Guest IcarusWing Posted June 2, 2000 Send your thoughts on the new Doom game, whatever they may be, to for next weeks icarusweb, which'll be running a special feature on it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Hmm Just as i was getting fun out of DooM again by playing CSDOOM WOW HOLY MAMA It's back to hell for me! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted June 2, 2000 Everyone's taking it for granted that DOOM III will use polygons...well, yeah, obviously it will, that a good thing? Will an imp still be an imp in 3D? Will a frigging cacodemon still be a cacodemon in 3D? I'd like to hear what Covaro thinks of this... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Raptorz Posted June 2, 2000 Allright, let me correct one thing you all seem to have looked over. It seems like all of you are complaining about how the old DOOM enemies and chracters, and old weapons are going to be changed or improved in the new DOOM. Thats all I have heard in the last few posts. But, nobody stopped to think of the obvious. Although we probably think that it isn't going to happen (and I hope that this isn't the way the new DOOM turns out, but who knows), did anyone ever stop to consider the fact that possibly the old enemies and weapons are items aren't going to be a part of the new DOOM. Yeah, maybe the new DOOM will still be in Hell, but tey could come up with a fresh new storyline that gets rid of all the old bad guys and weapons from the original. I'm not saying this is what is going to happen. Hell, even if it is, it could turn out to actually be better than the orginal DOOM. Then again, maybe not. I hope ID decides to keep the original bad guys and stuff from the originals into the new DOOM, plus add a few new things. But, if, in the case ID decides to create a fresh, new DOOM, I guess we could live with it. But, I don't see that happening, thank god.... Just a thought ;-) Raptorz 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 I thought "final doom" was going to be the "final" doom? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Risen Posted June 2, 2000 Heh... there's no such thing as "final Doom" 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted June 2, 2000 Just a thought, eh Raptorz? Do us a favour and stop thinking those thoughts. You scare me, man. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 someone flame me plese o)--NNGHFGjfdkjd44 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest exuyangi Posted June 2, 2000 I understand you are look for hot animator. I hear Paul Steed is looking... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Captain Napalm Posted June 2, 2000 OH MY GOD! This is like the worst thing that can happen to the Doom community! First let me explain: I am a major old school Doom player. I play Deathmatch with the old engine, I make all my levels for the old engine, heck I despise the new editing features in ZDoom (ZDoom is very cool and well programmed:). I love pixel graphics! And now...what are they doing?!?! Probaly 3D Models, "Gameplay enchanching features" (probaly shit like NPC characters and missions!), fewer but tougher enemies (How many PC´s do you own that can draw 100 3D Models at a time?). Before you judge me let me explain...I love Half-Life (best 3D Adventure I ever played), and I love Doom and Doom 2 the two best 3D ARCADE games I ever played. See that? Just in case ya missed it: 3D ARCADE GAME! That´s right! Doom is not fucking built for missions or 3D models or a mass fan base at that! Doom came out and was hailed the best game at the time, how many of those people who took their first 3D steps with that game still play it? My guess 10%. What I am trying to say is that we play Doom not because it´s the coolest 3D game out there, but because we are keeping it alive so that it will be remembered forever. Oh and of course because of the P0rn. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest 5150 Posted June 2, 2000 I feel that either an official or unofficial port be made in the Q3A engine barring any legal wranglings, of which the Quake 2 mod Quake: Generations has met it's demise. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 The amount of monsters or other things on the screen at once is not why Doom is such a good game. If this were the case, we'd only see maps consisting of large, cubical rooms with a thousand cyberdemons or archviles, and a chainsaw. It was popular because it was fun to play, especially the deathmatch. If they were to actually make the game, (and we all know about so many of those 32 map projects that are never finished) they should concentrate more on the gameplay and atmosphere (including music) than simply trying to cram as many monsters on the screen at one time. And as for intelligence, instead of skill levels, how about some sort of AI adjuster. On easy level, they would be as dim as most of Jerry Springer's guests; on up to the hardest level, where they could do your taxes and actually program that VCR of yours (after killing you, of course). 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Carnage Galore Posted June 2, 2000 That anonymous 6 PM message was mine. Silly me... