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Happy Birthday To Us

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Guest Anonymous User

Did you know that doomworld is visited on average about 2000 times a day!!! Thats a shit load, and anyone who says doom is dead needs to go shove a pine cone up there ass!!!

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I must be one of the longest lasting people in this community outside of Team TNT and the news sites... I think I first got involved with on-line Doomin' around may/june '97. Anyone remember Doom Central? :)

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Guest mystican

big up to yourselves lads. you dont need me to write any eulagisations about how incredibly cool people you all are so suffice to say that you own it baby. heres to another coupla dozen years of doomworld. :)

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i remember being hosted by doomworld for about 10 minutes until marv(?) kicked linguica's ass and told him never to host trash like what my page was going to be.. i wont mention that here, but thats one of my memories of doomworld.

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Guest Warlock

I first stumbled upon the Doom Legacy site while browsing frag.com a long time ago. I can't quite recall how I found Doomworld but I guess it must've been from the links on Legacy's or DosDoom's site. Been visiting it almost every day ever since =)

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Guest Dissonant

You guys are cool. DW is one of the few sites I visit daily. Probably the greatest thing you've done was the Five Years of Doom a while back. That was wicked cool. Also entertaining was the whole 'prower encounter which ended up turning out not so good'. It was especially entertaining since I'm 'out of the loop', so I had no idea what the hell you guys were talking about for most of that. At least to me, you guys are the center of the Doom community. I look forward to many more years of wholesome Doomworld goodness.

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Guest pagb666

I've been visiting DW for 23 months, and what can i say... KEEP UP THE GOOD JOB!!

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well, hate to one-up you Nick (actually, I just _love_ it, hehe :>), but you call from 97 a long time?! ha, i started reading the Doom newsgroups around the time that Doom2 was released, back in 1994. I was there for the foundation of compet-n, for god's sake, hehe :). And doomworld, despite being founded well after Doom was at its world-beating height, is definitely the best Doom website yet. so congratulations guys!

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Guest skonam

I only found this site a week ago, but have been coming every day. A friend in Germany has a couple of PCs networked and he and his friend are deathmatch fiends. Anyway, suffice to say I got massively into it and have been reading everything on the site! Happy birthday, hopefully I'll wish you that for a few years to come. Nice one!

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Guest beigesmite

i got bored around christmas and started playing doom again. but i had lost all of my doom stuff somehow!! i reordered everything and found this site and now i'm a doomer again. (though i wasn't much of a doomer originally being all of 9 or 10 and not being to good. THAT'S RIGHT I STARTED VIOLENT GAMES AT A RATHER YOUNG AGE! WHAT OF IT?! *twitch*)

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It seems that JeffK's post has been roasted! :D Yeah, I just wanted to say that I love Doomworld!!! :-b

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Guest TinyKitten

I like doomworld. If mewse was at doomworld then it'd be the best. But I like mewse. And Cyb. 'Course, DW <B>does</B> have covaro. Hrmn. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOMWORLD!

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Guest Scissors

Holy crap. I can remember waaay back in the days of FuncE and ID4Doom... It really doesn't seem that long. That really kicks ass. Long live DW!

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Guest Flood

I got hooked on Doom back in 3rd year of college in '95. I got my first acceptable comp. back in '97. Naturally, first thing I did was buy Doom2 through the internet (I was ripped off) and look for all sites Doom-related. First one I found was FuncE, which I liked the best due to its humorous and witty content courtesy of Linguica (then Andy Stine, heh) and good ol' Dukrous, founder of FuncE and without whom DW would never have existed. Back then, Ricrob (Ricrob's Place), Justin Madigan (Doom News), Sir Alien (Doom Central), SuperFly (Abode of the SuperFly) and others were some of the other "prominent" people in what was then the fledging little community known as the "Doom community". I thought I was late in arrival, yet to think I arrived before it all exploded into what it is today! When I requested and was accepted to review levels for DW, it was an honor since I really respected these guys' work. Covaro wasn't even a member back then! It was a short-lived yet rewarding experience. I'll NEVER forget that intense level-by-level review of GothicDM2 right after it was uploaded! Shortly after that, I had to leave due to graduate studies taking up most of my time. Yet to this day, I never fail in checking up what's going on in the community. So to that person who was wondering, yes, I am still very much alive. Thanks for the memories, Doomworld.

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Guest Anonymous User

I think what I remember this day in 1998 was a feeling of dread and joy. When Andy gave the word (while I was a work...the jerk ;)...and suddenly, the little world we inhabit seemed to change. Happy Birthday, Doomworld...here's to plenty more.

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Guest Anonymous User

That wasy mine, Dukrous'...dunno how this thing works yet. :)

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Guest The SuperFly

...and here's to many more. You've all done a great job in keeping the pulse of the DOOM Community going for as long as it has. I can also proudly say that I do remember how I was feeling when DW first opened...severelly pissed off if I recall correctly. >>=]
I'd also like to say that the Abode of The SuperFly WILL be coming back sometime in the near future (really, I promise this time) with a complete redesign and loads of new content (and hopefully a new host).

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Guest PuPz

Uhh... happy late b-day, DW. And thanks for hosting my piece of shit site. Cheers. :D

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Guest zsignal

yeah, I have to say thanks very much to Doomworld and Linguica for hosting my Securitron TC... without that, it probably wouldn't have been at E3 right now... and not having any team-members either :P thanks again frads

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Guest ThE NoraD

YEAH, TWO YEARS!!! who knows, maby next year at this time we'll have a whole video session on doomworld instead of a chatroom. Keep up the good work!

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Guest HellKnight

Man, Ive only been around for a while here in the doom community but I must say that Ive received the most help in learning the basics of editing from the contributing members to news sites such as doomworld and doomnation. Thanks for the help, as annoying as it must have been. Happy Birthday.

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Guest Anonymous User

Just wanted to tell you guys that without the support we got from you Batman DOOM wouldn't be the same thing we delivered last year. From the three years of development I still recall the time at DW as the best. ABC CBC EBC

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Guest Mattrim.

Thank you for an incredible two years.

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Guest FyrestormX

Happy B-Day, you whores

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Guest D00Mster

Happy birthday...here's your birthday present: http://members.xoom.com/doomclanodp/

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Guest The SuperFly

By new host I mean getting the page the hell off AOL. Since I code everything by hand it'd take too much time to keep track of what I'm pulling from what screen name, etc. I DO have a life you know. =P

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Guest Elviele

Awright so it is the second b-day of DW, WHAT IS THE BIG FUCKING DEAL!!! This is just an ordinary Doom site like so many others and it s this particular site's date of creation. BIG FUCKING DEAL!!! (ya hear me?) BIG FUCKING DEAL!!! Thank you all and happy b-day.. :)

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