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DoomNation Dead?

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Seems as though are pals at DoomNation are out of jobs or so it seems. And I quoth Cyb here:

DoomNation and its host frag.com has been down for around three weeks now,and, even though I was told that they were moving to a new server, the moveis taking much too long for my taste.

DN had a lot of hosted sites, and I'm sure I few of you would like to updateyour sites. As of right now I'm not sure if that'll happen. Ever.

My advice (and this is a very hard thing for me to do, but I'm left with noother option as Zyfly has failed to contact me over ICQ and/or e-mail) is tomove on. Get hosting at another site somewhere. This is a tough thing forme to say, but in weighing the options (and remember I know how you feel, asI had a site hosted by DN as well) this is probably the best choice you canmake.

Thanks and good luck with everything.

This is truly a sad day. I mean, after all the crap that has transpired in the past between our two sites, things had finally reached the nirvana it should be at. And now, well seems as though things have fallen from grace. *sighs*

Hosting letters should of course be addressed to dwhosting@doomworld.com. There is always room here at Doomworld for quality Doom based pages.

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DOOMNATION IS FOR FAGOTS! Oh wait, I was a somewhat-newsie there. Dammit. Doomnation was good. Doomworld should hire Cyb, then we'd have the best of both worlds. What worlds I'm refering to I know not. But still, hire Cyb dammit!

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Guest [Mantra]

Man, yeah hire cyb, get doomdamnit here and everything. I still miss the site though, even though I only recently started going to it regularly along with dw. Oh well, move on I guess, and Ill just hope that frag.com eventually comes back online. Good luck to the hosted sites and such. =(

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I really think it's better to have two sites... in case one of them is down... Anyway Doomnation is down

so... ;-)

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Guest Tawney

Well, um, before Doomnation was out there were 5 doom news sites. You got your doomworld, doomnation, doomshack, doomheadquarters, and doom sphere. So I think those hosted sites will be getting quite a few people, although quite a few of those DN sites were dead anyway:(

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Guest [DIH]Grunt

Turn DN into Planet Doom bye the gamespy network! who do i e-mail cyb form DN and tell him where to go

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Guest giltygear

if frag.com is gone, what about doom LEGACY?! dont tell me that that sites gone, too...

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Guest Crionics

And sir alien? This was a real long time ago, back in the days of functional entropy.. I remember sir aliens sister died or something and he went away. Anyone know whatever happened to him? Dont know why, just started thinking about it for some reason. Hahah, and mr. doom? Is his page still around?

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Guest Doomlegend

doomnation gone.....hmm........

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Guest Caleb

since when do we need HTML, or a webpage to have a voice? if i remember correctly, there is ICQ, email, oh and what was it? OH YEAH THE COMMENTS SECTION ON DOOMWORLD! eureka!

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Guest Anonymous User

aaah, fuck, damn good site.

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this sucks. i'm going to have to find a new website to host me. its incredibly sad that doomnation has gone.. if it has that is. i hope that doomworld and the rest of the doom sites will be taking the refugees from doomnation.

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Guest Pirx

right, i wanted to download updated versions of q1/q2tex... had some new zdoom wads that required them, and now... shit happens. and what about legacy? i'd say all dn sites should move over to dw, or maybe there can be a planetdoom...

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Guest IcarusWing

Well, most of these people commenting here I've heard of, as they have a website... and who the f*ck are you? Yes, you pretty much do need a website to get heard. Sorry about that. I'm sad to see DooMNation go, and I'll certainly be covering it's demise in the next issue of icarusweb. As was already said, there were a lot of dead sites there, but lets just hope all the good sites (Afterglow's textures, DooM Damnit, Skin Connection) will return.

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We have to make sure that Doom Damnit gets saved - its always a good laugh. And if mewse is leaving doom, will Cyb have to replace him in the 6 doomers?

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Well doomnation was suppost to be hosting me too, but frag died before zyfly got off his ass.

