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New Gothic99

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A new version of Gothic99 has been released, with a bunch of minor fixes and tweaks. Here's the list:

  • New intermission, introduction and help graphics
  • MAP05
    - Texture alignments
  • MAP06
    - Texture alignments
    - Removed too readily available soulsphere
    - A few architectural changes
  • MAP07
    - Removed those nasty 'weapons dispensers'
    - Improved lighting
  • MAP08
    - Changed a few areas for better flow
    - Added ammo
    - More details / removed some details
    - Texture alignment
    - Retexturing in a few places
  • New player sprites included
  • Unused textures removed from wad file
  • Music selections changed around

Also, there's a new version of the player graphics in a separate wad, this time inskin format with the pain frames fixed from the last release.

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Guest pix

99 ownz you =

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Guest Anonymous User

it sucked to begin with and it isn't any better

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Guest Anonymous User

I really don't like to get on anyone's case about this kind of shit but seriously...unless you have a name on the forums your opinions are worthless? That's horseshit. Seems to me Daggah is still trying to compensate for his low self-esteem. Anyone remember why he changed his ircnick and ended up leaving #doom2?

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Gothic99 is like a meteorite. <P>First glance you say "Holy crap! That's cool!" then you pick it up and it hurts.

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Anon: Well if you just say it sucks ass then nobody gets anywhere. Please tell WHY it sucks ass. Otherwise it's just a huge waste of time (the whole 1 minutes to post).

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Guest Xenocide

I would say it's a work of visual art. But to have fun in gothic you gotta have a lan/hi-speed connection to the net, and several friends.

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What ever happened to origional ideas!? It's always gothic gothic gothic... someone have a better brain, and do some super techno type levels, or even a 'living' level, with nothing gothic in the freacken thing!? *gets dragged off by men in white coats* "Ahem... nothing to see here." ;)

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Guest Mattrim.

Test-0, have you even played Gothic99? Or Gothic2? Or GothicDM? Simply because the levels are grouped together under a Gothic moniker/suffix (DM, 2, 98, 99) does not necessary mean that they are gothic in appearance. Gothic99 includes several levels which are anything but gothic, being very industrial and decayed in appearance. Others borrow heavily from the Quake-school of level design, giving them a strong American McGee (dark, lava) flavour. 'Gothic', not 'gothic', has been defined by GothicDM and it's offspring. 'Gothic' is a definition that continues to evolve with each level set, and is not a legacy limited by title. It is limited only by lack of creativity and lack of contribution. 'Gothic' is not 'gothic', though it would be foolish not to draw from that motif.

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