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest FreAkish Posted June 3, 2000 ID has screwed up heaps in its past few games. But now it looks as if Carmakc wants to do something right. If they Screw this one up they are going to face a lot of criticism from us all. If they do it right they will have our praises. Think of this as ID's chance to repent of the sin's they made in Quake. If they screw up the new DooM it doesn't mean we can't play the real DooM anymore. Give them a chance. Whats the worst that could happen? "DooM will never die, only the players." (not sure where i heard the quote but it is appropriate). 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 3, 2000 Cmon, face it, it doesn't matter what id make next because 10 billion people will still buy it. Just be thankful they're using Doom as a base. As long as they use the same basic plot (space marines in Hell), I'll be one of them lining up outside the computer store a week before its release. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 3, 2000 Ive been waiting for this moment for years. Listen to you all, whinging and bickering among yourselves.. I think the DOOM series are still the best pc games ever created, and I just hope Doom3 lives up to this reputation. And if it doesnt, then so be it. Whinging about it wont accomplish anything. Doom on! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Captain Napalm Posted June 3, 2000 I see you´re points, that is I see them but I don´t agree with them. There are so many people here that just come here for the party but when we have to tidy up, they all leave. What I am trying to say there are guys going around and just cheering for the newest game. If a new single player Quake game were to come out they would be cheering for that. The real Doom Fans are the ones that visit this page reguarly make Doom levels or graphics or anything else for the old doom, play in single, multi or coop mode a lot and try up hold it´s name as the first really good 3D shoot em up (Sorry Wolf3D isn´t that fun, it may be old but that don´t make it good). Even if the new Doom game get´s 100% from every reviewer and is the most fun 3D game of all time, it´s not Doom with all that 3D junk and dynamic lighting. I mean I saw what they did with Quake 3, best Multi only game of all time but not Quake. My hat goes off to the guys who keep this game alive in it´s ORIGINAL form, that means 2D sprites, 2D levels, fast paced action, no scripting, no dynamic lighting effects, no nothing, just pure Doom. If this makes Doom the most popular ever again for a short time, I am going back to Pong :) Sorry if I made you guys feel glum. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 3, 2000 It's about time. Just because id doesn't have the same crew as they did in the 90's doesn't mean that Doom³ is going to suck. Try Half-Life. Now imagine Doom like that... okay, so maybe they can't put dozens of enemies onscreen like in the originals, but they'll make up for that with scripted events, incredibly intelligent AI, and maybe even some living Marines to help you. Mission objectives, cinematics and an actual storyline would be nice too. If blasting hundreds of demons and finding keys is your thing, stick with the original games. But if you want a new, fresh, immersive experience, Doom³ is probably gonna deliver. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Captain Napalm Posted June 3, 2000 You guys (the ones who are all excited) just don´t get it do you? I am not saying it will suck because of a different design crew, I am saying it will suck because of all the new Half-Life elements!!! Half-Life is great! Doom is great! Half-Life Doom sucks! Doom is that old game that came out 6 years ago and had everybody psyched what will be coming out next year (or in the next 2) will be a completly new different game, but they call it Doom use UAC Marines and say: "There you go a new doom!" It will not be Doom it will be Half-Life with the Doom name!!!! It was the same with Blood (An excellent game!) and Blood 2 (Fun for a while.) Everything that made Blood great was lost in Blood 2. It was the suckiest Blood game ever! It was an ok 3D action game but it was a really, really bad Blood game! Do you see my point? Anyway I will probaly buy Doom 2000 if the reviews are good (or the demo) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted June 4, 2000 Stop posting on this. Use the DOOM III forum, damnit. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Prymus Posted June 4, 2000 I wonder, will the guys at id still know how to make "The Feel" for DOOM? You all know what I'm talking about, that creepy-scarey-a-demon-could-be-behind-you-at-any-moment 'feel.' I mean, without the original crew (mcgee, romero, etc) I wonder how they're going to remake the proper atmosphere. I think the whole new crew at id Software should spend a week playing the whole way through the original DOOM and DOOM2. Like more than once so they can get that feel again. Well, all I know is that if DOOM3 has that frickin 'gothic' Quake-style to it and has truckloads of browns and greys in it I'll never play another id game again (ok, so even if DOOM3 'does' have that stuff i'll still buy it and worship it like a God. ;} ). Prymus 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 5, 2000 I think Doom is the Best Game Ever! Of course, its engine is old, its only 2-d, (Okay, 2-and-half-D) , and the monsters are stupid. But the feelin' is the best here! (And in Quake1). Imagine Doom with Q3A engine! Where you can walk around the monsters, and its really 3D. Come on id, make it so! 0 Share this post Link to post
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