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Guest Captain Napalm

Do you guys remeber the days when doom was kind of fading, you know the dreaded Duke Nukem age (shudder), and there were so many pages around that had been abandonded. I remember downloading hundreds of really bad wads but thought they were really cool because Id´s levels were the standard. Sigh. Those were the good old days where a level was good because it played good, not because it had hundreds of (partly just put together from doom textures and then coloured different) textures. I really miss those days...nowadays we´re just a small community who keep this game alive. And one more thing, Why is Ninja Doom getting all this coloured lighting crap and 3d Models and shit. This is Doom fuckit! Not Half-Life (which is cool by the way :). No offence Ninja doom looks like a really cool TC but it just doesn´t feel doomy. I will continue to make my levels compatible with the old doom engine, use Dehacked as much as I can

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Guest Anonymous User

Maybe I'm not fully understanding the point here but why does doomnation have to die, because frag.com? I do know that frag.com hosts doomnation, but why not find another host??

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Noooooooooooo! Doomnation! Why? Why? <P>What better name for a doom news site than doomnation? Rhymes with damnation, and still fits in with the general theme of doomlocation domain names. <BR>I still have hopes that it will eventually emerge, but if it doesn't, I'm going to miss the headlines, the polls, Doom Damnit!, Cyb's little commentaries.
"Apparently, the first episode of Last Day On Earth is 94.19191% (No, I'm not making that up)"

Doomnation . . . get well soon.

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Guest DustBunny

just a thought here. sometimes server moves can take a long time. a reeeeal long time. for instance, furnation.com (furry-based hosting site) has been down even longer than doomnation, because they're changing servers. so don't fret. if it takes longer than 3 months then i'd worry. but it hasn't even been a month, so chill out. <FONT size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">transvestite hamsters everywhere!

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Guest nitro

Cyb should stay the fuck away from DW!

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Right.. I don't want to see Cyb on Doomworld.. That would be like having the Flanders moving in permanently with the Simpsons. Sure, there were the times now and then that I was a little annoyed with the content of DoomNation, but heck, it's not a bad site. It's not even a ½-bad site. It was a different site, and variety is the spice of life. I hope DoomNation can find a better host.. It doesn't need to begone!! :(

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Guest IcarusWing

As much as I don't want to see Cyb go, his style does clash with DW a bit, doesn't it? Also, doesn't Covaro hate him? That could seriously affect his chances of getting "hired", couldn't it?

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Um no Covaro doesn't hate Cyb... does Covaro hate anyone? Cyb's style is more let's make some jokes and Doomworld is all serious with some corny joke from the wooden shoed man or the college pretty boy. Besides, why not move Doom Damnit! to Doomworld? Oh and afterglow.net (working name) also... my site will bring DW 1337455 h175!

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Guest Anonymous User

coincidence ? dn's down comes from the same days as the explosion of the "iloveyou" virus for micro$loth shitdoze 'operating system'. that might be an example of a sysad who never heard about making backup's and uses shitdoze at the same time. anyway, i smelled it from the beginning, and moved right away to a new domain named http://doom.enemy.org . ethh

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Except to nitro. Fuck you. Seriously. No, Covaro doesn't hate me, I get along quite well with the DW staff, and this does not necessarily mean DN is dead, per say, I just felt sorry for the hosted sites. If I had been in their position (and I was, mind you) I would have wanted to move, or find a new place to be hosted.

That was probably the hardest decision I ever made as a member of this community, but I stand by it.

Also, I'm not leaving, not just yet anyway. I know the majority of you enjoy DD, and I have most of it (save a few images and a story or two) here (on my hard drive) still, so I'll upload that somewhere and maybe even make a few more issues too.

As for any of you who hated or disliked DN, well, I kinda feel sorry for you. Doom is a game, never forget that. I never asked anyone to agree with me or like it. All the people who didn't like my style but just decided not to visit the site, you are the good ones. Flamers like the majority of the Parallel Team, who hates me for pretty much no decent reason, are the fuckwits I can't stand. All the rest of you, as long as you love the game, and enjoy it, you're the reason it's still around. Don't forget that either.

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Guest Anonymous User

DOOMWORLD and DOOMNATION are the best doom sites that I know... (DOOMHQ it's a good site too) :-)

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