened to www.cybernet.dk ? It seems to have vanished, eating Hykkelbjergs' editing guide and the Dehacked Grabbag. Damn :( If someone has any info on this, please let me know! Also, if you happen to come across an outdated link I'd appreciate it if you would let me know as well.

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Yeah Hyena is right...Of all places the main page of links has webpages that have not been updated (probably never will). Add to that list Crucified Dreams.

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well, come to doomnation, we have no outdated hosted sites, all of them are worthwhile reading and are updated daily or weekly.

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Guest Anonymous User

I think that www.cybernet.dk became www.cybercity.dk and if you look at jensh.homepage.dk (that's the site where all the users at cybercity.dk put their home pages) u will se the message from the server saying "u don't have access ..." but if u put ,for example, tetas.homepage.dk then u'll see a message like this "feijl", and finally what i'm really trying to say is! FNORD!

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Guest TheRequiem

Thats not the point, I think they have closed the page because they have different interests but for the rest of these morrons posting things, Don't put anything here unless your responding to the message he posted in the news section.

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Guest ThE NoraD

Any clue what happend to banjo software or hacx 2 for that matter? dead sights, hmmm, hellstorm? Zombie Doom? The iron fist? just to name a few...............

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Banjo folded last I heard... as for dead sites... Mordeth, get to work, you'll probably enjoy weeding out the dead crap.

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Guest Anonymous User

I think Cybernet went bankrupt or something. Might have been taken over by another danish ISP. They didn't become cybercity.dk, that's for sure... Bankrupcy is my best guess.

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Guest Anonymous User

Just found out that Cybernet was sold off in 98. Can't find info on who bought them, though...

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Uh, Requiem, were you talking about me? <P>If so, I thought my point was valid and relevant.

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Guest Anonymous User

Why is Mockery not finished yet. You have had a lot of times to get it done. Maybe i may be able to make some crappy MIDI's having flaw such as genre-clashes and irritating instrument sounds. By the point now you should have released a few levels so we know what we are looking forward to. And at last PLEASE don't kill the project. We are patient. WE WANT MORE CRAPPY LEVELS!!! In the meantime we might drool over the atrocious levels you get on the third disk of the Ultimate Doom/Doom2/Doom95-pack. Especially the Illusory three episode wad for Doom. That's stuff of legends.

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Guest Anonymous User

The ftp.cdrom.com site mentions that the Army of Darkness homepage is "http://sch-www.uia.ac.be/u/maes/aoddoom.html". But try going there, and you come up on a ghost town. I wonder where they went.

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