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Fear The Anger

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I have a copy of Aliens Quake... As much as you would like to think that Aliens for Quake would rule, it doesn't. It's a horrible TC and you aren't missing out on anything. Go play Aliens DOOM instead which is much superior.

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Guest cocoon

Why is it that many of the absolute best deathmatch packs/maps use ripped textures. Taken without words to the respective authors. I am thinking about execution and many, many of the britt1-guys, danny and yeti. They ripped off the gothic-crew (even if all those weren't original ones) without saying so (or asking) and that is why some ppl don't think too highly about the britt11-guys and their maps. It really is a pity since both execution and the maps by danny and yeti are extremely good. Why man? WHY?? :) I just found it to be a funny coincidence (because it isn't a conspiracy right?)

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For the most part, it *is* considered acceptable to use textures from the id/Hexen games... why? Because the companies accept it! In particular, *all* Quake 1 levels contain the textures in the BSP file, rather than referencing external textures.. so id basically released their textures into the public domain for the purpose of making addon levels. In fact, I once emailed id regarding using textures extracted from the Doom WAD in a Quake level, and the reply from support@idsoftware.com stated that yes, using textures from either the Doom or Quake games for the purpose of creating addon levels for id-engine games was considered completely acceptable.

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BTW, the reason stated for id requesting that Generations be shut down is that it was *one* release that just flogged too many things from too many games, across a variety of publishers (Apogee, id itself, GT Interactive, Activision, etc..) and would have created a legal headache for id itself

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Guest citrus

One of the reasons why I have been planning to make a huge texture set for all to use is that I don't like it when people take textures from other games. Also, it would let those with high morals but low graphics skills use pro-quality textures that are not the standard ones in DOOM. I'm not sure I will ever finish that set though.

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Guest Anonymous User

Heh, Doomworld maintainers, this page has become very interesting now. You should store it, and make it available for a while. What about trying to get a statement from the companies, e.g. about ripping or modifying Hexen artwork for Doom addons?

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Heck, even if you don't finish the set Ola, I'm sure the community would still be interested in being able to use what you've done so far.

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Ola: for that new texture set I'm working on a level that will go under the i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this directory and CDROM com. Could you make a few porno textures? Hehe

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Guest Anonymous User

"Some of the greatest projects in 'Doom History' have been based off ripped work. Mordeth has a lot of Hexen sprites/textures, Herian 2 ripped from Hexen a lot, much of the textures in GothicDM/2/98/99 are taken from Hexen/Heretic/Quake"

All a matter of opinion anyway, whether you liked them or not. Personally I thought ripped textures made them all rather cheap. Except GothicDM where I didn't notice them.

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Guest unfy

100TH POST !#@%!^!# where's my balloon?

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Doomworld guys aren't any fun.. deleting my first post comments. :P Anyway, I mailed Adrian Carmack and Kevin Cloud the other day how they felt about the texture issue but still no reply... I imagine they're very busy guys anyway. So um, whazzup?

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Guest dickie

OK - lets get legal! Sure, Ola could sue Nick for breach of copyright (if he really wanted to) and Nick could probably sue Ola for assault (publicly flaming someone on your web site is probably an assault). idsoftware could sue the lot of us anyway so lets forget all this talk about copyright & hypocrisy - if the 'community' represented a business threat to id or any other gaming company, it would have been crushed years ago! I am both amazed and disappointed by the reaction this has caused, particularly towards Nick. This guy has done a lot for the so called 'community' so it annoys me to see "Mr anonymous user" calling him a dickhead - what a bunch of jerks!. I'm glad Nick apologised for what seemed to be a genuine mistake and I hope that Ola apologises too. Flaming Nick in public was regrettable - maybe Ola should have privately asked for an explanation first and all this nonsense could easily have been avoided?

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Oh jesus please no, or we'll all be chatting via prison terminals in future.

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Y'now. If you put a finger in your eye with the nail scratching against the surface of the eye... it hurts. And you get a very blurry vision for a while. Well I just felt like sharing.

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You know, Ola should be proud that he created the most widely-discussed topic in Doomworld's history!! I'm envious... :-b

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But it doesn't deserve it, this is a really pathetic and hypocritical discussion. Lets stir up some better controversy.

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You're all forgetting one thing... Neither Ola nor I are American, and I don't know about Swedish law, but British law is rather different than in the US where you can sue someone for anything ("hey, that guy breathed near me and I got a cold three days later. I'll sue!"

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I've put some samples of the new textures on my page (http://haunt.8m.com/doom). The two on the right replace Doom 2 textures (you can probably tell which ones :) ). I don't _think_ any of the base textures I used have anything whatsoever to do with any of Ola's textures, but check it out if you want...

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Guest Tawney

They don't care!!! Don't you think they wouuld have done something by now if they did? I think the only reason they would make us stop is if someone started making profit off what they do. Oh and the copyright? It means they own what they made and it can't be coppied by anyone else if they don't want them to. They (iD and Raven) don't seem to really care, because if they did, like i said before, they would do something about it. Right? And iD has before with Generations, because they were going a little too far. and iD didn't even want to say Generations wasn't allowed to do that. iD foxxed them because GT Interactive was telling iD to stop.

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Herian 2... 4 years after Hexen and they still can't do half as good as the original. What a joke.

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Guest Tawney

Damn, I posted that before I started reading everything I missed yesterday. Damn, all the fightings over. Thanks for apologizing Nick, now I'm out of this thread...for good

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Guest Anonymous User

You want me to stir up some flames? I'm rather good at it. =)

Seriously though, I've always known where Ola stands on texture ripping...having made some (low-quality) textures myself, I understand his position (though I don't quite agree with the extremity that he will go with it). But I also think that all of this stuff is absurd...it's just a GAME. Calm down, guys! :)

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"Nick could probably sue Ola for assault (publicly flaming someone on your web site is probably an assault"

Um... No.

Anyway, just wanted to increase the comment count :-)

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I'll bet you all those Quake people come in here and eat this stuff up. Then they say stuff like "Doom is dead if the 10 people who still play it can't get along with each other".

Nick apologized, and Ola accepted his apology. Why is everyone keeping it going?

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Guest HellKnight


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Guest Anonymous User

Not really...the Quake fans are all too busy bashing Unreal Tournament to care about the true roots of deathmatching.

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Just because they don't enforce their rights doesn't make it any more right- legally or morally. Personally I would boycott things with ripped textures.

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