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2 ZDoom WAD Reviews

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The Doomer's Recess has been updated with a "battle" between the two ZDoom WADs Phoenix Rising and Hell Factory Hub 1. Who wins? Everyone, because we can play both of the WADs anyway!

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Hell Factory Hub 1 wins! It got the "What a wad" award!

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Guest Anonymous User

Fuck linguica. He wouldn't update about my site, so i post it here. Visit geocities.com/king_gems and send me feedback sleepers. -gmi

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Guest Rumrunner

We are looking for a map we used to play named AV34 to describe it, I would have to say it had a "pit" with a lift, a set of stairs along a wall up to a platform or you could drop off the lower platform to a niche and second lift up to a hidden cave with backpack and originally a BFG. Back in the pit was a secret door to a hallway and room loaded with rockets, there are several rooms up on main level one of which has a crusher above a set of stair down a blue hallway. There was a large open red room that got to be known as the candy room had rockets, shells and other ammo. If you know where I can find it please email the site or send me the zip. Thankyou

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I've noticed DW is rather choosy concerning non-prominent news.

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Guest Anonymous User

Site layout is ugly as shit and your levels suck. Happy now?

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I don't think DW's EVER updated about projects like Alien Vindicta or League of Liberty...

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I sent some non prominent news into DW and they never printed it, Why so choosy huh? PLEASE EXPLAIN.

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Maybe people could use the comments section to post news that Ling and the boys forget to/don't want to post.

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Guest Anonymous User

I am looking for the registered version of this software the address, phone #, e-mail addres are no good, does any one have the registered version of this software?

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I mention stuff that I think is

* Interesting
* Doom-related
* Non-bad

I have in fact updated about about Alien Vindicta in the past but they never send news in so I don't have much to say.

If you want news posted on DW:

* Make sure your email is to news@doomworld.com, is clear about what is being updated, the URL of the page, and what sort of things are covered in the update.
* For the love of God, at least make an effort to spell and punctuate correctly... I am 10X more likely to post an update from a person who is actually concise and readable as opposed to a person who misspells every other word, doesn't capitalize, etc etc.
* If your webpage looks like crap, or is hard to navigate, I won't bother.

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Guest Zeku

Considering what an inbred, egomaniacal little freak this guy really is, his new map is decent. The main problems are, too bright in the outside sectors, stupid 'lots of little sectors' angled doorways, and it's just too damn big. Monster placement and architecture are both pretty fun.

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Sorry for accusing you of something that wasn't true Ling, just blame my bad memory :)

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"There are 3 single-player levels, all 3 are hard as fuck" Sounds like a pretty classy site.. and I love the size 5 font. Trying to be King Reol is even worse... oh and why don't you try to get shitted from #doomroom again?

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Guest Anonymous User

I don't try to be nobody Ling, plus King Reol is hated on so why would i try to be him? And i don't need to be good at making homepages to post a wad i want people to play stupid. And is there a problem with the cursing on my page? Don't your mom like it? Is she afraid you'll pick it up and call your little sister bad ting? Moron... YOU'RE the one trying to be Doomnation, with the poll, and trying to be funny with the topics of the news, before they were serious, so shut up. -KING GEMS!

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Guest Anonymous User

oh shit, i thought Afterglow was Linguica. you're just pissed 'cause i dedicated the wad to those who don't like you afterglow, bitch. and sorry to ling, but you still suck for not updating about my page. -gmi

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Guest Mattrim.

DOOM...a tight-knit community. *cough cough*

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I think this KING GEMS guy is all of the anonymous users who flame everyone and everything.

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Guest Risen

Ling brings up a good point... would some of you please learn how to spell?

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<I>"Don't your mom like it? Is she afraid you'll pick it up and call your little sister bad ting?"</I> <P> Thank you for proving my point.

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Guest Anonymous User

Afterglow: i thought you were 17 and mature enough not to pick up words and call other peeps that... and why don't u tell this to those in #doomroom? I'm 100% sure those in there curse too, or those kids at school sayin that shit in your back, haha. -gmi

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Guest Xenocide

We all swear. Who cares? And we are all wrong in this comment section.

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Guest IcarusWing

These comment threads are next to useless. It's rarer than Yeti sitings that they're actaully used properly. The only time you get a decent number of comments on a thread is when some anonymous prick starts writing badly spelt flames that tend to use the word "gay" a lot. We should just lose them.

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Guest IcarusWing

Sorry, that should be actually. Doh.

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I think Ling died or something, or there's just been no news since Wednesday

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Guest Anonymous User

Daaaamn, and i wanted soooo much to be Ling's killer. Mordeth too, that bitch........yeah, you too faggot....... -gmi

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Guest Anonymous User

Louis is never silenced, and that annoys me. Abcdefg. Eating is nice...sort of...

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