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I almost forgot about this... while I was at E3 and stopping by the booth for id Software's Q3A mission pack, I got to talk to Tim Willits briefly. Here's what happened (paraphrased of course):

Me: "So what will id's next game be after Team Arena?"
Tim: "We'll start working on out next full game."
Me: "Any chance that the new game would be Doom2000?"
Tim: "I can't really say anything about that."
Me: "So you neither confirm nor deny the rumors?"
Tim: "I'd lean more towards deny."


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Perhaps after Grey Matter (fka Xatrix) finishes Return to Castle Wolfenstein they will begin work on Doom2000... Hmm... I would rather have id Software develop Doom2000 (Doom ]|[ or whatever they might call it) but if it were to happen it would probably be done by another company. Rogue Entertainment is another likely company to do such a task. I suppose even Ion Storm and Raven Software could be potential, future developers for Doom2000. Eh, who knows.. anything could happen.

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Hey good poll.. Yeah, well, even if they don't make a new DOOM, hey, it's no big loss!! We still have the same good old DOOM that's kept us satisfied for quite awhile!

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Guest Wyvern

Ironically, I'd rather see Raven do DooM 2000, to tell you the truth. Let id make their next game if it's not DooM 2000. Raven has, in all my past experiences with their games based off id engines, made STELLAR products. Hexen was great, and I'm enjoying Solider of Fortune a WHOLE lot. "THIS is the Quake 2 engine?!"

I think that Raven could do a smashing job with DooM 2000. They definitely know how to make a game. If anyone could find a way to extend DooM into the next chapter, Raven can.

Here's to hoping!

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Maybe they should call it something else, or we can wait a bit and get DOOM2001 or 2002 (that's a nice number). Or Doom III (yuck!). Maybe it's gonna be QUAKE: DOOM (QUAKED, that's an editor?) ,DOOM3D, or... anyway, not 2000 (it's almost over). I'm not sure the guys at id have the mood to make a new DOOM, Q2-3 lack the "weird" atmosphere of DOOM or Quake (I presume they'll follow the tendency of making a "realist" game (not only enginewise)).

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Guest Anonymous User

Who says that the newest Doom couldn't be done like Final Doom (except by a group other than TeamTNT)? Ola could do textures, there are dozens of people who could do decent levels, and... well, I'd stay the fuck out of it so I didn't fuck it up!

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I'd have to say that the ones that Myk suggested or seemed to like are mostly "Yeeeuuuchh".. Doom20## is pretty yucky. Doom3D and Quake: DOOM are pretty awful as well.. I don't see anything wrong with Doom 3. They would probably name is something more like "DOOM: Yadda Yadda" or "DOOM: The New Mayonnaise" ... You know, a subtitle...

Anyway, yes.. If a new DOOM were to be done, I don't want to see ID doing it. Give it to Raven to do, or maye even, ummmmm, what's their name... Ummmmmm, umm umm ummmmmm.. Whatsit.. Uhhhhh... Yeah!! Ion Storm!! Sell it to them! ID has made so many pukey games lately, I'd hate to see them ruin the new DOOM. :(

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I don't know about the rest of you, but if id comes out with Quake 4 or some kind of bull like that I'm going to go down therew and spank them all. I've had quite enough of Quake games, they're starting to be like Tomb Raider (which I didn't like either).

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LOL, using the Doom engine, there's an idea... Although if a new Doom game ever gets made I will coerce whoever makes it to include some old-fashioned Doom 2 levels on the CD.

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Guest [DIH]Grunt

Come on guys I would like id to make it, it won't be the same if they don't :( and hey if the DooM guy is in Quake 3 mybe thats a final good bye to him or is it??... nah! it can't be... well Quake 3 is the final good bye to all Quakes said id some time ago

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Guest [DIH]Grunt

ok i found this on the Shugashack The Carmack Doing an OS? [10:54 pm] 128 Comments / Threads - Steve Gibson The number of emails pooring in over the speculative article that John Carmack is working on a 'gaming OS' is a bit much. Basically the premise was extrapolated from a bunch of statements and 'sources' with the idea that The Carmack was doing his own operating system targetted at games. Of course the API of choice was going to be OpenGL etc. Well while I was out to dinner and watching Buffy (great episode) BluesNews got word from John Carmack that this isnt the case: What I am working on is very cool, but it certainly isn't an operating system... So what is The Carmack really up to? Doom2000 I tell ya!

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Guest Anonymous User

Doom: Anal Arena Doom: Humiliation Doom: To boldy Rocket-Jump, where no one has Rocket-Jumped before Doom: Tournament

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Well Rouge is currently working on Alice along with EA and I think the Daikatana team was going to work on another episode... at I remember reading what Romero said a couple months ago that's their plan. id would be the first to do it and I heavily doubt they would. I don't think they should... just let the legacy live. Come up with something new?

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Guest Daggah

Because id Software no longer has any designing talent. How about hiring the DOOM community itself? At least that way it will be decent...and not like the typical-of-today id Software crap.

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I agree with Dagger there, id's Quake3 levels suck. Gothic, tech, more gothic, etc.

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Guest Anonymous User

Tim Willits was just an internet WAD maker who got hired. Id has and probably will continue to hire members of the doom/quake community.

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Well, I like Q3DM17 "The Longest Yard", but that's only because It's a good railgun level.

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Guest Anonymous User

Id dont have a fucking clue about how to make a weird and classic game like doom and quake were since romero left , theyre just pumping out eyecandied easyer to play shallower games I hope Ion storm does it with Romero at the head , but then i doubt id will be willing to sell the doom license or mor like i doubt Ion wud hav enuff money to buy it anyway whatever they do th next doom must allow the good old 200 monsters at the screen with no flinching and the usual speedy game and brill wepons otherwise it wont be doom heck lets just go play doom :)

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Guest Anonymous User

You guys have lost all trust in id software. Just think about it. DM levels! Thats all Q3A was. I still think id software could make a better DooM sequal than anyone out there. They need to watch a lot of movies though (to add the really hellish look)! Just think of the last time id has made a 1st person single player level? Hmmmmmm....questions? e-mail me: deadrevenant@hotmail.com

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Guest Raptorz

I've heard many rumors here and there about DOOM 2000. I usually don't beleive them, but some strongly curious messages keep being brought up. There was one a few weeks ago that strongly cought my attention... which means that it was written before this news report was. The guy said that ID had talked about strongly denying anything about their new game (not meaning return to castle wolfenstein), and that their game was supposed to be so secretive that no one would ever think it is what it is (most likely another DOOM) So, it very could be part of that plan why they denied the rumors... So we can be cought off guard until they announce it. DOOM 2000 is probably under construction as we speak.... Raptorz

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Guest Dark`Bishop

That it should be kept hush hush until it's released. I mean when Doom first came out, I was at the store and I saw the box and I went "wow". I must have said "wow" at least 100 times during the course of the gameplay, and at least another 50 during Doom2. To me it seems every company out there is trying to show you the entire game through movies, screenshots, demos, and web sites before it actually gets released or finished. BRING BACK SHAREWARE! THAT'LL TEACH THEESE DEMO TOTING PUNKS! err.. sorry about that, I just really miss Shareware. =)

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Guest Anonymous User

Well, there is already another company that is working on Doom 2000, which I don't know, but I got the info from Planetquake, The game will be announced soon, but id won't be making it.

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Yeah, yesterday at the Quake 2000 source port page (http://www.planetquake.com/quake2000/) one of the controllers of the Q2000 forum said that new Wolfenstein 3D and Doom2000 games were being made.. At first I thought, "WTF? You don't know what you're talking about." It just might be in development right now.

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Guest Anonymous User

If Ion Storm gets to do it, we prolly aren't going to see a finished product until perhaps 2010 at least.

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Guest Anonymous User

One thing I've never understood about folks that have been clamoring for Doom2K(+1), what exactly would you want out of it anyway? Does Doom really have enough, errr, setting to have a real story anyway? Or rather, if it had a story, would it even BE Doom anymore? :-) For that matter, AI-wise, would you really want those former Sergeants to use tactics like the troops in Half-Life? How would a 7-year-old template like Doom fare in today's marketplace (not to mention another 1-2 years for development) anyway? Not to say Doom didn't rock the universe, of course. A sequel could be damn cool, I just don't know what it would be like. Wolf at least had a concrete setting. Doom was (to me) all intensity and atmosphere. Hmmmm... it'll be interesting to see where the whole D2K(+1) thing will go. /strakhan

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Guest Wyvern

Well, what if they actually used the original planned plot and system for the next DooM sequel? Actually got a chance to develop what DooM was originally supposed to be! It seems to be a shame to waste all umpteen thousand pages of that DooM Bible... :)

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Guest zsignal

In my *humble* opinion. Games like Q3A, UT and all those should be judged for what they are. Ten-minute timekillers. By that I mean that i can't play either of those beforementioned for more than 10 minutes before the first yawn comes. And then I go back to playing Counter-Strike. Now what does CS have that keeps me coming back? Realism. And I guess you have got to have a little more patience with that game, considering frags aren't supposed to come in twenties every minute. Now imagine Counter-Strike with a Doom or similar (Gothic?) theme. That's what id should put their money on.

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Guest DeaD RevenanT

I have a good story line to D2K...ever notice you went to hell, but you never really battled Satan? Just a few demons and shit...maybe id had this planned out all along? We won't know until released...I hope D2K is going to be an underground game. Check ya later.

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Guest face.uk

I read in pc format (uk) that id will be contracting another development team to make an updated wolfenstien that uses the quake 3 engine.

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Guest E1ghtball

I really don't think that anyone should make a DooM2k... it would just be a dissapointment. (Unless the original id team re-united) There would be soooo much pressure on whichever company re-made it anyway, we'd never be pleased with it... be honest :) The idea of a DooM remix/retake was a good one tho' ie. DooM as it was first intended to be, as in the DooM bible. It would need to be in a new, eye-candy intense, engine to sell tho', and with that we'd loose the ability to have huge volumes of monsters. Just on a side note: people who say that they are sick of the Quake games, this seems a bit weird to me as the Quake games were not really a linked trilogy... I'm pretty sure that Q2 and Q3 were only named the way they were because noone could think of a better name. I'm glad they called it Q2 and not "W0R". My final thought is that DooM, in any form, without Romero just wouldn't work.

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